Tfw fiscally conservative but morally liberal

>tfw fiscally conservative but morally liberal
>If you even use the word "compromise" you get centrism memes dumped on you
What's the party for people who don't want to waste money on stupid social programs, but don't think black people are scary?

Attached: 1539783571907.png (275x550, 258K)

the lemming/lemon party.

>like niggers
kys now

Ok now can you answer my question please

Historically speaking? Republican.


You’re an insufferable faggot.

KYS party. Please join it.

Sure, but that died sometime around the 1970s. The republicans of today are two-faced virtue signalers that will suck any cock to stay in power. I'm not satisfied supporting them.

You will realize your foolishness but only when it's too late

You don't even know my name.

>someone get this based centipede a coat
Congrats! You're a Trumpcuck.

The vast majority of republican politicians are genuine civnats

On a local level in my corner of Ohio, they're laughably corrupt. At a state level I like Kasich more than most, but he's still a goddamned fool that deliberately chose not to upgrade our awful public transportation systems. And on a national level I don't personally believe any Republican currently holding power in the GOP is worth my vote.

They're still a hundred times better than the dems, who can't even keep clean water going.

>think black people are scary
Yeah that isn't how we think at all.

>Satan confirmed Republican
It was just bants, mostly I disagree with conservatives on voting rights and religion's impact on government.

Oh for fuck's sake. You don't have the right to vote without proving who you are, you dumb faggot

My disagreement is over the availability and cost of acquiring identification. If you're a registered citizen, I think there should be a standardized ID card available that doesn't automatically invalidate your driver's license.

>compromise in and of itself has some sort of value

A state ID costs less than 20 dollars. We could even subsidize that, but the democrats would fucking NEVER allow it, becausd that would nuke their 'poll tax' claims that allow them to vote with dead people's names.

The NPC party.

Please never vote. You've never seriously thought about your political leanings if you characterize yourself as ''fiscally conservative and socially liberal''.

Attached: NPC talkshow host.webm (124x240, 1.37M)

I'm amused that someone that pushes that braindead meme feels qualified to tell somebody else they've never thought about something.

You're a communist faggot who has no clue what conservatism is. The Democrat party is where you belong.

I dislike the Democrats as well. Having some general broad stroke agreements with their party line on morals doesn't mean I believe they genuinely support those morals, or that they're uncorrupted and can do it effectively. This is sort of what I mean, both sides don't want to bother trying to fix anything, they just tell me the other side won't want to so why bother?


Because the republican party at very least lowers taxes and supports gun rights. Trump republicans even mostly oppose immigration.

Libertarian party, ie a wasted vote. Most Libertarians just end up voting Republican.

You only have 2 real options faggot, why do you need to ask Jow Forums?

To confirm how fucked and worthless our politics are I guess.

>supports gun rights.
And takes money from the NRA. And while I can't speak of them on a national level in my county the NRA is corrupt, basically a club to pony up to local lawmakers and get preferential treatment when pursuing real estate.
>Trump republicans even mostly oppose immigration.
Oppose it? I don't oppose it. If anything I'd rather make immigration far more accessible. Not necessarily easier to acquire citizenship, but as a second party that's observed some distant relatives trying to immigrate it seems overly complex just to get the process started.

The NRA is fucking tiny and has no political leverage. They also aren't even that hard on gun rights, just a bunch of fudds
>Oppose it? I don't oppose it. If anything I'd rather make immigration far more accessible. Not necessarily easier to acquire citizenship, but as a second party that's observed some distant relatives trying to immigrate it seems overly complex just to get the process started.
Oh. Thanks for wasting my time, you retarded faggot. Kill yourself.

Most left-libertarians I know, vote for Democrats.

>morality IS liberalism
lmao get a load of this NPC i wonder how many ghosts they got crankin the back of your head

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OP, do you believe in individual rights, the rights to protect private property? and smaller less wasteful government?

Congratulations, you are LIBERTARIAN.