Breed of peace strikes again. Post pit bull red pills.
Breed of peace strikes again. Post pit bull red pills.
thats white women for you
care more about dogs than kids
Why do Americans love those violent and aggressive nigbulls?
It's very rare to see them here in my country or Europe, but they seem to be everywhere in your country for some reason.
because the majority of white americans love nigger culture
>with friend
>drive to his uncle's house
>see he has a pit bull in the driveway
>say im staying in the car
>'shes afraid of her own shadow'
every fucking time
you'd be hard pressed to find any white person in america who does not indgues in nigger culture in one way or another.
I can guarantee the majority of Jow Forums does to. where it be listening to hip-hop, pop, or rap music or following some nigger artist on twitch/twitter/facebook.
Majority of americans do it, and if they say they don't they a lying.
this is true. your country is really fucked up.
I can proudly say I do not indulge in ANY nigger culture whatsoever. None.
one time i was at my cousins birthday party at a park. A guy walking a greyhound passexthrough the park and all the kids wanted to pet it.
Well my dumb ass female cousin (child) decided to smack it on the head. The fucking thing bit her ass and threw her around like a fucking rag doll.
Any dog can be dangerous if you treat it wrong.
Cool story. No one cares.
i won't even talk to a nonwhite or a white who's friends with a nonwhite lol
You're not wrong there Mr. Rosenberg and I don't blame you, I blame weak white people.
I live in a majority white area and every time i see a group of kids they are always lead by an outspoken white washed nigger, and the only people in the group who have white GF are the niggers.
It's amazing to me how weak white boy/men are that they will just conform to the alpha nigger in the group so they can fit in.
I just don't fucking get it. Why get a fucking dog bread to take down steer as a family pet. Not to protect you're house, not to intimidate burglars, but to cuddle with your fucking children! Some Americans are just fucking stupid
Who else read it as "NPC child"
They legitimately think that dog attack statistics makes them a hero for trying to raise a pitbull to be a cuddly house pet in spite of how pitbulls generally turn out.
Oh, hi fren kike. Please subtly worm your way
into my heart as your recent JIDF coaches have
urged all of you to do so.
Stop responding to this shit, Jow Forums. Every pitbull thread is yet another JIDF shill kike trying to slide something of importance.
Good. There's hope for this board after all.
Get a fucking Rotweiller in stead of a Pitbull.
Pits are only bred for fighting,you are much safer with a fucking Wolf in your house.
I have a wolf hybrid and she was the easiest dog I’ve ever trained because she’s very intelligent. Pit bulls aren’t smart enough to be trained end of story
I hate it when they try to shame you for having common sense. Only if the dog is tied up so that it can't freely come and tough me.
what a beatiful innocent baby, may his soul find peace, he didn't deserve this
pitbulls should be dismembered alive and forcefully fed their own limbs, absolute niggers of dogs
thought it was a typo at first desu