As a Jewish man I look at this horrific tragedy with a heavy heart, but I know it could've been far worse. Imagine if the shooter had escaped to go on to kill the goyim?
Christ. Why is such a diet unsurprising of one who willingly removes himself from the gene pool at the request of his own wife, who should be bearing him sons to give America its future might.
He got shit on by Wallace the other day; the only reason Shep is still there was he was a favorite of Ailes and has a fat contract, once it runs out he's gone, they lose too many viewers with him at 3pm
Nolan Miller
Pat yourself on the back, while you watch your wife blow another man.
Brayden Brown
>we're better than you At what, taxing people and taking fat shits on US infrastructure grade?
Jace Ross
And it's over.
We won.
Norway remains uncucked.
Between this, Bolsonaro and Merkel, this has been one hell of a week.
>you have no idea about her experiences >neither do I but since its a wahmen lets assume she was abused, crawled through glass, had a hard life, needed to kill 7 Hitlers with her bare hands and fight ofd 2 Gamergates >stop opressing women theyre delicate >stop belittling them, theyre very strong and independant Im really, really sick of this numale and feminist bullshit. Thank Perkunas the women in my life hate these people more than I do if its possible.
Let's be fair here, it's unlikely that trump is actually as racist as he looks. It's all a big stunt, a big publicity gamble, he used it to win the presidency and now he's using it to try to stay a "relevant president". One of the things Obama failed at but ehhhhh
The difference, though, is that China will use the social credit system to maintain law and order in a harmonious society, while the UK will use it to oppress whites and destroy what positive values remain among them.
Chase Allen
Now you need to build a wall and make Sweden pay for it.
Those migrants are coming for you next.
Wyatt Jackson
hello virgins
Liam Hill
Laura Ingram will interview Trump at 10:00 p.m. tonight.
Jason Parker
>believing any poll after the 2016 outcome
Brandon Powell
>If this is actually any sense of true then the Dems don't realize how fucked they are
Large if true. The dems are good as dead if Trump steals a large enough portion of the nigger vote.
Bentley Bennett
Can i get a quick rundown? What's this figure represent, parliament?
Austin Wright
Gotta admit, that's pretty fucking based.
Colton Howard
>being so lame and unoriginal that you have to copy someone's gimmick
Wyatt Ward
Most liberals want a "daddy" figure to "protect" them because they never got a happy life. The answer is total government control of anything that makes others happy.
Blake Ward
Hello edgy 13 year old
Ayden Morris
>there was also a Presidential election in Norway this week
Need the Jumping Jack James Comey Photoshopped in there.
Isaac Miller
henlo fren
Caleb King
>From the night of Halloween to the morning after Dia de los Muertos, Zachary Taylor and Mariano Arista rise from their graves with their skeleton armies to dance once again on the Tex-Mex border.
Nathaniel Johnson
>among blacks 40% repubs will get supers if this is even half true