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literally who

in 3 years, maybe.


Because she didn’t, asshole. We always knew she’ll want run for another season in 2021... we knew that because she said so before. Only thing she said was that she won’t be Commie Party chairman any more.

Nothing will happen. She only stepped down as a party leader, also she is not the problem but a symptom of the problem: The Society and the System are broken, it wont change by exanchanging one person

Checked for actual information. But does this create any weaknesses to exploit? Is there anything to be gained by this whatsoever for those opposed to her stupid ideas?

The party is broken, the system is broken and the culture is broken. There wont be any good developments anytime soon, im well blackpilled on this

because 15 jews were shot 2 days ago you fucking bigot

Whoever takes her seat needs to regain pop by throwing out fickis. Not on a large scale but at least on one.

Also firing up the political discourse about how much her migration harmed us is definitely a plus

fuck off Sören

Could a German Trump fix the situation, or is your whole system pozzed for generations so come?

You need party support to get elected and the party would never let an independent thinker run

You nigger, they wont throw out the fuken as they will be voters, in 4 years those who came in 2015 will all get residents permit (as you need to stay for 7 years to get it, no matter the situation). And then they will also be able to gain citizenship and will be able to vote. Not to mention that by birth in germany you are a german citizen, so thats also fucking it.

There is no political solution for the problem german faces

The president is not elected by the people and the chancellor isn't as well, the system does not allow such stuff. Again, its the system that is the problem alongside with society. Not one single person, as much as i dislike her

learn to read, moron

Just fuck off. Don't you have blacked porn to spam?


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I'm sure you Krauts will find new and exciting ways to disappoint everyone.

Because it won't change the fact that you are cucks.

Maybe I'd care had it been a decade or more ago.

Germany is a rotting corpse at this moment.

you all remember what happened last time you did that

mission accomplished thats fucking why

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so should we stopp thinking now? There will be no political solution for germany. it has to be against the system not within it if we want to have any hope at all

Trump is German though

shes still the fucking chancellor mehmet we have 7 gorillion more years of her

>Ms. Merkel said Monday that she won’t seek re-election as chairwoman of her conservative party in early December, following the group’s poor showing in a key local election over the weekend, and won’t run for chancellor again at the next scheduled elections in 2021.

whew.. let's all hold our breath

rot in hell merkel. krautbros are free to 4th reich now and not in a gay passive aggressive EU kind of way.

lol it is because of the election in hessen

Germany needs to arm and get the nuke.
I hope the new guy is all for that
I'm sick and tired of missiles sitting in silos doing fuck all when 80% of Europe's population doesn't deserve to live and 90% of the world's.
Can't wait for the end of days. Come on Hitler 2.0 your time has come in.

Trump is a kike puppet

We need a fascist German charismatic leader

And will vote for Leftists again, please make us laugh again

It's just more commie tricks. You guys never learn.

And you will just get another importer or rape again, so what is the big news

A ____ Trump is basically impossible in any parliamentary system where the Executive is elected by the legislature. Guarantees that the Executive is always an insider from a handpicked cabal of plutocrat puppets.

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Will just be replaced with another childless neanderkike. Nothing can save the EU.

too many migrants

abandon ship

How much do you wanna bet that next chancellor will be a nigger who barely speaks german


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she dindu step down.

she said she would not run for reelection for the position of party chairman. that's all. we still get 3 years of Merkelscher despotismus.

I hope AfD finally get in power. That way we have 3 super powers already saved. America, Austria, Hungary, Italy Brazil and Germany. We have a long way to go though. Still need to uncuck Sweden, Canada, France, England

So glad my ancestors left germany

>I hope AfD finally get in power.
I admire your optimism

This. To my understanding, the only way you could theoretically do this in a parliamentary system is if the party allowed anyone to just run without being selected by the party, internally first. So you could only get a Trump if the majority coalition agreed. You couldn't perform a hostile takeover like Trump did with the RINOs here.

Not quite seeing it from where I'm sitting.

Time to fire up the ovens?

what a sperg

To bad you gave away your guns and destroyed your gas chambers huh Hans

because nothing really happened? she just got replaced by some younger lesbian with the same ideology, no?

You took our guns tho

Sorry Germany.

Yeah... Sorry about that

Internal party re-elections you mean. It's not like Chancellors are selected by public vote



And to answer your question, retard - she will stay chancellor until 2021, and that's the only job people care about. Pretty much everybody knew her time was over already, so it's really no surprise at all.

Yes and no. We cannot have a conventional political solution. Rather, to defeat the jew, we must think like the Jew. Infiltrate and rot institutions, then use said institutions to hold a grip on power without anyone noticing. Within 50 years we could have a legit SA.

The only hope is the WW3.

It was explicitly designed so that one charismatic person couldn't just hijack the system (like Trump or - wait for it - Hitler). It could theoretically still happen, for example the AfD is still too young and too pariah, the party is still much in motion and big corporations and banks are shying away from them, so if one charismatic guy would become leader and convince the people, the rise of the party and that person would be too quick to react. But it would be very hard to accomplish, if you look at the Third Reich, there was a combination of events and recent history that made it almost inevitable. Something like the US' primaries would be a perfect way, Trump showed it, an outsider could actually hijack one of the two parties in a practically two-party system and would have a guaranteed shot at the presidency. Such stuff is unthinkable in Germany (or most of Europe, if not all of it - can't recall a single country that has something similar).

The jews have time, they sit in their ethnostate behind a massive wall, we dont have that time. The clock of demographics is moving fast, and its moves against us. This is a a race against time, if the fire isn't ignited soon the west is done, then we can only hope the asians learn and mankind at least keep some kind of civilisation over there

gute nacht meine lieb prinzessin

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so brave

German posters are literally the worst on here, even worse than leafs, so it's hard for me to be happy for you.

she looks pretty good for an old lady

even more betaist, dare i say omega-, cucks are already in the starting position.

it's either a megacuck or a LITERAL communist(green party) in the next election

Link faggot

Yeah, party leader.
That barren cunt still the ruler of Germany tho!