Based Jeb Bush. Will Jow Forums ever survive?
Based Jeb Bush. Will Jow Forums ever survive?
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Heaven is not my kind of place anyway
Did jesus hate jesus when he beat up the jewish bankers in the temple?
Did he forget about "Synagogue of satan"?
>"If you hate the people that killed jesus, you hate jesus"
Well I mean if they didn't killed him he wouldn't have died for our sins
>If You Hate Jesus, You are Jewish.
he didn't say anything about the romans?
Let Jeb fix it
High ranking people are talking about jews openly now?
Do they not know their only defence, historically, is blending in and lack of exposure to the public eye?
Mark my words, this will not end the way they'd like it to end.
He probably forgot about the part where they crucified that guy, I guess it's easy to forget it was like towards the back of that book or something.
Rome ended up adopting Christianity tho
It's like these brainwashed Scofieldites have never heard of Martin Luther.
ouroboros , the snake ends up eating its own tail.
dont you worry guys , they will selfdestruct not today not tomorrow but they will not succeed. as it is written.
Who was that?
Florida Governor
You think Romans killed Jesus? Please explain that logic. They wiped their hands of the mess and the Jews said "let his blood be on our hands and on the hands of our descendents" its pretty clear the jews are at fault for this. They also still deny and reject him unlike the romans.
and the equivalent statement is "If you love Jesus, you love the Jews"
Christianity is a kike religion about worshiping a desert demon
He does not belong in Europe
I'm a jew and I hate Jews. Seriously you white niggers can you just purge us already I'm sick of waiting for my vile kike brethren to die off.
PS: fuck you neocon niggers pretending we aren't parasites. Kikes are subhuman scum
Jews hate Jesus and it says in the Talmud that he’s boiling in semen and excrement
The Jews killed Jesus. fuck you JEB!
Pic of Nose + Timestamp or fuck off.
But Finland with 5m can? Fucking jude.
why do so many boomers believe that because the Jewish state is called Israel that it means Israel from the Bible.
Any Christian understands that Israel now refers to the spiritual people of God, the Christians = Israel.
I'll take the grenadier spot.
Jews rejected Jesus and killed him.
>fuck off
why do I have to prove jack shit to you user?
>who are the Pharisees
Jews don’t go to heaven
If u have anger, you love no one jew or christian, yellow or red
Because they’re boomers, and this is how 90% of them think.
he's right though, christkeks btfo
jeb is a mess!
>please clap
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 43Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.”
desu i don't think anyone should be listening to a guy that refried his lineage.
Should be
>If you love jews you hate Jesus.
>Jeb Bush is a neo-con
>neo-cons are neither conservative nor republican
>neo-cons are actually Trotskyists
>the neo-con movement was started by two New York jews
>Jeb loves his jews
It all checks out.
Reminder that Rabbinical Judaism is YOUNGER than Christianity by 700 years, and is based on explicit rejection of, and hatred for, Christ and Christianity
and if you don't sin then he died for nothin
>American education
Catch that knife straight in your belly if you bring that cringe into meatspace lad.
He's right, actually if you hate anyone, you hate Jesus.
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
(1 John 4:8)
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
(Matthew 25:40)
That's why Jesus loved them and forgave them who crucified them, right? Don't be deceived mate, God has no darkness in him, no matter how you justify your own hate, it has no place in heaven.
O rly?
John 8:42
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
no Jeb hasn't forgotten his mom
You have not rightly divided the word of truth, and are quoting the Bible grossly out of context while ignoring 99% of the rest that clearly contradicts your hateful and ungodly views.
God is not mocked, and his word is not twisted, you will be judged for every careless word you speak. May God have mercy on your soul.
It's sickening how many times that verse is quoted here, you think you're clever twisting God's words, but God sees you, and unless you repent and change your ways, your portion will be in the lake of fire.
t. darbyite
> twisting God's words
Literal Copy & Paste m8
It says what it says, your feelings about it are irrelevant.
I can copy paste out of context too.
Are you really this stupid? My goodness...
Close but it's more "If you hate you sin and are denying what Jesus has done for you"
>out of context too.
K then
Put in context for us
What part of
>"Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Is not blatantly obvious?
If you're a jew you hate Jesus, These fucking kikes claiming our lord and savoir as their own after they tortured and murdered him and claim he is boiling in shit in hell.
kikes always accusing people of which they are guilty.
Jesus was talking a group of Jewish people who were seeking to kill him and thought he had a demon. End of story.
If I said "I was in a party, and I told these women that they were really loud", only an idiot would conclude that I was saying that all women are loud, and that's exactly what you're doing.
Jesus himself and all of his followers were Jews, does that mean they're of their father the devil too?
>Is not blatantly obvious?
Oh the irony, the sad sad irony... My friend, don't be a fool, it can cost you your soul.
Oh Lord give me patience...
>not knowing the Kabbalistic Jews are the really bad ones
>not knowing they got started in the 12th century
>not knowing the pre-Kabbalistic Jews are pretty much only guilty of usury and weren't even remotely subtle at their tricks
>not knowing Jesus didn't like Jewish tricks
>not knowing Jesus wouldn't approve of Kabbalah
>thinking guac bowls will ever be relevant
thisJesus also said all those who believe in me will not perish but have everlasting life.
This was God's final covenant with man which removed the Jew as God's chosen and opened the door to all who believed in Jesus as the Chosen.
Jew adamantly deny Christ as God's son and are still salty they aren't special anymore
tl;dr Get fucked Kike
fug wrong post
Well he's half right
I hate Jews
I can't hate Jesus because hating things that never existed is a waste of energy
Neocons are retarded, we train them wrong on purpose as a joke.
It's sad that Jow Forums was shilling for Jeb for 3 weeks before Trump showed his balls.
>he took the ¡yeb! memes seriously
I think you might have downs syndrome
>I can copy paste out of context too
God hates Esau. Does God hate Jesus?
By that logic you should just call Christianity "Judaism".
Nigga they literally killed jesus for blasphemy....
Jesus literally called them satans offspring...
>if you hate the Alamo, you’ll love my son
What a childish tweet hahaha. Get fucked Jeb.
But Jeb Bush IS already a Daemon though
>people who reject jesus christ and killed him are somehow the best people on earth
yeah nah fuck off yeb