How did Russia develop nuclear technology, and why did we sit back and allow them to do it?

How did Russia develop nuclear technology, and why did we sit back and allow them to do it?

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eeed a book nigga

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What do you mean "how"? Just like any other nation with science and a bit of effort.

because an American traitor literally gave them nuclear bomb mats and were hanged for it

because it would start WW3


>the Rosenbergs

go read a book nigger

Jew spies, google it.

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Sure, you got it with science. Not your science though. It was stolen by spies.


They stole it from us, the reason the US government was so keen on trying to root out spies in the 1950s is because spies DID exist among us.

le jews am i right

Well, as long as it works.

Kidnapping german rocket scientists and spying on America with infiltrators and moles isn't science user. Russia killed all her scientists and Engineers during the Bolshevik revolution. you had to take them from Germany.

But if we KNEW they were developing nukes, and we had an arsenal already, why didn't we stop them?

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They were jews though.
What is your point?

Hadn't you taken lots of German scientists as well?
Well, that would require another world war, so there's that.


user, everyone likes to pretend the government was going autisticly mad when it began (((citizens))) of being Russian spies, but there were Russian spies among us. (there still are spies, but they aren't all russian)

Because Slavs are Americans of the east silly!

Kind of off topic, but look what they dropped it with.


They literally just stole it from the US, this is well documented. Even if they hadn’t stolen it, they probably would have gotten it pretty soon as they had/have a history of scientific and mathematical capability.

kike spys who were born russia


Because there were a lot of Nazi scientists out of a job after WW2

You killed all your scientists and engineers during the communist revolt you braindead faggot. Russians killed their average IQ by killing all the smartest of their own. without the nazi scientists you kidnapped you wouldn't have been able to understand the american plans you stole.

What do you mean did? They still do

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It was given to them by American traitors.

Yes, the Rosenbergs.

Congratulations, you're a literal meme.

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except they literally had spies in our nuke program lol but okay

I don't see why not. If the US is too dumb to keep their secrets safe, we don't mind exploiting that.

Here's the hardware.

>How did Russia develop nuclear technology
They stole it from the US
>and why did we sit back and allow them to do it?
If you mean why didn't the US just start a nuclear war to stop them from further research, that would have been dumb.

If you mean why didn't the US build a bigger bomb than them, that's because big bombs kinda suck. The US invested more time and money into a lot of smaller bombs which end up doing far more damage than a single large bomb.

Think about it this way: 1 large bomb over Moscow would kill everyone there and hurt the surrounding areas. Meanwhile a thousand little bombs scattered all over the greater Moscow area would kill everyone.

Jew-lie-us and Evil (((Nosenberg)))

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We risked the entire world going up in flames because we were too afraid of a puny little war with Russia?

Because of delivery problems. You still have to get these big fucking bombs all they way to where their cities are. Most of them are far away from their borders, which can be deeply defended by airbases. Also there weren’t a whole lot bombs lying around.

Yes, but we didn't kill our own scientists and engineers. you did that, you were the dumdum. think about how godamned stupid you have to be to hate "the rich" so much you'll kill people that are doing a little better than you even though they are th literal glue holding your technological society together.

You still can't get me beyond the fact that you killed your own scientists and engineers. for that alone you should be nuked.

>for that alone you should be nuked.
I don't mind, go ahead and give it a shot. Let's see how that plays out for the world.

>he thinks wars last mere minutes
Nah, it would have probably been years, in which case both sides would rush to develop even deadlier nukes.

but the US government literally executed spies in the 1950s and people generally see that period of american history as total paranoia. But the truth is they were right to hold their paranoia.

yeah, but, who was first to the moon?

Kek, you guys really are nihilistic.

It must be an odd experience, being an intelligent and sensitive being born into a hopeless godless wasteland of fraud and naked aggression.

The US allowed them to do this because at that point in the arms race, the US was looking to improve deployment methods and not trying to make the largest nuke possible.

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Hard work. Russia used to have some great minds and great scientists. Not sure if they got wiped out by the government or the economy.


Jew spies stole atomic secrets and gave them to the USSR, look up the Rosenberg s who were caught and executed.

Because AA weaponry


Well, we made it to space first.
You get used to it eventually. But it really depends on the exact location you are born in.

I admire the fortitude of a smart Russian to endure the reality of this life. Your dumbest people are the same as ours... cattle to be herded.

I'm almost certain that the educated and intelligent American had a vastly different experience though. We are raised to believe in ideals

ohh i thought they were whiteboys my bad

you guys spied the atom
we spied the burgers and krauts
what difference does it make?

Most smart Russians end up leaving for a better life abroad. That's mostly because unlike you, we aren't really taught any kind of ideals here. I mean, we are, but they are so fake, only idiots fail to see their artificial and hypocritical nature. That's why intelligent people grow up with no principles to hold on to and just want to live in comfort. Can't blame them, I guess.

>"American"-jewish traitors gave it to them.

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Same way Israel developed the bomb; Jew spies stole the technology.


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Here, it becomes more that way every day.

That's what is really changing. Every young person learns there is no truth and they need to move to the city and cut away their roots.

All the traditionalists posturing about how much they know and respect their history are doing so in response to the mindless cosmopolitanism that is eroding the American psyche.

Ideals my be crass or naive, but they add a deeper meaning to life. I hope you find something like that

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the cold war didn't start in earnest until the post war world shaked out. This is after the bomb was made.


National Socialism is the future.

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Fun fact. If enough nukes get set off at once 5 mike's for example it'll set fire to our atmosphere.

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>American education
You retard, how the fuck did you pass High School?

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how do you think the USSR magically got all the burger tech?
you don't actually believe "their" stories about epic spies and such?

Its was the kikes.

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The kikes were wise to give another power nukes because fuck me if the world would look like absolute total fucking garbage if america could just walk over everybody because "muh only nukes." Its too much as it is already.
All fire power is a mistake and heresy under God anyway.

>How did Russia
illusion for grandure ? I smell 13 yo retard.

Eisenhower was fucking based.
>warning against the military industrial complex that the jews will use to make money
>killing jewish traitors

Why don't more Jow Forumstards praise him?

well they've developed modern nukes. they only stole the detonator. suck it faggot

Jews in our government gave them our secrets, same with how Israel got Nukes.

>did you pass
hint - she didn't

Jews in the WORLD government gave up the secret because you needed the illusion of 2 powers
Otherwise those operation paperclip nazis would have nuked every single nigger non-white on this planet, who wouldn't

10 years ago I would have said it would have been better because "evil gommunism" could have been destroyed, but now I realize all that would mean is the entire eastern bloc would be the same degenerate hellscape full of third world invaders.

that thing went to 100MT with a 238 tamper instead of lead.

it was kikes that invented it as well