2018 Senate Elections

Indiana fag here, who should I vote for?
Donnelly (D) is a faggot but so is Braun (R)
Donnelly voted against Kavanaugh and Trump's tax cuts, but approved Gorsuch
Braun while in the Indiana state house cut taxes on his business but voted for the biggest tax raise in state history.
Lolbertarian is a dude weed lmao person
Im leaning Braun over write in only to vote for Trump's shit, prevent impeachment, and because Donnelly supports the dreamer act
What do? Write in or Republican who is a piece of shit

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Vote Republican

Vote Republican! Only choice that makes sense, the Dem will only hurt the Trump agenda.

Vote Republican, honestly, and there are a lot of reasons to do so in this instance, but I'd say it's true for every instance within this midterm. Braun may be a piece of shit (as are many of the scumbag RINO's), but if Trump goes down (which could conceivably happen if the Blue Wave isn't a meme) we're all kinds of fucked

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>Republican who is a piece of shit
will always be a better choice than a
>Democrat piece of shit

Nice opinion points.
Like any of that matters.
You know whoever gets in will lock-step with the party line and most likely turn out to be a greedy, lying politician in the end.
So whose agenda agrees with your ideas the most?

You know what you’re supposed to do. Now fuck off.

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Bobby fuck you, Braun does the whole wishy washy thing on daca
>We'll only do a deal involving daca if we get the wall
IE lets let illegals have gibs and rights that they should NOT FUCKING HAVE
The state republicans approved giving them liecenses and its why I am not voting republican for state represenative

>but approved Gorsuch
0.01% of agenda achieved is better than going back to the Obumer years
> write in or 3rd party
You can't be this stupid

Neither user. I know that the both will fuck us on DACA (because muh dreamers)
They'll fuck us on many things
Shit is gonna come down to guns and being against impeachment if I vote R

Fellow indiana fag here user
what part of our great state do you live in?

Im a 317 fag, live near Indy


Vote for Braun, the guy most likely to support Trump's agenda. You arent getting shit with a democrat.


Nigga I know your name starts with a J

Nope starts with an S, sorry

Shhiiieeettt idk then

fellow 317 fag

just vote straight republican. Unless you really want to accelerate things but it may back fire and there will be too many browns to fight back.
Republicans want to make us mexico and democrats want to make us gay mexico. I would rather no be gay mexico.

I live in the GREAT state of Kentucky and we think you all are fags.....

Indiana is just less incestuous version of Kentucky.

Then go with your core values.
Keep your guns and President.

Only way you're ever going to get the perfect candidate is if you run, yourself. But you're asking for advice, so probably don't have what it takes to excel at the world's second-oldest profession.


> Kentucky

We don't think about you at all.

Attached: OhLookItsKentucky.jpg (305x442, 27K)

>Donnelly (D) is a faggot but so is Braun (R)
Why is Braun a faggot? Maybe you're the faggot.

Vote Braun, I've seen him IRL twice. Plus he's endorsed by Trump. He was on the stage with him in the south bend rally a few months ago

>Im a 317 fag
Explains the stupidity.

Braun is a faggot but at least he is a republican faggot. He will hopefully vote with Trump to change immigration policy. Plus the Republican party is changing fast anyways. Everything this election is about creating jobs in the USA and anything outside of that is demonized. Ronald Reagan is basically a democrat now. As he should be considering he was a kike puppet.

Kokomo here, it’s too important that we maintain the senate. Vote braun. Donnelly is a faggot who just throws bones to conservative once in awhile to play up the “moderate dem” shill tactic.

Don't mess it up, vote Braun

im a evansfag

>Donnelly voted against Kavanaugh

That is enough for me to vote against Donnelly.

Vote DEM. Indiana republicans SUCK! There is a reason we have potholes and the economy is shitty. I volunteer at a food pantry near Indy and we have to serve 70% more people this year than last year because people simply dont have money

Indianapolis also is full of drug abuse and blacks...

Fuck niggers and those druggies in broad ripple

Nigga you best be votin Braun. He may be a bit shitty but at least he's not a damn democrat. This is a big fucking race and if you fuck this up for us then I'll have no choice but to impotently rage on the internet.

Shove your post up you bitch ass

and spics

Ronald Amnesty Reagan is responsible for tens of millions of foreigners flooding this country illegally.
>up you bitch ass
As I was saying....

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