Military operations on US soil

>military operations on US soil

Is this the new norm? How is this legal?

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All people who support military are bigots. Follow the programming.Obey.

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he's protecting our border from an invasion of paramilitary forces that use unconventional means of warfare. they are classified as enemy combatants and therefore not granted protections under the geneva convention.

summary executions for every one of them!

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Yeah believe it or not it's actually unusual for a military to operate so much outside of its soil.

All people who oppose the military are weak-wrist cucks. Support our troops. Die for America. America #1!

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Article 4 section 4.

I'd rather have 90% spics than retarded fuckwits like you in this country


I bet you're one of those losers who thinks international law means fucking anything. the only things that are illegal in a sovereign nation are what it says is illegal, faggot.
"...that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; ..."


>military operations on us soil
literally is the only reason to have a military is to protect your people

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any trump voter could answer this. this image reeks of democrat projecting

Posse comitatus idiot. Shouldn't be surprised they don't teach this in nigger schools

Nonsense who will keep people around the world in chains and subserviant to the US Government, or rather US Business interest that run the Government if the Military won't do it? And if the Military actually did it's job and defended the country from Domestic enemies how would F Goldstein be able to hire his hispanic wageslaves so he can make 5000% earnings above his Buisness Workers?

military is satans mob, you pay or you
don't get protected. meaning satans
worst will be sent to rape you if you
don't let satan rape you.

military = faggots.

when david killed goliath, did he
need a military? nope. all Glory to
Zeus and God, fuck the rest.

I'm not sure this legally counts as an invasion, but I could be wrong.

Federal law places very strong limitations on the use of the military to enforce domestic laws, fuckwits. That's what OP is talking about.

I will make it legal.

enforcing domestic law *on its citizens*

They aren't being used to enforce the law. They provide supporting action to the actual law enforcement personnel. Completely legal.


IF you read that story you would recall David had an Army behind him, and when Goliath was felled the Army went on the offensive killing it's shocked and demoralized enemies.

>imagine being so much of a ZOG cuck that the mere thought of your army being used to defend your country instead of invading other countries is considered crazy


No such stipulation. It's irrelevant though, they aren't being used as law enforcement personnel.

That gril is pretty.

Read the thread, retard.

>military operations on US soil
What was the fucking Civil War dumfuk

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They aren't citizens period. That allows use of military against them.

Gib milk

>Implying the demonrats haven't used military personnel in a civilian law enforcement action.

OP is forever faggot.

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>defending the border from foreign invasion is not normal

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Ain't no milk coming out of those bags of plastic my brotha. Fake bitches are fake bitches, just cause she's exotic Lebanese doesn't change the facts.

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Someone is forgetting the War of 1812, the War of Independence, the Civil War, and World War II.

That's not how it works, dipshit, but again, they haven't been sent as law enforcement personnel, they've been sent as logistical support.

They're a foreign invading army, they're enemy combatants. Although if Trump wants to recruit civilian marksmen to stand at the border he's more than welcome to sound the call to arms.

>18 U.S.C. § 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

>posse comitatus
The power of the county, or the citizens who may be summoned by the sheriff to assist the authorities in suppressing a riot, or executing any legal precept which is forcibly opposed.

Trump is literally writing his own impeachment script. Why idk

The border. US Soil. Where do you think they should operate in he event of an invasion overseas?

>fake tits don't lactate
This guy


you need to update your invasion recognition software

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>implying C average student Donald Trump knows shit about the law

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Has been since Obama militarized the police.

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>authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress

He can't be impeached for that because the Constitution makes him the leader of the armed forces

implying Democrats are such retards they keep losing to a C avg student.

Dems are worse than retards. they are loser retards

>They're a foreign invading army, they're enemy combatants
Calling them invaders does not legally make this an invasion.

They aren't being used as a posse camitatus.

It's the fucking US military, of course it is legal, you fucking idiot

>posse camitatus

They are being used in what is normally a law enforcement job, which is why we have the border patrol. He is setting himself up for an easy impeachment it's all scripted.

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In addition he could have easily and legally arranged to send more national Guard troops to the areas but didnt

>liberals when Bush was President

>liberals when Trump is president

if they came at us in waves, of fighting aged men in uniforms and guns, then it would be uncontroversial to glass them. They'd definitely lose. Terrorists have already figured out that the best shield from US bullets is women and children.

it doesn't count as Posse Comitatus because he's Commander in Chief, the President can decide where the military is deployed

>defending your national borders with the branch of government specifically created for that is unconstitutional
>sending it everywhere else to fight wars on behalf of other countries is ok

Please kill yourself

border protection isn't a domestic law by definition

Choose different pic next time OP.

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>fake tits don't lactate
excellent. milk is disgusting

it's funny to me how leftists think the law only exists to stop the right wing from doing anything


Your military Op's are all the shooting drills, carried out by the illegal domestic army, known as the FBI, sister !

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Check smokin all kunts of the hoard !

>Die for America.

That's a funny was to spell our financial and media overlords.

Yes it does,is like calling soldiers, unlawful combatants

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>military deployed to protect our own borders
Imagine being this dumb

Fake ass kunt, bounced

If I can feel 'em they're real.

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>no u

>military units have moved around
nigger it's not an operation

>>implying intelligent and capable Donald Trump doesn't surround himself with brilliant legal minds to advise him.

you should pay attention in you high school classes faggot.

arent they specifically "deployed" as in ready to carry out an operation as soon as it starts?

Your memeflag is very fitting because you are braindead.

Incorrect. The governors controls the National Guard for each state.

that's what I mean by arranged. he could have given a tv speech:

>I have called on the governors of blah blah blah troops to protect the southern border blah blah great again blah blah.

they already have 2k guard troops down there.

Yeah, like Moonbeam Brown is gonna protect the border.

calling a 10k strong mercenary army of foreign nationals with no loyalty to our country and who aren't seeking asylum anywhere else but here and are violently forcing their way over here "refugees" does not make them refugees. They are an invasion of mostly military-aged men numbering over 10,000 people, none of whom want to be verified by federal agencies for some reason, and all of whom demand a free home in America, where they will definitively set off a violent population bomb that will invariably adjust the culture and laws of America. So, in all actuality, these "refugees" are an invading army with unknown violent persons who have openly displayed hatred of America by burning our flags, who do not care for our already existing laws, who want to bring in random mafia, cartel, gang and highly threatening persons in because they are "family", who will set off cultural and population-based bombs because if they are not stopped then numerous more unaccountable "migrants" will come here and demand that America shapes into their own country.

There are dozens of other national flags that the caravan was waving. None of these "refugees" hold a real interest in our country outside of gibs me dat and fuck u racisss. They are an invasive mercenary force and need to be contained and eliminated by any and all means necessary.

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Unless federalized. The National guard is US military reserves. Reserve components are under the 10 U.S.C. § 502. They will follow the President's orders if federalized. Don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise.

Some states do have their own official militias. I have no idea who has authority over them. The National Guard, contrary to what some believe, is NOT militia.

We've been kicking ass for so long we forgot that military is for Defense

I could name atleast 5 core political values, only a truly retarded libtard would think this is a good strawman

The military's job is to protect the country's boarders. They're not enforcing laws they're protecting the boarder. And even then they can only defend themselves if attacked and they cant use force when working along side boarder patrol. They're only there in an administrative and advisor role. You're fucking retarded. Consider suicide.

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The one weakness to the US military they can't actually conduct defensive operations in the US.

You spelled "offensive" wrong

There's only like 3-4K now, the rest have applied for refugee status in Mexico, is a better deal than they'll get in the US unless they happen to be turbo-chads who can be subsidized by your ex-wife's alimony. In which case, they're golden no matter what where they go.

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Something something all enemies foriegn and domestic....

babbys first redpill? operation mockingbird would like a word with you.

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>Is this the new norm? How is this legal?

Desperate times call for desperate measures to ensure the safety and security of legal American citizens.

Commiefornia is a microcosm of what will happen to the entirety of American if the question of the brown-skinned illegal alien plague isn't solved.

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

Americans are tired of watching our cities and states turn into illegal alien Mexcrement-infested shit holes that breed out of control.

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california has the majority of wealth, tech, and agriculture in this country. their will is being imposed on texas, colorado, and their border states. they are not stoppable.

OP is retarded. Saged.

>california has the majority of wealth, tech, and agriculture in this country.
Yes, but the brown skinned Latrino infestation in that state is growing out of control.

The anti-American treasonous California politicians give the income taxes they steal from us to their spic illegal alien pets (for votes and el cheapo labor for the companies they own).

There is a MASSIVE white flight exodus out of California because these treasonous anti-American democrat politicians have completely destroyed the middle class in that state.

All that's left are the rich white areas (where multi-millionaires and all the democrat politicians who advocate for "open borders" live) and spic-infested shit holes such as Los Angeles etc et al.

What happens when the vast majority of whites finally leave California?

You're left with a hispanic-run 3rd world country --- no different than any spic country such as Mexico, or Hondouras.

Latrinos are stupid, violent, and corrupt. They can't even be compared to white people on an IQ level.

Once the spics are in full control of California, I predict the spic drug lords will soon follow and you'll have a brown-skinned, violent, 3rd world shithole in California. different than any hispanic-majority country, or hispanic-majority city in California.

Are you the new faggotry? How is being a faggot legal?

Oh, and of course you'll have a sizeable portion of half white/half spic people due to their stupid white parent buying into the kike white guilt they've been brainwashed with since birth.

Spics are notoriously racist and I also predict a caste type of system to come forth from the brown skinned and mud baby majority in California. The spics with lighter skin color are so delusional that they actually think of themselves as "white" instead of the sub human half breeds that they are.

>military operations on US soil
Yeah man! The military should be out there bombing sandniggers, not defending our borders! #letthemin #rapistsnotracists
execute yourself immediately

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>Federal law places very strong limitations on the use of the military to enforce domestic laws,
It places limitations on the use of the military against US citizens. These are not US citizens.

>The military should be out there bombing sandniggers, not defending our borders! #letthemin #rapistsnotracists

How's the weather in Tel Aviv today, Shlomo? You kikes practice what you preach by having "open borders" for Israel?

Nah, didn't think so lol.

... wut? Are you pretending to be retarded? This some sort of double negative kikery?
Either way, shoot yourself.

Kys faggot

>that girl

its for use against its own citizens that is the illegal part you fucking moron

Not us Citizens invaders, and rushing the border on top of the state doesn't have control or technically ownership of borders. The us Govt has free reign on so many feet on border and in general can police up to 100miles inland from borders. Ya maybe it sucks but that is how current law is written and fuck these future low iq dems and commies

Defending against shit from another country is literally job 1 for the millitary. What they're NOT supposed to do is act as civilian police, enforcing US laws.

They are absolutely allowed to sit on their asses on the US mexico border. Pointing NVGs at the mexican side of the border and calling NHS or border control or the local police when they see shit is also very legal as well.

What laws have the US military enforced or executed in this operation? Be specific.

>Being used in a law enforcement job
means jack shit.

He actually already has. And has been refused by some of the governors.

That is because you are a Crayon eating retard.