Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - A Silver Lining Edition


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>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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First for Love.

I only like the Austrian PhD guy and some of the foreigners, hope all German flags die soon (knife attack from refugees)

second for Merkel hanging

Merkel is kill.

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it's a first step for a change. but we can celebrate the first victory in a battle of a long war.

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Why are you larping as Anette?

it's too fucking late now
you should have hanged her ten years ago

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don't be such a cunt

genuine question. how do (((they))) gez you in germany? do they fine you for wrongthink?

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LARPing as her multiple personalities disordered persona "she" shows here, will make me effectively dominate her.

all in favour say aye

tbf, 7 years ago was the perfect moment where all became clear regarding Merkel

I DarE YOU COME TO ME Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin, I DARE YOU when I see you I will throw you the bludgeon out !!!!!!

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The Green party is bigger than AFD and it is growing in support faster than AFD. It's 2018 ffs LET THAT SINK IN!


Weird type of Stockholm solipsism :D

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kek if I would care I would use a trip

If this thread reaches page 10 there'll be a major happening in germany.

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the song for the moment when we walk across the ruins of old Europe, the true one that is burning for a hundred years already.

Will you take my hand? Will you walk with me through the memories, Cronos? Or were they a lie all along?

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Merkel has destroyed Europe. Her job is done I guess.

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germans are good-natured so the green party will be the counter-blance to afd
however the green party will be losing members due to "einzelfaelle" and the afd will be getting new members

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> using trip
it is always better to wear masks fren

i am counter-jinxing
there will not be a happening

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Voters of the greens have little exposure to actual "refugees". That's why they vote green.


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Otto Walkes brings back memories. AmI an old fuck now?

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I wanna fuck her

Don't get too happy usually when you cut a monsters head off 2 new ones appear.

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That's why napalm and Thermite are better than swords or pens

becoming the monster is the best.

Again then, please some German explain to me why a western civilised country would ever ever ever accept immigrants without checking their health first, or even after that, their being able to contribute in any way

Many of us are. And we're missing this time like fuck when compared to today's hell.

"Historische Verantwortung"

this brings back memories
back then... when i was without any worries
believed in a good and bright future
i was sitting on the floor with my siblings on the carbet, warm summer days with a pleasant breeze... watching TV, enjoying life...

what could possibly go wrong?

and its all gone and destroyed
that music makes me weep bitterly

Funny thing by the way was too... in the US, I had to myself for these tests.. his, hepatitis, etc.. I had to pay and bring it.

Complete and utter indoctrination for close to 40 years now


In the eyes of the Law
Refugees =/= Immigrants

Refugees don't need to worry about fitting the criteria we set out for Immigrants. That is the fucking problem.

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Historische Verantwortung? Somit muss nun jeder Neger willkommen sein, und darf uns alle mit Krankheiten infizieren, da er ja gerne rapt? Wirklich?

Hey, it's not like it was my idea.

Spahn will be the next Hitler

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are you talking about Tay or mergel

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You voted for it. And all of Europe has to deal with it

Is the Turk population in Germany as destructive as the Paki population in Britain?

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I didn't. Never voted CDU myself, as far as I remember.

He probably didn't.

peter frey being super salz on zeit online about the dresden afd discussion.
apperantly, his own tv station is too tiny,
so he has to catharticfag on zeit online.

help me Jow Forums. I want to tonguefuck her arsehole. Wat do?

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>Fernuniversität Hagen
>Bachelor of Arts
>Master of Arts
confirmed, being Hitler is art

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Give up.

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Get actors to do it for you ... BAM! CAPITALISM!! :D

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Be that as it may.. the state of Europe as it is is your fault Germany... and France (to al lesser but equally responsible) degree.
These immigrants that are here. We will never get rid of them.
Now 300 million plus are hoping to make their way here...
what say you to that germany?

>first comment by vincentvision
>pure bullshit
>over 270 likes
Yeah, sounds about right.

as always, ahes to ashes, germs to germs.
germs are masive propaganda victims, as always have been.
an elite decided to start a mass migration programme,
and the mental makeup of useful npc idiots in mass media aligned.
they had all the right buttons to sway the masses towards idiotic hysteria.
altruism and narcissistic injuries were played

First and best comment
>Man kann rechtsextreme Postfaktiker wie die AfD und viele ihre Fans nicht argumentativ stellen!
>Ganz einfach, weil sie sich in ihrer Parallelgesellschaft der alternativen Fakten eingerichtet haben und alle seriösen Argumente als systemmanipuliert ablehnen.
>Sie beherrschen die gesamte Klaviatur des Populismus - Schuldumkehr, Umkehr der Beweislast („Belegen Sie mir doch, dass Deutschland in zehn Jahren kein massives Problem mit Ausländerkriminalität hat“), Sündenbockdenken, Ablehnen der Fakten von selbstdefinierten Eliten, Wiederholtes, mantraartiges Einfordern von Belegen, die es längst gibt, etc. etc. .
>Damit ködern sie ihre willigen Fans, damit hebeln sie den vernünftigen Rest aus - nicht etwa, weil sie recht hätten, sondern weil sie ihre manipulierenden Methoden gnadenlos zu ihrem Vorteil anwenden.
>Wichtig wäre in der Tat, sie in normale politische Prozesse einzubinden und sie konsequent an rechtsstaatlichen Lösungen zu messen - allerdings nicht, ihnen mit Argumenten beikommen zu versuchen.
>Dann wird man sehen, wie sehr sie sich von unseren Werten verabschiedet haben, wie wenig Konstruktives sie zu bieten haben und man wird hoffentlich sehen, wie dieser hellbräunliche Spuk sich langsam erledigt.

all that projecting

Hey, you don't say ^^
Thanks for that.. I might have not known

they are not really trying to hide it.

t i am a vincentee and me works for state tveee

nothing a good סld fashioned civil war won't fix

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At least blame Soros as well.

she is a democrat now and I want to red pill her on nationalism with my benis. have any of you pulled this off?

Live from freiburg afd demo. Shits crazy. I wonder how to get out.

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is there a livestream?

Hallo, du möchtest rechtsstaatliche Lösungen??
Wie wäre es dann mal die plündernden und vergewaltigenden neger zu verknacken? statt Leute wie mich für ihren bösen 'hass'?

Stay safe user.

>have any of you pulled this off?

Tay? No.

Any other girl? Yes.

clearly tptb have determined that 3 more years to destroy europe is all she needs

that would be racist user

thumbnail looks like somebody got hung
lets hope they get you

at least we now no the mantra of internal zdf staff meetings

Ganz genau, Und so sehen wir aus Freund. Nur wir. Das muss sich ändern

>how to get out
nobody gets out

Teach me sanpai. how do you avoid lefty cunts?

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>has two pages to describe where he thinks the opposing disputants were wrong
>cant articulate a single point of criticism
>but insists that they should have changed their minds
>since they haven't, they must be stubborn
>reiterates the old "journalists are independent because they are not structurally bound by instructions from politicians" fallacy
>after some revealingly narcissistic re-narration of the adventures of brave democratic hero frey in naziland, simply concludes with the unsubstantiated allegation that his opponents are "undemocratic" because they called steinmeier a puppet
we have a serious case of brainletism on our hands

Nah, the Hausdrachen has always been a bloodthirsty extremist ;)

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>Getting out
How can one not understand the whole scope of the ambition of people who call themselves globalists?

you asked
if you wanted to suggest the question was rethorical, well, it isn't
it needs be posed, foremost to normies.
shit that went down is so massive, they can't fathom on their own

periscope link?

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She wasn't really interested in Politics. She still isn't but she thinks that whatever I say, it must have good reasoning. She does absolutely despise all the Progressive, Social Liberal bullshit and she doesn't like shitskins in general and all that probably (but I'm not sure) thanks to me.

I just picked up a nice girl who got bullied and helped her out. She's pretty but also pretty weird but what does it matter? I'm just as weird because I'm just not a normalfag and neither is she.

also, didnt the ZDF guy said something like
"Niemand hat die Absicht zu bevormunden!"

>the Hausdrachen
you sound like a femanon. Are you?

Wann ist der Moment da wo man nur mehr AHHHHH schreit und drauf los geht? Ich hoffe er kommt nie. Aber das was die Deutschen bzw die EU aufzwingen geht bald nimmer durch ohne sich selbst komplett aufgeben

for that people would need to fundamentally understand the implication of "globalist"
and most people rarely leave their county leave alone country
they only perceive the world through the electrical jew


Keine ahnung, aber Jow Forums ist schon lange bei diesem moment, nur ist das ein ganz anderes thema...

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>AHHHHH schreit und drauf los geht
retard, better take your time and plan something beautiful

How so? But wait ... lemme check ... no, definitely negatory.

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only zoomers scream

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300 afdler are present probably 3k npc's. 300 is a great turnout though for this shithole npc central.

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Who says I'm not a zoomer?

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Ich hab auch mein eigenes Vermögen zu schützen.
Aber das gehört hier nicht her. Andere Diskussion.

watch out there is a mouse!

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>afd demo
>in freiburg
are these people suicidal?

When you tell them that most people living in the medieval age lived and died without ever having travelled more than 30 miles from their home, they will pity them. They don't realize that their mind never travelled farther than the 2 meters to the next propaganda outlet.

>a mouse!!!


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>steinmeier puppet
best helloween buy

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