I am from country Khazakstan and live in Canada, ask me anything

Attached: khazak.png (1000x500, 62K)

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Is Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium?

Nah I’m good Igor. Try again later.

Are you a tranny?

do you look like a chinaman but less cute and more down syndrome like?

no, why you ask?

no we don't like this one in Khazakstan

I am khazak not chinese

I heard all other countries have inferior potassium

I don't know about potassium, why you ask me?

I colonized Canada and the Great Plains as the Kazakhs in EU4. They are very underrated.

Are you a citizen here or just an expat?

What are your thoughts on Uzbekistan?


I was recently looking at jobs for Americans in khazakstan. Would you recommend it?

Kazakhstan belongs to the Scythians. Give it back steppe 56%er!

I'm a scenic photographer and I want to visit khazakstan, but I'd like to speak the language properly first, is your language hard to learn?


Хyи coceшь?

fuck uzbekistan they are rats

yes is good

How close are people to Russian culture these days?
How are Russian minority doing in Kazakhstan?
How religious are younger Kazakhs?
How does younger generation develop the future of Kazakhstan?
Why aren't you Orthodox as every civilised Kazakh should?

if you only speak english yes

Not sure about Kazakh, but I think you can get around speaking Russian.

How's the first world treating you?
t. fellow third worlder

Attached: Flag of Zimbabwe.png (2000x1000, 43K)

shut up

Decently close
they are good, i have many russian friend
not a lot, secular
i think they have access more education so our future is good
i am christian orthodox

I like canada very much

>Хyи coceшь?
Қaлыңыз қaлaй?

I speak English of course but I would like to learn a central Asian language, since I'm interested in photographing their mountains and lakes and so on, I make scenic-photograph coffee table books.

I think if you want come Khazakstan, a lot of people know Russian, some English...you can hire tour guide or if you know local you can pay them to take you places for very cheap,,,,I think learning is much harder but you should try

Aren't there highly restrictive photographic laws there? Don't take pictures of certain buildings/places etc?

Attached: 8A441093-3D40-4B80-9FCC-3AC75FE1A0A9.jpg (768x990, 172K)

fuck you borat is not real, we are not like this it is fake and insult movie, we are not acting like borat

that is why you get someone you know to show you places, and you can take secret, if you want photography do not take real tour company

Are you Polish-Kazakh or native Kazakh?
Do you know any Polish-Kazakhs?

skip to 6:26 and see how happy Polish brothers are to bring Kazakhs back to our one big slavic family. This people cry from happiness because they got freed from russian occupation.

How could we get more & more Kazahks to accept Christianity and create Russian style Europenised culture into Kazahkstan?
How hard are Chinese tentacles pushing into Kazahkstan's politics these days?
Do you think Aral Sea could be recreated through landscape restructuring to fix Soviet era fuckery?

Just to be clear, "scenic" means pictures of plains, hills, mountains, forests, waterfalls, etc, it doesn't mean pictures of cities or buildings.

I very much love poland and polish people,,,very good people and i respect you a lot. I dont sadly

yes, i understand, find locals and pay to take you to places,,,best way

same here bro!
Much love from Poland!

So this wouldn't be a violation of your countries anti-photography laws then? I thought that the anti-photography laws only applied to government buildings such as fire departments police departments ministry buildings etc.

yhis is correct, only nature is fine

Learn Russian since it's the lingua franca of Central Asia.

Do you have any problems finding nasvai in Canada?

Did communists destroy your ancient sites? Prehistoric sites, ancient pagan sites, etc?

Is Anastasia the home of the NWO?

That sounds easier but I was hoping to learn at least enough native Kazakh to be able to read signs and converse casually.

where in canada are you at borat?

what's the point of moving from a third world asian country to another third world asian country?


a lot of thing

ontario,,,,i am not borat borat is bad movie


I'm sorry to hear that. Would I get in trouble in your country if I took photographs of the destroyed and partially destroyed sites? I try to respect all laws and cultural expectations of any foreign country I'm in.

Do you still celebrate the running of the jew?

I dont think so

Is it true that your infrastructure is very behind the times, and it's easier to get around if I know how to ride horses?

Nice, good luck. I like florida very much as well.

Attached: Downtown Tampa from Davis Island.jpg (3872x2592, 1.68M)



Attached: 1494343590-risitas2vz-z-3x.png (400x300, 91K)

why does the capital of Kazakhstan look so futuristic?

Attached: WK22-SEP-TRAVEL-KAZAKHSTAN.jpg (1200x675, 204K)

Why would you abondon your countrymen instead of improving your own people

How many survive last year in running of (((you know who)))? What annually pubeses harvest rate? What size sister vagen slev?

Attached: charlie-hebdo.jpg (570x720, 101K)


I asked you something serious, see

In Almaty.,,,,you will not find this problem

If not success thread you be execute?

how do i make a recurve bow for horseback steppe archery? thank you

When you buy your wife she was good on plow?

Attached: here comes.jpg (860x478, 67K)

why i will buy my wife i cannot buy woman, woman family pay you dowry, or in rural area you can kidnap wife

you can buy


no, i want handcrafted steppe quality, steppe man

If you speak turkish can you talk to the people there? Also is radical islam a problem in central Asia (Kazakh, Uzbek) etc?


Why would you leave the great land of Khazakstan for this frozen shithole?

i find wife she is from here she want me to come

no we dont like turkish people
i dont know about asshole uzbekistan but no problem khazakstan

Greetings from Lithuania. I was on a trip through Asia. Kazakhstan has some fantastic scenery! Astana is amazing, it looks like a city built by freemasons strangely. I enjoy countries like yours with stretches of open land. How are you finding Canada?

yes you can buy from craftsman who make it by hand

cold but i like very much, too crowded for me

Where from Kazakhstan are you from?

You have to go back
especially borat but especially the nig

i go home soon, i like khazakstan more than canada i come here for marriage with woman

>I'm from Khazackstan
>Living in Canada
You should just tell them you're aboriginal and get free neet bux tbqh; tell them you're a gay Muslim and you can charge anybody that fucks with you with a felony enhancement


Are Kazakhs Asian/Mongol with slanty eyes or brown-skinned Turkic people? Or both?

fucking keked

Attached: 1533663254518.jpg (544x408, 95K)

her name is pam how did you know ,,,??

Attached: khazaks.png (602x327, 374K)

I wonder what their genetic and cultural relation to the Siberian native population is.

Are there many Chechens in Kazakhstan anymore?
How do you feel about Uyghurs and your other eastern neighbors like China or Kyrgyzstan?

>everyone in the pic is white
Feels good knowing this. They look like Tatars.

I dont like chechens,,,,i dont like communist chinese rats but am ok with kyrgyzstan

I have sexy explosion with her plastics once month. She Canada #1 prostitute.

Attached: russian-chick-soldiers.jpg (962x595, 187K)

Chinese are dishonest untrustworthy and really just garbage, period. I have had the unfortunate "privilege" of meeting them before. Disgusting people who are insectoids devoid of soul or free thought, yellow goblins who need to be strung up by their china-ques.

Actually that would be Canada. Look up "Potash Corp of Saskachewan"