We must stop this rise in antisemitism

We must stop this rise in antisemitism.

Attached: ukoi4s1rjcr11.jpg (600x600, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:



post it on twitter

Wow, I'm educated now!

Need more like this.

and attacking 43% of the jewish community is an attack on 100% of us

Attached: 1540829341904.png (3508x4961, 177K)




Attached: fuckingjews.png (532x557, 18K)

1. Posters go up on public spaces and campuses on Oct 31st
2. Only use the original design (pic related)
3. No vandalism or crime
4. (optional) wear a Halloween costume with a mask to blend in with trick-or-treaters for anonymity
More info we need this to be a success and we need as many people as we can

Attached: 1_nCXmcc5AnESOj6ADyGhlIg.png (1600x2262, 73K)


Why contain it

Fucking amazing.

Yes. Please keep this up. Keep equating the 1%, globalist, bankers and elites to Jews. Normies will start seeing these memes coming from 'trustworthy sources' and will start to wake up. This wont backfire at all.

Someone give this man a promotion

Do one about Trump attacking the media and percentage of Jews.

When Natanyahu tweeted 'We are one' after mentioning the victims were Jews what did he mean by that? Serious question. The semantics boggle my mind.

he meant israel is #1 and will conquer all

Attached: 1540770398041.png (1357x628, 41K)

This is gold. We need more redpill memes like this! Spread it like cancer boys


This is an actual panicked jew who knows this is a damn good meme

Nice way to get yourself gassed.

Im a Jew now! 72 virgins here I cum!