Media plans to take down Jow Forums and any website or group in USA antisemite









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Jow Forums is next

All our base are belong to them.

Israelis are worrying about an underwater basketweaving forum while they should be focusing on the upcoming arab invasion where they all die.

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Implying they aren't connected

Im saying that Israel thinks this will be good for them, but they don't realize they''re fucked no matter what they do.

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I can only see this backfiring on them, a la the Streisand Effect

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Never forget
imgur com/a/iwPQT

>who is this 8ch4n?

you guise do know otherchan and Jow Forums are both (((Government))) controlled, r-right?

The real Jow Forums is there where you can dox people and actually say whatever you want. It feels like old Jow Forums.

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just visited 8 chink Jow Forums
literally same at first glance

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>shutting down a containment board

prepare for the flood of tranny loving autist nazis to flood the internet

I wonder how antisemitism survived without Jow Forums all these centuries.


Understand the big picture...

of course those with (((privilege))) will always be free to say anything they want

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I wonder if the thought ever crosses their minds to maybe not poke the bee's nest.

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I don't hate Jews.
I hate evil people.
Not my fault that they dominate that market.

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I kek'd

>spotted the glow in the dark shill
you nervous for the mid terms kike?

are you a fucking retard?

Zionism is a dead ideology. It will not exist in this new millennium. It’s time to move past it.

The world is not theirs
They are not the chosen people
Israel is illegitimate

They are just too evil to not be hated.

If they just hid their bankers for 60 years they could start a new coup for a new world order, but they can't help themselves and here we are ever 50-80 years the Jews find themselves in the fray because they went full retard.

Thry will never beat freedom of speech unless they go at least 150 years without going full retard.

fuck, i really hope they do it

nice strawman, but you will fail
you can keep crying about "duh joooos" but it still doesn't change the fact that you're little Saudi agent shooting up the synagogue failed to demoralize us, we have steel resolve.

the comments on that video are great
go on and read them before they are deleted
many of /our guys/ posted


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American television looks like 1984 scripted nonsense.

Fuck israel

This is nothing new. The tribe always closes rank. It their modus operandi.
pic related is when I try to log onto my gab account.

Fuck 'em. Their actions are futile.

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Gab is part of this psy op

Also in other news, water is wet. Now over to Jim for sports.

based mexibro

i dont hate jews per se
i dislike them because they want to fuck me

Seriously - WTF happens if they shut it all down?

Some Jews got shot, lets double down on undermining and destroying our host from within.

wow no shit, all these events and the news outlets coordinating with one another, just a big fuckin coincidence really
>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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>and actually say whatever you want
>95% it's just polacks calling other polacks shills or glowniggers
Less actual shills than here, but they see them fucking everywhere anyway.

Look up H.R. 1911. Super spooky stuff.

Not sure why they think a peaceful Mongolian crochet board is antisemetic, but okay media. I mean it took them 10 years to figure out bump is a request for cocaine. Smh. Dinosaurs.

Mate, at the stage I'm at, everything is a fucking psyop.
I've been examining theories that we're living in a simulation. And my conclusions are what psychiatrists would call 'psychosis'.
I had a conversation with a friend who is a doctor and he said "OK, so if it's all a computer image, then how come you can't identify the pixels"?

Well I had no argument. But then I looked into it further and there actually ARE pixels. It's Planck's constant - the smallest amount of energy that can be perceived.
Everything that you perceive is a sub-strata of a infinitely more complex order. Some call it God.

They don't seem to get that the next step is anons gathering in RL, which will not turn out well for the jews.

>They don't seem to get that the next step is anons gathering in RL, which will not turn out well for the jews.
No you moron. They understand that perfectly. They want civil unrest because Trump is about to end the FED and expose Israel's role in framing him for MUH RUSSIA

>This bill amends the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to provide that the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism shall have the rank of ambassador and be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

>The Special Envoy shall: (1) be a person of recognized distinction in the field of combating anti-Semitism or religious freedom; (2) serve as the primary advisor to, and coordinate efforts across, the U.S. government relating to monitoring and combating anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement in foreign countries; and (3) report directly to the Secretary of State.

>when you're so incredibly hated for your actions you have to essentially create an entirely new secret police branch to censor speech about you

>shutdown alphabet honeypot
wew, I can finally get around to finishing that batch of soap then.

Is God the player or the server?

So you are new here? Welcome....

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>implying you can perceive individual pixels in super-ultra-mega-240k-UHD

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Archive faggot. I'm not giving them clicks

>can easily copy/paste the links into archiver yourself
>nah, bro, it's OP's job, you do it for us all OP

can't wait until all the chans and gab are erased from the net....

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kek old school vidya memes never get old

> upcoming arab invasion where they all die
Uma delícia.

Cool. It's about time this place is shut-down. I'm already fully "radicalized" aka politically awaken plus I'm about to join the Army. Shutting this place down is the biggest mistake you kikes that are monitoring this thread can make. It's a containment board and you fags fail to realize that. Shitposters will now start The long march through the institutions and in 20 years time guys like me will be leading armies. :^)

Fuck China
Fuck Israel
Fuck Democracy
Fuck Jews
Long Live Pax Americana

When this place gets 404'd we migrate there. Like fowl in the winter.

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Fact is there is no such thing as free speech. The best thing to do is remain anonymous to spread information about the Jews. Any website that allows for user accounts with emails, and personal profiles can and will be used against you.

Jow Forums is unique in that it is relatively anonymous. It's not completely anonymous, but it's not as easy to dox people as all the other platforms right now.

Our best alternative would be to create a website just like /pol, that remains anonymous. However, as long as this board stays up, we don't need it, but we don't know how much time we actually have.

So it's like whatever.

20 years? We shall be doing things much sooner than that boyo.

Is that you Lowtax?

Hey kike. All your friends in the IDF are gonna die and you are too.

Jews pulling off the mask. This is what Jews do and this is why they always justify the genocide against them.

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>Is God the player or the server?
Good question and who knows? But at the core of your being, at the fudamental level of "what's going on here"?, "why am I in this body looking out into this world"?, then that's where preconceptions start to break down and one can start asking questions.

this. Jow Forums is a place of refuge

love me some goatse

How was there a shooting drill 9 months and few days before this baby circumcision naming. See what I'm getting at? Is that supposed to be cute?

Why it’s okay to criticize white people but it’s not okay to criticize Jews?
None of this is making any sense.

I'm glad they're doing this. They're showing their hand to everyone. It's like they can't help themselves. When something causes White people to hate, they do it even more.

Why is it okay to silence millions of people for 1 persons actions? Also, how can they justify pulling these draconian censorship laws while ignoring the fact that foreign governments aka ISRAEL has an army of shills facilitating narratives online.

>shuts down 4chin
>/b/ splatters all over the place
can't wait


81pbp, as usual

>/b/ running loose over the internet
>Jow Forums spreading their virus

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My war face. Both the real me and my character. Do your worst kikes!

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the pixels are the rods and cones in your eyes
even if you believe that the universe is not simulated, your perception still has "pixels" of a sort
you just can't perceive them because you have so many and unlike a physical screen you can't "move closer" to the image to see the pixels

>shutting down Jow Forums


No shit. Attacking any legitimate criticism of Jews is easily top ten of all jew priorities and has been for centuries. It's like saying rats are trying to live near grain silage. Or fish want to have clean water. Jews want to get away with shit against the goyim and the kvetch whenever they don't get their way.

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1. Did anyone die?

2. Who did the shooting?

3. What did DHS do at the synagogue earlier this year?

4. What else seems weird?

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Take a break my man. Go camping for a week, reset yourself. Part of the propaganda is to make you so confused you don't know what's real. Again, go on a long camping trip, maybe bring a good book, and center yourself. Find your morals again and stick to them, do not compromise.




Do it!


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I. The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act - House Bill 5924 / Senate Bill 2940
II. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act - House Bill 1911 / Senate Bill 1292

Don't let this shit pass. Call those kike shills known as your representatives and tell them you do NOT support the destruction of the first amendment.

>you guise do know otherchan and Jow Forums are both (((Government))) controlled, r-right?
I always just figured this. It is the only explanation as to how this site is supported, and why it hasn't been shut down.