60,000 Jews including 10...

60,000 Jews including 10,000 Holocaust survivors were brutally murdered in America this week and Jow Forums is celebrating it. Why won't you apologise to Dr. Peterson for what you've said? Clean your dick, bucko

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Other urls found in this thread:


Us fellow Jow Forums jews were talking about letting black men fertilize our women. After all jew women love black cock. It is our duty as jews to make Israel a diverse country.

Mr. (((Intellectual))) doesn't know what this word means.
>pathetically fasionable
Why thank you!
This fucking charlatan has been swallow Jew cum and taking kike shots in his ass all of his life.

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As a white man, the shooting at my synagogue has really opened up my eyes to the crisis of Nationalism in the US. This means, of course, impeaching Trump.

I am sorry, I hope you can accept my apology

(((Judan peterstein)))

>Anti-Semitism is fashionable
Goddamn we shifted the Overton window really quick


Judge the individual unless there’s a Jew involved? This is getting more pathetic by the day.

Juden peterstein was always a shabbos goy, Jow Forums is always right, the ones who can't name the jew are literal pets, compromised agents of satan.

but those are parentheses not brackets

What a fucking idiot.

600,000 Jews including 100,000 Holocaust survivors were brutally murdered did you say? It couldn't have been anymore than 6,000,000 and 1,000,000. No more than 6,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000. Oy vey.

Fuck yeah gas the kikes race war now!

>not even knows the difference between parentheses and brackets
why doesn't he go back at looking at the few first graders' material instead of talking shit on the internet like the fucking jew he is ?

(((Juden Peterson)))

someone crown him with the JUST hair

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Triple brackets? This guy is a university teacher?
Reminds me of an old man telling me that playing so much 'Arigamboy' would make me a lunatic killer.
Does he really think that three fucking parenthesis lead to violence or is he just virtual signalling for his overlords?

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>911 get

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(((Juden Peterstein)))

You know they would be over dramatic regard the killing of their but nonchalant when it came to the killing of everyone else

Did the shooting even happen? I have been looking for pictures or videos and have not found anything.

Jordan NPCterson wants folks to upgrade to 4 brackets instead.

If you call someone ugly or make fun of their bad grammar and they kill somebody you are guilty of murder. Oh wait, does that line of thinking only work when it benefits you? Oh, so rules apply to everyone except your mafia? Yeah hold up, you are in control now. I think you need to make my decisions for me now because you have zero integrity and thats what makes a good person!

Daily reminder that zero media coverage is given to Israel terrorism or Jewish pedophilia. That's because they are a glorified mafia who justify their evil actions with comic books.

I'm sorry kikes but "don't murder, it's bad, we just murdered someone it's not bad anymore thought now it's bad again don't murder only I can!" Is not a valid statement.

>This is because you used 16personalities.com, it's ok goyim you can still donate via patreon

Stop making jokes about this you assholes. 10 people died that day because of hate-speech like yours. When you're lying in bed tonight (alone, of course) think about those 20 families who could still be with their loved ones if a racist anti-semite didn't snuff out their lives for LITERALLY NO REASON. Shame on you, absolutely shame on you.

My heart goes out to the friends and family of the 40 victims of this senseless tragedy.

House pet by day, house pet by night.

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Re-writing history to suit your narrative is Anti-Semitic, you're willful disregard for the 60,000,000,000 that were brutally murdered yesterday will not stand. You have been warned.

now THIS is the rambling of a mad man

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I hate jews so much

>explaining what the three brackets means and pointing out that antisemitism is fashionable while also being politically correct
based Canadian intelltectual

>(((Juden Peterstein)))
oy vey

Juden Patreonson dishing out his wisdom yet again.

>Jews suck the foreskin of goyim children
>Yeah okay stop making shit up

Irish alcoholic . Black child abandoner. Asian computer. Smelly Indian. Loud spic. Bad teeth brit. Alcoholic Ivan.

Literally nobody ever gives a fuck when you say that shit. If blacks committed zero crimes people wouldn't assume they are criminals. People don't say Hindu criminals! No they say Hindu marital rapists. Nigerian internet scammer . EVIL WHITE SUPREMECIST. Black pride. The black community. The jewisb community. Look at what the Jewish community has done. You can judge a race based on their actions. You need to thank the Jewish community. "Wow the jewish community scammed me" OMG YOU CANT JUDGE A RACE ON THEIR ACTIONS WHEN IT MAKES THEM LOOK BAD YOU CAN ONLY JUDGE A RACE WHEN IT MAKES THEM LOOK GOOD BUT RUSSIANS ARE EVIL HACKERS AND WHITES ARE TERRORISTS AND ITS ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO ASSEMBLE NOW FUND THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER WHERE JEWS CAN ASSEMBLE!

Shit is beyond retarded

>pathetically fashionable

he is trying to gaslight us
hope he is next

We did it!

(((Jordan 'el jewbacabra' Peterson)))

How is this any different than every white person is responsible for Horrific crimes their ancestors did?

so many slide threads for fake jew
kike amalekites.

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>the ones who can't name the jew are literal pets, compromised agents of satan.
Not to defend Peterson, but you immediately casting out a person because of his different opinion on "Jews control everything". Looks like a cult.

>Not to defend Peterson
>Defends Peterson
The only cult members here are the NEET incels who take his mentally ill cock and suck it for telling them obvious shit.
>because of his different opinion on "Jews control everything"
No, this is a FACT. If you don't know this by now you don't fucking belong here. Those who do not name the Jew work for the Jew like the good shabbos goys they are. Fuck out of here, kike shill.

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(((Peterson))) needs to get his fucking teeth knocked in

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Moving forward any form of anti-semitisim will be considered forms of terrorism, thus illegalizing any criticism of Jews, Israel, or Judaism.

forgot to add jordan petersen is only trying to gaslight more incidents, since they benefit from each incident.

I am ashamed to admit that I liked peterson at one point, but Pol is ALWAYS RIGHT, he is controlled/permitted opposition, much like Shapiro or anyone in the (((Intellectual Dark Web)))

what the fuck is this dudes problem.

he's right..I wish we could do more than just use brackets on the internet
what will he say to please what he thinks are the majority in 30 years I wonder

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Here’s a scholarly reply to Jordan Peterson’s handling of the JQ for any anons who are interested.

“what follows is a critique of Jordan’s JQ essay by each of the four men whom Peterson holds most dear; by those we might, or he might, even call his intellectual fathers. So Jordan, it’s time for a father-son talk.”


>10 shekels for a good goy



He's the pathetic coward here,this spineless depressed boomer doesn't even have enough courage to discuss the Holodomor.

disillusioned academic/intellectual finally realizing in his fucking 50s that tabula rasa and universal suffrage wasn't the apex of "western" civilization, that he isn't this hip trailblazer he thought he was and that he'll be living out his final years with a front-row seat to the very nonsense he likely sneered at as a "slippery slope"
you're going to see a lot more people exactly like him in the next few years, if we aren't already


juden perterstein exposing himself

We all liked him in the start because he recommended solzhenitsm and thus, we assumed he would be woke to the jews. Then he started showing his colors of how he was just pet and starting to act like a merchant, selling his 10$ women's magazine tests and 2000$ rugs

Peterson is still good introductory red pill material, if for no other reason that he was always respectful, carefully spoken, and not too terribly politically incorrect, but still vehemently attacked by the commies. Hes made the mistake of involving himself in matters he doesn't understand or doesn't have a based opinion on, and hes losing his supporter base because of it. But hes not completely without merit.

1. First of all, Jews aren't human!

2. Never trust a person with an abnormally large nose and/or either with a sloped forehead, this also includes crooked nose bridges and/or twisted nose bridges also.

3. Will probably stab you in the back as (((they))) cry in pain!

4.Jewish men and even the women are hideous to look at!

5. Always claim to be a White/European and talk about the (((Holocaust))) alot for free shekels, etc.

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show your flag. I bet it's uk or canada