Best ways to distinguish npc's from player characters in real life

>best ways to distinguish npc's from player characters in real life

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mandatory MRIs at age 5 and ever 2 years after that, the state executes anyone with inner monologue

If they like good memes

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Ask an NPC what’s on their mind, and they’ll either say nothing, or tell you about a sports game that was just on, or a very recent news event

Tell them you support national socialism and observe reaction

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Do they have an Apple? Then they're NPC.

You mean without, retard

if it has a facebook.

What if you're in Minnesota?

>le apple is bad xDD
NPCs use this as bait. If you ever see it, you've found an NPC.


why would the state want PC?

Imagine skyrim with nothing but NPCs. It'd be so much more peaceful

okay fanboi

There was literally a civil war going on before the PC came

Apple is complete shit, I tell doctors to fuck off when their remoteapps don't work.

Disagree with their opinions
>Counter programmed talking point
Disprove that talking point
Nuff' said

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>buying overpriced crap that isn't compatible with anything
Found the NPC

All poltards are NPC


yeah, how dare people think about stuff that just happened or a game they just watched

>Did the holocaust happen ?
>Who did 9/11 ?

pic related

Attached: NbasePC.png (1313x1046, 1.98M)

>The motherland is doomed without a protagonist against it's threats.
>How would there be an empire or an otherwise Oblivion hellhole if the protagonist in Daggerfall had not existed.

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>/threading yourself
absolutely npc tier

The point is they don’t think any thoughts of their own. Sure PCs can also think about it, but without an internal dialogue NPCs can’t generate thoughts of their own. I think this one is an NPC guys, I would probably ignore it

Ask them why killing a random person you dislike is wrong.
If they elaborate on the fact that for a society to be stable some degree of regulation regarding the interactions between its people, along with the restriction of their free will and action to some measure, is necessary, or something along those lines, then they're probably fine.
If they default back into spewing stock phrases and platitudes like "it just is", "life is sacred", "because it has value" or shit like that, then they're a lost cause.
it's the difference between understanding why something "is" as opposed to just accepting it.

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Based but also quite redpilled fellow pede!

1488! We are the free thinkers!

If someone hates Gardevoir, it's is a clear indication to me that they're an NPC.

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>anti-guns or unarmed
Works 99% of the time

>If they elaborate on the fact that for a society to be stable some degree of regulation regarding the interactions between its people, along with the restriction of their free will and action to some measure, is necessary, or something along those lines, then they're probably fine.
Killing people should be legal.
The weak should fear the strong or jews and women will fuck society up.

Ask them non normie questions and ask them to explain their answers in terms of why or how. Normies tire quickly from thinking in depth.

Go to /v/ or /ck/ and you will see 2 entire boards of people who are on autopilot.


>The weak should fear the strong or jews and women will fuck society up.
I'm confused. Should the weak fear the strong or jews? Why not both?
And normally women will fuck society up, what are you even trying to say?

The jews (not just Jews) are weak, like women, and should fear the strong.
The strong should destroy the weak to better society genetically over time.

Attached: Readyfor your daily dose.jpg (225x224, 4K)

"what do you think of the word 'nigger'?"
observe reaction

Many tells -1. lamenting unfairness or "injustice" in the world when their solutions depend entirely upon fundamental change all across basic human nature of which they have never seen any evidence that that's possible because it's never happened.

2. insisting more than once that you "have to" try this restaurant or "have to" see this movie - these are people who fundamentally believe that people cannot have simply differing opinions - only right and wrong opinions.

3. living a life of perpetual crisis and anxiety simply because they don't think anything through, never anticipating problems or complications with decisions they make or making strategic corrections to avoid repeating the same mistakes

4. no sense of humor, and I don't mean showing up to work wearing a clown nose - not indulging irony or hyperbole, no foundation for cultural references, no reflective view of self or the human condition, etc.

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Well, you really should be more exacting in your application of grammar, is what I think.

My personal discretion, and mine only. To implement this globally, I shall have a massive nanobot swarm surround the planet to monitor absolutely everything constantly


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>muh apple security
Over sold plus the only reason it is so secure is because hackers dont want to dump all the resources into fucking up a proprietary system.

ask them to backup a belief with critical reasoning

Say something like "Hi did you know only 25% of people conduct an inner monolog, isn't that crazy?". If that is followed by complete silence you are most likely talking to an NPC.

try to get them to think above baseline. instead of asking how they are doing or how they feel, ask a why question. the question of why requires more than just a yes/no good/bad reply.


>hey bud what’s on your mind

Are NPCs just non possessed humans. Let me tell you that inner monologue is not you....

Absolutely correct. In a better summary than I could have made. Screencapping this.

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They are NPCs if they do the following. Doing one or two of these doesnt mean you are NPC but the more of these you have the more likely you are to be an NPC.

>Buys Apple products
>Voted for Obama
>Uses Facebook
>Uses Twitter
>Prefers console gaming over PC masterrace
>Drinks Starbucks more than twice a month
>Takes out a car loan
>Any amount of credit card debt
>Believes that Israel is our ally and the terrorists hate US for our freedoms
>Believe that Islam is a religion of peace unironically
>Listens to rap hip hop or R and B
>Smokes weed
>Drinks soda
>Studied some retarded shit in college like Creative Writing etc

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The older stuff was great. Old powermacs, Mac pros, MacBook pros, the iPhone 4, 5, and SE etc. anything since 2015 is fucking trash. Can’t upgrade it, can’t service it, can’t do shit. Stupid notch and gimmicks and non-features. When my 2011 MBP dies I’m getting a thinkpad. When my ipleb 6s dies I’m gonna go on eBay for an SE or something. Fuck nu-Apple. Fuck tim cuck.

>sent from my iPhone

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Agreed, I have iphone SE but sure as fuck not gonna buy another iphone after this. When my MBP died I built a pc and never looked back. I hate to say it, but apple ain't shit without Steve Jobs.

>My gbc still runs



>Game boy color
18 yrs later still kicking it

where the fuck did I say anything like that you retard faggot

Also fuck any MacOS after 10.6. That was peak comfy. Light and speedy and no bullshit. The only noticeable good feature over the last 10 years was Dark Mode in 10.14. Everything else has gotten bloated and slow and gay as fuck.

>not killing everyone just to watch the world burn
Feeling reallllllly NPC in here.

I’m not directing my anger at you. I was just carrying on the conversation

this /thread

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If you have to ask, you're one of them.


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I guess i walked into that one. I was thinking more along the lines of first interactions i guess...

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If you don't "get" what Karl is talking about you're an NPC.

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>His Minecraft character dies

If they give a shit about sports at all, they are NPCs. Listen to two retards blathering on about sportsball and try to find a spark of humanity in them. I have never met anyone who likes sports and wasn't a dullard

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>tdw fat as fuck
>literally the only thing, and I'm starting to work on that
>muh PC master race
Meh, I'm on the fence about this. Then again I only play smutty games on the PC so I can't really make an educated statement on this

Ice cream? I love ice cream!

Ask them to say the word "kinninigan". If they can't, then they are not human, and you should probably kill them on the spot or run away.

>>best ways to distinguish npc's
sport fan and wears sport team merchandise.

>Prefers console gaming over PC masterrace
playing enough vidya as an adult to care is pretty NPC-tier

PCs tend to look like an alien jizzed in their hair

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>meanwhile while sven masturbates to tranny porn.....

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