ATF (retired) wants ARs treated like MGs

>"To me, I don't mind doing it if I want to buy a gun. These policies just protect the criminal. Like, I don't think you should be able to anonymously purchase 20 AR-15's at one time, and the government shouldn't know," he said. "I don't think it's unreasonable at all that you have to pass a background check to own a weapon of war."

Imagine how much money the ATF would make if every AR receiver required a $200 tax stamp and approval to own

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It’s all about disarming us, and making money doing it. Bend over, no reach around

Oh so background checks aren't part of buying a gun currently?

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I guess the 4733 form I always have to fill out was a result of a DMT experience in Peru. Seemed so real though.

Depends where. Lots of states have unregulated private sales especially for ARs since they're long guns and less typically used in crime compared to handguns

You can buy a gun without a background check from a private citizen retard.

Well yeah imagine needing to burn a bunch of women and children alive in a church using tanks because they have a few decent guns. It would be so mufh easier to ban them.

Gun control is dead. If the dems get control in 2021 and try to pass anything, the US will fracture.

You can also buy heroin from a private citizen. What's your point?

he lived by the gun, he should die by the gun.

Cops want guns to be made illegal so that their jobs are easier if they are the only ones with guns.


>valuing an ATF agent's opinion

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Well, he is right.

But I think the manufacturing of neither full-autos or semi-auto rifles shouldn’t be outlawed for civilian use, so prices stay low. Also, bureaucracy for the tax stamp and approval should not take longer than 1 week.

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You can't give power to these agencies or they'll fuck you hard.
The first anti-gun laws we had in Brazil where during the dictatorship and even today the military is anti-gun. They don't want the people armed.

he just wants to shoot more dogs

>Some government fuck says the government should have more power and shift the power of the people to the government
Wow, really?

That's true, but the number of private citizens who will sell to a stranger without doing a background check is very small. Most sellers do it to cover their ass.
The ATF guy knows this, as all politicians do, but feign ignorance.

>some dog killer has an opinion ion

You mean the...

>gun show loophole


There is no constitutional provision for an ATF. It must be eliminated.

This just in, commie gun grabber who worked for a Federal entrapment agency doesn’t like it when the plebs have guns.


>these policies just protect the criminal
why is this dude wanting to protect criminals

>Like, I don't think you should be able to anonymously purchase 20 AR-15's at one time, and the government shouldn't know," he said. "I don't think it's unreasonable at all that you have to pass a background check to own a weapon of war."
There's no way this guy is former ATF. Does he not know about NICS?

Thanks for the input ahmed, back to fucking goats.

He's a willful liar speaking to trained seal npcs.

You can't even buy a machine gun in America ? What's even the point of this liberty thing ?

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You can, but it's a pain. Buying a machine gun in America is like buying a normal gun in other parts of the world.

Of course you can, you just need to get a $250 tax stamp for it.

>glow in the dark ATF dog shooter wants to take our guns
wow, who would have thought

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You can't register machine guns so the only ones a civilian can own were registered prior to the machine gun ban

It basically means they're old guns from at least the 80s that cost 20-30 times the semi auto version

The ATF should be abolished and all gun laws are unconstitutional and should be repealed

Pfft, aren’t drop in auto sears like $20? It’s silly though, full auto is a waste of money and ammo as the Us Army found out over 40 years ago.

Where exactly is that agency even mentioned in the second amendment?

>former regulator from another fed department specialized on 2nd amendment infringement says infringement is ok

Right, the parts themselves aren't expensive. A lightening link could be made by just about anyone for $5-10 (if they need to buy a couple tools) and most full auto components aren't even regulated

But as soon as you put a shoelace on your garand the ATF has a reason to exist and shoot your dog

for a rifleman, full auto is really only good for suppressive fire and setting up kill boxes in your defensive perimeter. even then semi works well for both those things

>weapon of war

so were rifled muskets in 1776 just toys of the time period? fuck these stupid leftist fuckers

>The first anti-gun laws we had in Brazil where during the dictatorship and even today the military is anti-gun. They don't want the people armed.
>even today the military is anti-gun
That's because you don't have a separation between military and police in the way Common Law countries do. Parts of your military are doing police work, and your police have military status instead of civilian status like in USA/UK/etc. In Common Law countries most of the military is for the people having guns.

It's an artificially limited pool of supply, for a demand that can only increase and never shrink. Total violation of 2A and American moral principles

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What states. Specify otherwise you're talking out of your ass, nigger.

No you always have to get a background check at the store

No, he means me selling to you. I am still required to make sure you arent a criminal (do one myself) or else I’m liable.

A private sale is different than buying from an FFL

>ATF agent
>literally employed at subverting the second amendment and abusing government power
>believes abusing government power is good

He was the intern at a branch affiliated with the friend of a roommate who worked with the ATF as part of a sting operation in 1989

And depending on the state, background checks can also be waived for concealed carry permit holders

That's fine. I'll just use an AR 10

Why do they worry so much about the AR15?

They fear them because they can lay out armor piercing rounds at a decent rate of fire with combat accuracy at distances long enough to keep feds the fuck away. AR15s are fed killer guns. Civilian criminals have never needed more than the good ol handgun. The semi automatic pistol was DESIGNED EXPLICITLY FOR MANO-A-MANO COMBAT. They do not need AR15s, and are in fact handicapping themselves by using long guns instead of high powered semi automatic pistols, as pistols are more easily concealed, more easily fired when wounded or engaged in a physical struggle, harder to confiscate, and fire smaller, lighter ammunition so a shooter can arm himself sufficiently for executing hundreds of people without weighing down his trenchcoat too badly. One guy with a couple 10mm auto glocks and a dozen mags would blend in with a crowd given a winter coat, and then he would blend the crowd into a mess of blood. MASS SHOOTERS ONLY USE AR15S BECAUSE THEY ARE COPYCATTING UNDERAGE PSYCHOS WHO WENT LARPING AS VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS. THE AR15 IS NOT AN IDEAL MURDER WEAPON. THE AR15 IS NOT EVEN A GOOD HOME OR SELF DEFENSE WEAPON. IT IS NOT A LOGICAL CHOICE FOR CLOSE RANGE ASSAULT AGAINST UNARMED, UNARMORED VICTIMS. ITS USE IN WHAT LITTLE CRIME IT APPEARS IN IS ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF MEDIA GLORIFYING SHOOTERS THAT USE IT. IT IS SUITED FOR DISTANCE SHOOTING, SUCH AS AGAINST PEOPLE ARMED WITH OTHER AR15S AND PROTECTED BY LIGHT BODY ARMOR.

AR15s are well known as the favorite of weapons stockpilers, preppers, independent militias, and vets/ex-cops. People who at least approach the level of marksmanship and combat skill needed to give a rogue government a good fight. AR15s put civillian shooters on equal terms with feds so they are not outgunned, and the feds hate this. Feds can't even attempt to violate the constitutional rights of an onery person or group if they meet them 1:1 in firepower.

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>I am still required to make sure you arent a criminal
Not necessarily. Usually the burden is much lower, as in, you couldn't sell the firearm if you were suspicious that they might be a felon or if they're from another state. You're not required to investigate the buyer, and usually aren't even required to collect any information regarding the sale or buyer

In one case I came across a felon with multiple convictions trying to buy a gun, called the local police, and they refused to even take the guy's name. ATF's local office was closed for the holiday

The ATF is unconstitutional and shouldn't even fucking exist.

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Spotted the no guns

Didnt see you said private sale, yes you’re correct but private sellers will still do a background check due to liability laws being similar to dram shop laws

ATF is nothing more than mafia criminals

Retired ATF agent wants 2 ribs removed so he can suck his own todger

I know Florida is one.

>meme flag

Muhammad, why are you Islamists always using meme flags?

Form 4473. There is also a second form with similar shit.

>owns multiple long guns and rifles
Ok, bud, the gun store will definitely not force you to do a background check. There are exemptions for like 10 states but even those are caveat filled

semi auto is legal.

>Retired ATF agent doesn't know background checks are mandatory
Not buying it

>government organization that disarms people saying AR-15s should be regulated

Imagine my surprise

Talk to me when an NFA stamp is $1 and gets approved on the spot like a NICS check

>Retired gun grabber wants to grab guns
what does it mean, bros?

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I wonder what his opinion is on shooting dogs.

It doesn't really matter because I live in Alaska and we passed laws, pic related, dealing with these retards.

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>(((ATF))) hates you and wants to enslave you
Yeah we know.

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or cooking children alive, or shooting a woman's son in the head right in front of her.

Proof that government is truly a haven for idiots and tyrants.

The single best response in this thread

That's fucking amazing. Alaska is the last true Wild West.

>he is right
>check flag
>instantly discarded

Anyone else wanna say something retarded?

*psychotics, psychopaths, and tyrants

Never attribute to incompetence what can be attributed to malice.

That is fucked. What state?

The 5.56 is a weak caliber just goes in and out clean. Takes like 4-5 rounds to kill someone. The 7.62-39 is two shot or less heavy damage in and out.

Objectively false.

Heres the data extract what you will.

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You do realise people don't have health bars right user?

Im pretty sure this guy is missing the point of america.

I would rather use a 5.45 than a 5.56. American ammo is designed to not kill as effectively to comply with human rights regulations. Russian Ammo is designed to kill you ASAP.

>The 5.56 is a weak caliber just goes in and out clean
5.56 fucking shatters/bounces all over the place and maims you. Large calibers are more likely to cut through, albiet leaving a huge exit wound.

And I want the ATF treated like the incompetent, unconstitutional, and criminal organization that they and have been for at least the past 30 years (probably always) but as Mick Jagger once said repeatedly "You can't always get what you want."

>Calling the ATF on anyone

What do you have against doggos, you monster?

thats on soft tissue, hit a bone and that bullet will bounce around like crazy

I wanna say something retarded, but I'm actually in NC and too lazy to turn off my VPN. If I'm being stupid, I want everyone to see my American Flag.

Molon Labe.

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Older stocked pistols are exempt from NFA, so it's not necessarily an SBR, and also that AR-15 is a "braced pistol", not a "handgun"

Some retired taxpayers leech said something

Fuck the ATF, faggot ass agency don't even know what the fuck they are doing and just want to round up every gun in the US.

No fun store is going sell someone 20 guns at once. That would raise all the red flags that you're straw purchasing or buying with intent to sell without an FFL. LGS don't want to go to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison because your stupid ass doesn't know/follow the law so they aren't risking that shit

As soon as Not chill Kav makes machine guns legal - then this is fine with me.

I'm ready to shoot Jews and anyone who tries to stop me. You really want to tell me I can't own some guns?

All ATF agents past, present and future deserve to be bayoneted to death.

Hanged by their own intestines.

Just stop talking, you fucking retard.

That is wrong and also not true

and the retard at the end of my street likes ice cream, whats your fucking point?

I've got a 7.62x54R with your name on it.

"I don't think it's unreasonable at all that you have to pass a background check to own a weapon of war."

>I can't own a sawed off shotgun without a background check, because it's not a weapon of war.
>I can't own an AR-15 without a background check because it's a weapon of war

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How in the fuck does someone from Belarus know more about our gun regulations and laws than most Americans?