Jair Bolsonaro won by 55% in Brazil.
Bolsonaro vows to execute left-wing outlaws, kill his political opponents or jail them, and even better, he hates niggers and faggots.
He’s even got the green light from Trump. Trump is gonna trade more with Brazil now that Bolsonaro is in power. Bolsonaro is gonna fuck the shit out of the Amazon and force those stupid fucking treeniggers out of there and finally catch up with the world.
Bolsonaro is a fucking Messiah.
Kill the leftist goons
Screw over the niggers
Fuck the faggots in the ass
New respect for the spics, I gotta say.

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You fascists are so dumb it hurts, its literally the brainlet ideology


Vote against maconheiros
6.6K already out of 20k needed


spread this shyt gud

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whoa..now that's fascist

I want Trump and Bolsonaro to fuck me in my tight ass, ngl

I hate that the media is throwing a fit calling him far right.

Did they want a literal socialist to win? Do they know anything about the PT.

This guys "far right" platform seems to be about privatizing industries the left nationalized to disastrous result. And oh he said things that weren't PC... was this enough to make him hated? I have seen zero in depth analysis and zero criticism of the PT. Do they even remember Lula?

dude why are you downgrading him
shut the fuck up, nigger.

Reasonable people dont want the far right in power. You are part of the problem if you are embracing that label. Unironic nazi support is kryptonite for republican candidates you faggot.

t.salty shitskin

You’re such a cuck, holy shit.
(((Conservative)))? So basically you’re a beta version of the people fighting the good fight.

I can't fucking wait

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>Bolsonaro is gonna fuck the shit out of the Amazon and force those stupid fucking treeniggers out of there and finally catch up with the world.
ive never regretted watching fern gully til now

>Jair Bolsonaro won by 55% in Brazil.
He won by 10%. If he won by 55% his opponent would have only gotten 15% of the vote

>will do nothing
>snap this

I don't think it is good that he will let the Amazon get destroyed by logging companies. A true conservative and right winger would appreciate and respect nature, and know the value of conservation. Literally 80% of the word conservation is the same as conservative.

>I don't think it is good that he will let the Amazon get destroyed by logging companies.

the only reason he won was because one day some stuck up foreign in the field reporter is going to deserve being raped and the rape will be televised. my money is on a british woman being the first to deserve it

His asshole, this is fake fuckery

No the good fight is conservatism vs leftism. Being a goosestepping faggot is handing the commies a victory. Nobody want you on their side. Fuck off.

Worst of it is done illegally, he wants to keep an eye on the forest and let legal companies do it

As a national socialist, I sure wouldn't want some agribusiness kikes to fuck the shit out of my national natural heritage just so they can offshore the profits and fuck the little people. Probably the least attractive thing about Bolsonaro desu.

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Let me guess, you also believe niggers and mestizos can be conservative and race doesn't matter.

Lmfao, socialists are driving the truck and conservatives are being dragged behind it screaming 'stop here', moving their goalposts year after year as leftists move their positions forward. And then you come out and say that carjacking the leftists is unethical and you would never stoop so low.

This is why you are completely irrelevant.

It's the winning ideology and the only one that's prevailed throughout human history. Just the way it is. It's good to be white and to be honest, we're really accepting upside of other cultures and races.

If you're a shitskin, head to just about any Continent outside of Europe and Antarctica, spend some real time there outside of the usual tourist spots, and come back to America with a newfound appreciation of how not fucking racist America actually is.

I believe a statistically small number are functional humans and we should ally with them. The enemy today is marxism and we need help. You see the coasts rioting and the media supporting literal communists. Our education system has been compromised as has the tech sector... I'll accept the Cruz's, Rubios, and Thomas' of this worlds help. As long as they know their own communities have endemic problems and that the floodgates of mass immigration must never be opened.

he seems like a fun guy.

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He’s right though. Stormfags drive normies away at the cyclic rate

It's fake, you dork.
As a NS, you should be more worried about your ethnic replacement.
I admire deep environmentalism, and I don't think he plans to mow down the Amazon, he just want to end native reserves, that are occupying incredible amount of natural resources.

all that talk but Brazil is still a muttant shithole ridden of lazy people and no prospects for future, only promisses every politician makes to reach power.

>he hates niggers, I dont think he can affoard to hate 70% of brazilian population, thats suicide

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What the fuck are you talking about racism, his father-in-law is Paulo Big Nigger, which he elected too

redneck BR is true

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Vladimir already blessed Bolsonaro

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He's a Zionist puppet. International Police State soon.

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I was with you up to when you mentioned cutting down trees. Want to explain to me what's to left wing about *CONSERVING* the planet?

>muh Amazon getting destroyed
that's a meme