Let's settle this once and for all. What the fuck is going on with iodine

Let's settle this once and for all. What the fuck is going on with iodine.

Attached: Iodine-deficiency-No-longer-just-a-third-world-issue-warns-study_wrbm_large.jpg (692x692, 49K)

you're deficient

And how serious a problem is that?

Good shit, unless it’s a radioactive isotope in which case you die horribly

We gained 20 IQ points when we started iodizing salt.


These threads are to distract Jow Forums before US mid-terms.

Iodin has cured my homosexuality.

I tried nascent iodine before and that stained my teeth, had to get a dentist to remove it and it took forever.

Should I eat replace my pink salt with iodized and start taking sea kelp capsules?

you should take an iodine supplement
also its good to have capsules on hand for emergency water purification

Why you wouldn't eat iodized salt is beyond me. Here most salt is already iodized.