Why are whites so violent?

We should really consider legislation targeted towards curbing white male violence.

Attached: violent.jpg (480x600, 37K)

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not even niggers believe that

lol look at how much the brightness has been turned up on that pic..

Yikes... who hurt you?

>Half Italian/Half Pinoy

he's filipino

what are you afraid of?

im half black half asian and im still whiter than that shopped cunt

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Almost all the indians were violent tribes warring with each other. Just in his DNA I guess.

I thought this niqqa was a woo-woo indian? Now he's white? wtf

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I was just hoping I could share a cell with Bill Cosby...

Unconscious Butt-Sex sounds kinda kinky...

Attached: crackthatass.jpg (476x521, 29K)

>posting the fake version
fucking wh*te ''people''
own up to your horrible actions for once

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Ok, blacks first

He’s Filipino. The Native American meme was pushed by frantic yellow fever yards.

My condolences

Why is GAB being censored and removed from the Internet?
I don't like this platform but why does pol/ have nothing to say about it?
And yes this is the only thing that I'm interested in.

he is native american

Was this dude a convicted felon?

Jewish occultists experiment on men, women and children from middle class families using torture and high tech military equipment without any consequences from any institution (be it a NGO, military, gov't...).

You'd be violent too if the Democrat Party gave a nod and a wink to the banks who fraudulently foreclosed on your home.

happas aren't White
even less so philipinigglet happas

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>"white" male

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and now white cops are protecting jews as they scheme more white genocide through more multiculturalism for whites. But don't go kill jews in public or in meetings. That's wrong too. Just tell what they do and that's enough. Shine the sunlight on the filthy,degenerate, corrupt jew and you'll do ten times more than anything with guns do. Guns just make the jew more of a victim. Guns are for defending your family, not aggression on people you don't know and go outside your home to seek out to hurt.

Nigga looks Cuban

he wasnt white

He's a mix of pastanigger/feathernigger/flip

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Our government is so fuckng stupid. If they would just outlaw crime none of this shit would happen.

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what can we do to stop this madness?

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Filipino Spaniard larping as a native american is WHITE.

>why are wits sup bilant
Why have you got a picture of someone who didn’t use violence next to that statement you deep thinking melatonin+ pillock?

literally el goblino untermensch. el americano incarnate.

We need a law which allows us to send all non white males to a safe country, and then just leave the white males in their own countries to destroy each other.

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All the paid shills here are just going to say you darkened it. But it's no where near the first time CNN has done this.

No it won't. Those same whites are dying in sandnigger countries over some 2,000 year old feud between jews and muslims, all funded by foreign aid thanks to the United State of Goys.

National state for whites only. No more foreign aid for the jew. in fact no more jew dollar bills. The white man can create and build a nation without a parasitic vampire like the jew on their backs.

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Mongrel-Theist Propaganda...

Faggot is NOT caucasian...

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