Notice how they cull Christians to the slaughter house.
This is just one extreme example where it's obvious, but the same tactics are used via abortion other like divide and conquer issues.
Do you Christians actually fall for this shit?
Notice how they cull Christians to the slaughter house.
This is just one extreme example where it's obvious, but the same tactics are used via abortion other like divide and conquer issues.
Do you Christians actually fall for this shit?
Jews rejected Christ and are al going to burn in hell. Fuck Jeb and fuck his guac bowls.
Christianity must inevitably be divided, because there is no legitimate earthly central authority in true Christianity. If Christians were united behind some central leadership, that leadership would inevitably become corrupt and be compromised by Satan.
Persecution only strengthens the true church. For, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me." (Matthew 28:18)
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven will come at an unexpected moment.
Jesus was an Israelite, not a Jew.
Meh, guac does have some kind of point in that only the bad jews hated jesus because jesus embarrassed them by undermining their legal authority by doing miracles in public while all the jews would do was wear their robes and prayed in public so everyone knew their shit didn't stink. Anyways I guess the moral of that story is god hates those who use him for vanity. But yeah it's pretty obvious that traditional jews are bound by jewish law to treat Christians in an unforgiving manner while other jews get a pass and preferential treatment. Traditional jews don't deserve to be punished for their ancestors mistakes, no one does. However bad behavior and hypocrisy should not get a pass because their Jewish law allows it.
>Do you Christians fall for this shit?
A lot do. The subversion is fucking insane.
It's unnerving and horrific, it's maddening and sad all at once.
>Pic related keeps me motivated
>lift for Jesus
Remind me what Jesus said about the Jews. Something about being the Synagogue of Satan?