It's the only time he ever asked for anything

Just subscribe you don't even need to hit the fucking bell, it literally takes 0 effort! Yes I know Jow Forums isn't my fucking army It's not like I am asking you to jump off a cliff or anything.

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60 million represents every Indian with internet. He’s safe

They've got to run out of Indians eventually.
Anyways, he doesn't really give a shit about it other than it being a company taking over the number 1 position and not another actual person

It doesn't matter. The game is rigged. Poos automatically get subscribed unknowingly to t-series if they create a Google account.

It's over.

There are more indians with phones than toilets.
At least 500 million I believe maybe even more.
pewdiepie lost. And in the end who gives a shit. It's a fucking youtube channel for kids.

Fuck off zoomers

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you should jump off a fucking cliff with this non politics shit

already subscribed, nothing i can do.


I'm already subscribed. I watch a video every now and again.

It's literally a company who Google chose to expand their Indian market to kick Facebook's ass. They are willing to dethrone a person who genuinely started it all alone making vídeos that he trully enjoyed (THE LITERAL DEFINITION OF "YOUTUBE") .
Don't Forget the literal years of entertainment this site has provided. You understand that if T-series wins this shit, Corporate Tube will become the norm and most of your "edgy" red pilled nationalist youtubers will fucking vanish!

Fucking stupid thread.

but he said the N word in recent memestery so it kinda is..

done we just need fake subs to sub to him for the memes

wtf is t series

You guys are being played. You should warn people around India that T-series is a vírus!

is his competition politics related? is it a democratic or anti trump platform?
no. go fucking hang yourself please.

yeah but make sure you subscribe before you do it

Fuck off pewdie pie, every day, your bullshit, go partner up with ninja and play fornite or some shit and fuck off

pewdiepie doesn't care if he's outsubscribed by some fake as fuck weird indian corporate account, indians don't care that they're sitting around shitting in streets while watching tseries videos on youtube because it's tailormade for street shitters, and none of us care either. fuck off and die.

All hail our new pajeet overlords

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read this

i just told you i don't care i'm not reading that

dont forget stream it so we all can enjoy your pathetic lowlife eceleb worshipping ass grasping for air while you hang on the ceiling you retarded fucking spic.

>thinks he can find people on Jow Forums that aren't already subscribed.

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this youtube subs war will be the casus belli for world war 3 , screencap this.

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the great war never ended.

Make sure your household is subscribed. Any tips besides creating fake accounts? I feel like youtube will be on that the second he passes 70 million

The poo is too much.

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I subbed to pewds after the media ganged up on him. He's actually pretty funny. I'm 90% sure he is an MDE fan, his videos have the same vibe as KSTV.