Why are most people that display the intelligence to be a doctor or a scientist so blue pilled and so NPC...

Why are most people that display the intelligence to be a doctor or a scientist so blue pilled and so NPC. I don't think I met a single Doctor that didnt think Brexit and Trump was pure evil.

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Anecdotal. Learn what it means. Conversely I’ve never met an engineer that wasn’t conservative. Means little or nothing. People in academia understand the zeitgeist of their surroundings and learn to mimic the right platitudes. If they fail they get the James Watson unpersonning routine.


Because there is barely any difference between 100IQ and 120IQ, if anything it's worse because they partially understand things, so it's easier to brainwash them by tricking them into thinking things.

Academia is just like hollywood, you need to know the right people and the right things to say to get funding. The difference is whoever published the paper holds the most power, and they don't have as much money for lawyers so they keep it legal

Medical doctors are trained pussies

30 years of indoctrination and dependency from kindergarten to residency or professorship. Its a club of disillusioned cucks

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to be an anti-Brexit doctor. Etc.

fuck bros why do doctors hold different opinions than me? If only those dumb NPCs visited Jow Forums and learnt from people who all hold the exact same opinions

Educated people realize that culture is being guarded, led by trained specialists— the duty of those who merely belong to the culture is to adopt its teachings and keep it going, versus autistic spergs.

The mark of true intelligence is to understand just how much you don’t know. It gives you perspective on how vast the horizon of reality is from your capability of articulating it. People of 120 or lower learn basic science and seem to feel they can now analyze any and every problem. Wittgenstein skewered such types in the Tractatus.


Talking to the Doctor about politics. wtf.

its really incredible how Jow Forums will bend over backwards to explain away the fact that smarter people typically vote contrary to them

you just met one on line
t. Yale Physician

What’s incredible is the intellect that conflates being able to master one completely unrelated subject with mastery of all realms of thought.

Because most of them are driven by the desire for approval. Good grades, the respect of their teachers, professors, peers, colleagues.

So naturally they conform to the establishment left political ideology that dominates the intelligentsia.

They don't spend their time studying politics, they spend their time on science or medicine, and conform to the beliefs of their peers to save time and effort. Then idiots deduce that because they are smart their ideology must be well thought out.

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Doctors don't give a fuck about politic, this ain't their jobs, they just treat with peoples who relly on them and trust them.

Also doctors suck with money, cause they ain't traders.

You see, you can't get all the skills.

its pretty incredible that you're probibly not white, and thus your input counts for nothing.

>I don't think I met a single Doctor that didnt think Brexit and Trump was pure evil.

Brexit and Trump = Chaos. Being Pro-Chaos probably doesnt sit too well with medical professionals.

You would be surprised by how many people bring up politics totally without provocation. I've been in professional situations where somebody brings up a political argument several times. Even when I agree with the person I find it extremely off-putting and awkward if they don't know the political leanings of the people around them.

Such a simple analysis, user. Yet it alludes so many.

Most doctors are deeply blackpilled, but they can't admit it in public or they'll lose their license.

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Doctors literally don't have time to be political junkies. They just adopt the normie liberal spin on things and move on with their day.

i am white
not that that has anything to do with what i just said

Just because they're good at their job doesnt mean they're good at politics.

Theyre not BP, theyre playing along because the system keeps them alive.


i'm sure they'd much rather be posting on an edgy basket weaving forum than beating off girls desperate to fuck and hoping to marry them while earning ridciouls amounts of cash all while being widely respected and trusted by all members of society

>I don't think I met a single Doctor that didnt think
That's because all the doctors in your pathetic excuse for a kingdom are Pajeets and Mohammeds.

knowing how to check an asshole for cancer doesn't automatically mean they know shit about economics or politics

They spend more of their developing life in university than most.

You are confusing intelligence and ability to do well in school, and of course having the funding to sit there.

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For the silent ones,
Their positions are too high for them to risk going against (((them))).
They've spent years jumping through hoops and signaling to their superiors that they are a good goy.
A few sentences and their hardwork is all down the drain and their career is *poof"

my dentist is pretty redpilled not very great at his job though

But user YOU are the npc.

Doctors aren't really all that smart. They're just really good at memorizing stuff and have the stamina to get through med school and a residency.

They literally lose their jobs and their careers are ruined if they don't act like NPC.
See: Nicholas Wade, after publishing "A Troublesome Inheritance". He wasn't even racist but race realist and was kicked out of NYT

You can get a 120IQ person to do anything as long as you convince them that all the really smart people are doing what you're trying to convince the 120IQ person to do.

Correct. I wonder what will happen to these people when the shift to the hard right happens properly. They'll go along with the narrative as they do now. This is how you end up with normal folk suddenly finding themselves as staff working in a government death camp.

There are certainly those that are hiding because they are smart enough to know the consequences of not falling in line.
Is another viable possibility.
The ability to BECOME a doctor is all about being able to navigate the one and only system that allows you to practice as a doctor. It has a lot to do with disposition and does not necessarily correlate to problem solving capacity, but, rather, relies heavily on rote memorization and dedication/persistence.
Those things are important and intelligent people often possess those attributes, but they are not necessarily indicative of a thoughtful person.

Doctors often think they do, and other people think doctors do. Doctors have an unwarranted reputation for being brilliant. They're not stupid, but only a few of them are brilliant. A good doctor needs a steady hand, a good memory, and lots of stamina.

I'm a medical student and I am right wing. There are more of us than you think.
I can tell you that doctors are really not that smart, probably on tier with most other STEM subjects.

Cambridge PhD scientist here

Voted Brexit and I would vote for Trump if I could

You're welcome

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Well, about the doctor thing, to be one you hVe to submit to about 10 years of study and training in schools hat are run by liberals. This attracts libs and also rubs off on young students, so they end up being more overall than before — or at least they are conditioned to present themselves as liberal...

The thing you have to understand is the more validation society gives you the deeper you sink into validating reality as you think it is. Diplomas and money based reward systems are the ultimate blue pill. The more pieces of paper that show you are smart and/or successful by societies standards the deeper you go into the illusion and you experience cognitive dissonance much more deeply. It becomes extremely painful to take the red pill at that point. This is why boomers go insane when administered the red pill. "We have a rule. We never free a mind once it’s reached a certain age. It’s dangerous, the mind has trouble letting go."

yrah my minds free but my body's stuck in the goddamn money system FUKC

Yes, thinking what you're told tends to be an easier life.

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man is featherless biped.

MD here. Own a fuck load of guns. Most of my colleagues do too. Maybe move out of yankee country, bitch.

there's some truth to this as well

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I'm an autistic engineer and even I realize I can't reveal my power level among these people. Just the other day someone talked shit about Trump and I replied with "Well he is a pretty good president if you are European, watching the news every day is like watching game of thrones, haha, you never know what he'll do next!" Then they all laughed and agreed.

Intelligent people who when to shut up, that's why they seem blue pilled to you.

they think that kindness is the same as intelligence
as in, lots of intelligence is a good thing, so lots of kindness works the same way right?
not really... being too kind is the hallmark of a weak person

Being widely considered smart in one thing makes you want to have the "smart" opinions on everything else.

>NPC's that do the same thing over and over again are intelligent

Asks the person using an icon for "muh good brain" invented by a literal pedophile.