Would your life change if the only guns were lever action, bolt-action and

manual repeating rifles (such as manual breachloaders) which are not self-loading or pump-action rifles?

Let's say these rifles would be available for anyone in any supermarket or gun store, no registration or background check and open or concealed carry (under a dust coat) were perfectly legal. But handguns and full-auto / semi-autos / self-loading / pump-action rifles were outlawed completely and 10yrs + prison sentences for anyone in illegal possession put in effect.

How would this affect your personal life? How would it change your country's society?

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Other urls found in this thread:


lever action rifles are fucking awesome, i dont know what it is about them but i just like em, that being said, suck my big fat american dick you dirty kraut your never getting our guns

If you have the money you can buy a tank in Texas and shoot artillery (solid rounds)
45k for a full automatic Tommy gun(Al Capone...)
Some might want more....

i hunt with a bolt action

pump action for shotgun
semi-auto for any other defensive purposes

would not support, shall not be infringed

You'd probably start seeing very creative, near-semi-auto lever action designs

The question I have is, if we all went back to the 1870s Wild West, would life be better?

Kill yourself.

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Was the Wild West really that bad?

No more talk faggot, come take them. I’m waiting for you.

Your premise is fucking retarded. There is no way people will discard efficient and concealable weapons for inferior ones, while shitskins will always have superior, illegal weaponry no matter the laws in place. Kys faggot

probably not imo, we are way safer today than we were back then, or even just 50 years ago, and we have access to much more firepower, we just need to remove the niggers and spics and we will be literally a perfect country

Such a random question


I can't use self loading rifles, and I'm not into pistols. (Concealed carry is banned) I own a .22 bolt action, I've had excellent results with it, and I'm getting a .357 Winchester for Christmas
Short answer, it wouldn't change a blasted thing on my end.


Whats with the anti-gun shilling today? Another false flag coming?

>a lever action that loads the entire magazine

I never thought it would be so simple but
I found a way
I found a wayyyy ehhhh
It's gonna take some time to reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealiiiiiiiiiiign
But if you look inside I'm sure you'll fiiiiiiiind
So just turn arooouuuund

Reminder that when 2A was written, civilian weapons and military weapon were the same

No, and your scenario isn’t what you just clarified it to be. The guns would still exist, only people willing to break the law would have them.

Should’ve worded it as “what if all modern guns vanished”

Do you think the west was the crime-ridden shit that Hollywood portrays?

shall not be infringed
>thinks it can't be infringed

>>nobody even pays attention to muh gun control anymore

how demoralizing it must be to do what you do

Yes, because my country would be thrown into the midst of a civil war over night. Autoloaders and magazine feed rifles aren't going away, and we aren't giving them up like European cucks and Anglo faggots. More than enough of us exist to wage a war of attrition that would see nearly all Jews and their supporters not protected by the oligarchs dead and those under their protection targets of swift death.

It wouldn't allow me to own a handgun, which the state and criminals already own. So I want nothing to do with that shit desu.

Manual vs. semi-auto doesn't matter much for long guns (a lever gun or pump action barely slows you down for aimed shots; a pump shotgun is an excellent option for home defense), but forbidding handguns and concealed carry simply lets criminals know that they can attack people in public with impunity.

>Whats with the anti-gun shilling today? Another false flag coming?
How is it an anti-gun thread to ask how your life would change and how society would change?

You could say society would be worse and your life would materially turn South.

>Do you think the west was the crime-ridden shit that Hollywood portrays?

No, I don't. But I think most people used rifles back then which were not semi-auto.

THE RIGHT TO KEEP (that means keep, as in store) AND BEAR (that means bear, as in hold, as in carry) ARMS (that means all fireARMS) SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (means fuck off commies)

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If the settlers had a choice between a musket and an AR-15 I know what they would pick every single time. We've been a society that has always had firearms, the type doesn't matter.

2 already carried out. 1 on some degenerate kikes. And another on some degenerate "party goers". News flash tho, no body cares that some Jews play pretend and act like victims. And the party goers were at a event called "the first purge" so they likely all deserved to be killed. Unfortunately none were

This. The mass shooting anomaly only took off when I was still a kid. It's not like when 1997 happened we just all of a sudden couldn't handle the liberty as a society anymore. Most of the shooters, or all I think, have really irreversibly fucked up brains from what years of pharmacological and psychiatric abuse. They just fucking snap and there are obvious indicators. And NGO's and lobbies and etc envelopes all inner city (non-white) gang violence and suicides here with gun violence statistics.

Which is better? 45-70 or 357 magnum lever action?

Americans invent things to get around major problems, in other words when gun powder weapons are banned, we will evolve to a new technology, possibly disintegrator or Star Wars style blaster weapons. In other words we will want and need a long range weapon that destroys people completely while living no evidence other than a pile of ash. Would even be deadlier if the beam was invisible and just microwaved your insides with no sound and no flash or chemical residue to give it way. We are working on it.

Depends. Fighting off a bear in Alaska, 45-70. Home defense against people, .357 mag loaded in your lever gat. Against people you want more rounds just in case they bring their homies and you need to ventilate more than one person


You've taken one step forward and four steps back.
The only correct answer is removing all restrictions on firearms for those who have not committed violent crimes.

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Lever action are practically self loading.
Also, Hans you keep posting this, HK will probably find you and break your legs. They are making a mint selling the 416 in the US, both to Mil and Civilian.

you can't revolt with that. you really need ak47 or similar for resistance. and as many rpgs as possible. abolish party-sprayers and handguns if you must, but ak47 and rpg are the true wardens of democracy.

Well, if they were the only guns which existed, we could overthrow the government almost immediately, because those would be the only guns owned by the oppressors, too. If those guns were the only types which existed, we would have a liberal free, nigger free, low tax paradise. When people fear their government, you have tyranny. When the government fears its people, you have liberty.

Hell yes. Big bore revolvers are almost nearly as good as 17 round G19's, and lever actions in .257 or .44 mag are seriously underrated, I'd take one of those over my AR-15 more than half the time.

Plus, niggers were slaves, beaners and indians were fair hunting, and women were dicksuckers who had no rights. HAAAHAA

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With a bit of Internet and welding tools from Home Depot, I can make my own guns. Imposing arbitrary restrictions is only for people who uniformly and voluntarily follow.

>Wouldn't it be better if we went back in time?
Nothing of value can be drawn from this.

>can't use self loading rifles,
Are you missing an arm?

The microwave gun you talk about i am building a prototype of. As of now it's not hand held and somewhat cumbersome given the power needed to direct lethal or close to lethal waves at a long distance. But I think I can work around this if I can figure a way to get the same power generation found in an 100$ generator I could have something usable. Been testing it on squirrel and birds around my property. Plan to use and sell to user who wish to rid our nation of certain hand rubbing types and their useful idiots. I know the spooks and cia niggers already figured it out but they aren't sharin their secrets.

>if the only guns were
>handguns and full-auto / semi-autos / self-loading / pump-action rifles were outlawed
These are totally different concepts. If the only guns to exist were *subset from historical period* then nothing much would be different. But the government suppressing the availability of modern arms and making themselves the only ones to have them is something else entirely. That's tyranny.

>The only correct answer is removing all restrictions on firearms for those who have not committed violent crimes.
How do you enforce this?

>Hans you keep posting this, HK will probably find you and break your legs.

I have a good friend at H&K though, they are nice guys there.

>But the government suppressing the availability of modern arms and making themselves the only ones to have them is something else entirely. That's tyranny.

But that is the case everywhere. Pretty much all weapons systems the US army, US airforce, US marines, US navy and the US national guards use are not generally available to the US public except after tax stamps and high costs for the weapon... or in many cases not available at all (nukes, laser guided bombs on stealth fighters, ICBMs, multiple grenade launchers, large calibre artillery).

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There are a number of different ways you could do this
The easiest way would be to somehow remove violent criminals from society - either permanently or via the prison system

A more freedom-restrictive way could be attaching your criminal record to your drivers license, and requiring that to access the firearm vending machine, you must first input your drivers license.
This method would have more issues than the former, though, because someone could always borrow or steal a non-criminal's license, and of course you could have straw purchases.

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What about 30-30?

>The easiest way would be to somehow remove violent criminals from society - either permanently or via the prison system
Isn’t this “cruel and unusual punishment” to kill people or lock them away for life for simple battery?

>A more freedom-restrictive way could be attaching your criminal record to your drivers license, and requiring that to access the firearm vending machine, you must first input your drivers license.
What prevents someone else to just hand the firearm over to the felon after getting it out of the vending machine?

>This method would have more issues than the former, though, because someone could always borrow or steal a non-criminal's license, and of course you could have straw purchases.
Agreed, which gets us back to the original question, how do you enforce it?

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all I'd ever want is a Winchester 73 and a Lee-Enfield no.4, because then I can show off the power of imperialism whilst accurately gunning down minorities and non-christians

>cruel and unusual [...] kill or lock away for battery
Strawman, Kraut
Death penalty would be reserved for more serious violent crimes.
Do you not have prison sentences for battery in Germany?

>what prevents someone else to just hand the firearm over
I'm sorry you don't speak English or you would know what "Straw Purchase" means; I have already addressed this

>which gets us back to the original question
No it doesn't. If you spoke English you would be able to tell that I was implying that my favored choice was the only true choice because it does not have the problems of the alternative choice, which I offered up only to look more even-handed than I am.

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Of course it would. Best the military would have the same weaponry as every civilian. When everyone is the same you cannot force them into things.

> your never getting our guns

-National Firearms Act of 1934
-Gun Control Act of 1968
-Hughes Amendment (1986)
-Brady Bill (1994)
-Import Ban (2014)

They've fucked with our guns all this time, nothing happened. What makes you think next time will be any different?

It would affect my personal life by making me a illegally in possession of an automatic rifle

>Do you not have prison sentences for battery in Germany?

We do, but then once they are out you need to make sure they don’t get guns, right?

>I'm sorry you don't speak English or you would know what "Straw Purchase" means; I have already addressed this

Address it then, because you haven’t. How do you prevent straw purchases?

>If you spoke English you would be able to tell that I was implying that my favored choice was the only true choice because it does not have the problems of the alternative choice, which I offered up only to look more even-handed than I am.

You didn’t offer up shit. The point remains, how the fuck do you make sure violent felons don’t get guns, because in America most of these felons have guns.

Molon labe

Pretty sure they took full-autos away by outlawing their production for civilian use, making them fucked up expensive.

>pump-action rifles
How is a Pump-action any different than a lever action?

When you put half your text into the "TITLE" section we know you're a bot.

fuck off. No one is taking my guns!

Good news is they haven't touched anything in common use yet. I really want to be able to own a real AK-47 though. So damn expensive. The fact you could buy it for a hundred bucks abroad just makes me sad

>How would this affect your personal life?
My economy would take a hit because of all the plinking
>How would it change your country's society?
A little increase in death shootings but a large decrease in theft, robbery, rape, car burnings etc. There wouldn't be any retards running around burning car if they ran a risk of getting shot by the owner.

you realize you basically just described the 1880s-1890s american west....?

yes...people would treat each other better because everyone was armed, if a man called you a liar you could kill him...so naturally ppl were more agreeable and more polite

.45-70 especially with custom loads imo.

OP doesn’t realize the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. Saged.

what is better is what works best for you
i want a 45-70

I didn’t mention America at all. And you could have just said “The 2nd amendment means all our people would be worse off in your scenario and so it’s a bad idea.”

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>once they get out they shouldn't get guns
That depends on how you view what the criminal-justice system is for.
If you believe, as I do, that the criminal-justice system is a method whereby a criminal can atone for their crime, then, when their sentence is up, they should be absolved of the crime.
>b-b-but what if they did bad bad thing
Death penalty

>address straw purchases then
I'm sorry you don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying. Even today with our overly-restrictive firearms laws there is no sure-fire way to prevent straw-purchase 100% of the time. I admitted it as a fault for the second option because I am not retarded and because the second option was meant to be worse.

>you didn't offer up shit
>make sure violent felons don't get guns
>because in American have felons have guns
Again, it seems you don't understand what we're talking about.
Also, felons here get guns illegally. Do you want me to advocate for making it double-illegal?

It isn’t really, but lever actions have this Wild West vibe, while pump-action are considered 1980s Schwarzenegger “evil” weapons.

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It would turn into a criminal, which would turn me into a mass murderer.
*this post is parody*

If you could wave a magic wand and give all our law enforcement, military, and the militaries of all nations only the weapons you describe it’d be magical. However courts have ruled that here in the USA we civilians have the right to keep and bear the same kinds of arms that the military does generally, several times.

I don’t care what you cucks do but you’re never taking our AR-15s. I think they suck anyway so I have a Steyr AUG.

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>Also, felons here get guns illegally. Do you want me to advocate for making it double-illegal?

What in “how do you enforce it” in the original question, didn’t you understand, preppy uni student asshole?

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>yes...people would treat each other better because everyone was armed, if a man called you a liar you could kill him...
Are you a literal retard? Just because you have a gun don't mean you have a license for murder.

Nobody's stopping you killing the jerk with a knife today. It's not like using a knife is particularly hard or expensive.

Yeah, that was fucking retarded.
It needs to change. I don't care about loss of life when most people alive today aren't worth the space that they take up.
Murder should be punished with a mandatory sentence of death within a week after ruling. Felons should become slaves to the citizenry for life.

semi automatic is ridiculously simple, all it does is utilize the recoil from igniting the cartridge to load up the next one, and automatics are even simpler, in fact gun owners can easily turn their semis into automatics.

What most people around the world fail to understand is how primitive guns still are, they think they are literal rayguns of death. the reason your hearing goes out is because igniting the powder is a little explosion that rattles your body and blows your ears out. the only reason the bullet travels in a relatively straight line is because of the rifling.

i don't even know if the gun grabbers have heard of reloading or know its a thing. If they did I bet you'd need a license to reload your own ammo.

>how do you enforce the option which you only put there to make you seem more even-handed
You don't because you can't.
What in "the second option was meant to be worse" didn't you understand, you phone-posting oven-fuel

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based mum poster
fuck off reposter, in that world I equip obrez nagantchucks

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You started posing your question as if technology never went past that, which could have been interesting. Then you had to be a faggot and insert a make believe confiscation that just handwaves the removal of over 100 million firearms.
Kys, faggot

No, that is like asking that because of cyber security and online hacking concerns everyone is expected to limit their computing to Windows 98.

That is not meant to shit on bolt or lever actions.

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>limit their computing to Windows 98.

More like Windows 95, DOS 6.0, Unix v.9 and v.10, and of course Macintosh OS 7.6.

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i think everyones learned by now that despite common sense, you can't control gun violence with gun regulation

Interesting way to put it. What about Iceland then?

They never had a gun violence issue which was solved with gun control. Many of the nations which are cited by cuckolds like you as successes for gun control never ever had a gun violence problem to begin with.

If gun regulation is successful what’s up with Mexico, which has tons of gun violence but much stricter laws than practically anywhere even the USSR?

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Anyone who wants you to have less of a technologically advanced weapon has ulterior motives.

don't know, how's icelands gang problem?

De-evolutionary atrocities like the French Revolution would be a thing again. Good weapons prevent worthless poor people from collectivizing and attacking like a zombie horde.

Yes indeed it would be better to live in that era. I have a fondness for learning about family history, like how some of my forefathers had settled in the Dakota territory in the 1870's whilst other ancestors drove horses and cattle from Iowa to South Dakota and then on into Montana & Saskatchewan. One of my more notable ancestors on the side that settled Dakota territory was credited with charting and exploring the western half of the North American continent over 200 years ago, his maps were used by Lewis & Clark and he was given the name Koo Koo Sint which means "the Stargazer" by some of the Tribals. The western frontier could make or break a person, elevate them to extreme unimaginable wealth or cast them into starvation and poverty. A distant relative who I read about went west in '49 to mine gold in California, he disappeared from all historical records and pretty much vanished into obscurity within five years of embarking upon his adventure, his remains most likely reside in an unmarked grave somewhere on this vast continent.

youtu.be/dWfbmqGr3Js the portion at 9:22 summarizes what was lost.

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america still has a pervasive outlaw culture

if there was ever a need for rebellion against the federal government, re-amassing guns after a confiscation would be easiest part of coordinating something like that.

But then again, that's not why american citizens buy guns legally, now is it?
To buy a gun legally is an act of resistance not towards the government or its oppressors but to lesser morals that already took hold of our countrys outlaws.

its not even particularly to defend against mass shooters or to be Joe Hero.
It's just that you can't trust anyone these days. People brutalize others over pennies. To own a gun is to decide to not be a victim, and thats extremely important to americans.

Which is why people who encourage gun confiscation make me laugh. It just shows that they are sheltered, never have to deal with such problems, live in poor areas, and entirely detached from the real world.

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The only single shot breech loader to slow down this crowd is a howitzer.

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LOL, I was thinking that, but a lot of the posters here would be too young to know what some of those are.

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OP bailed after getting BTFO. So much for gun control, this was literally the last ever debate which will be held on the issue and the pro gun control side lost.

Gg OP no re.

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Napoleon once dealt with an unruly mob by hurling towards them "a whiff of grapeshot".

Get some antique 19th century artillery pieces and load them up with ball bearings.

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read more about the amerrican old west, or any older american history when it was legal to duel...if you called a man a liar that was grounds to duel him....
>Nobody's stopping you killing the jerk with a knife today.
wrong...the (((laws))) are, they are not on our side for self defence for that metter

>Just because you have a gun don't mean you have a license for murder.
>Nobody's stopping you killing the jerk with a knife today.
you are the retard, gopnik

>How would this affect your personal life? How would it change your country's society?

I answer your question with another question:

How would your life change if you and your anti-American communist comrades were rounded up and thrown into a concentration camp?


>while pump-action are considered 1980s Schwarzenegger “evil” weapons.

come on, don't lie. In germany you can get them just the same as any other gun with a liecence.
On the other hand pump actions are still illegal in austria, because of a single retarded who killed his wife with a sawed of pump action in the 90s.
>meanwhile semi auto and leaver action shotguns are still legal

fuck you, cuck
sage goes in option field, newfags