Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — BULLSHIT — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 8: CNN is “Owned” by ADL


Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-29 Public Intelligence Blog.png (797x1002, 430K)

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Only been 2 minutes but gonna bump for interest to see where this goes.

hseep niggers

Attached: hseep cycle.jpg (2964x1493, 1022K)

...this is insane.

i repeat. NO BODIES.

.Why aren't the shills posting walltouch.jpg any more?

I did the math and it only takes 1300 walltouch.jpg posts to produce one dead Jew. Is this why the shills aren't posting it any more? Did they get the order not to post this image since the synagogue shooting?

Look yourself and see, it used to be in every thread along with "Drumpf's a kike!" but those posts are nearly impossible to find as well, even though they were one of the most common spam posts on the board.

Do your part and post more walltouch.jpg because apparently the shills have orders not to now.

Attached: C96B6214-ED6E-4E4B-A7CB-591CA7175618.jpg (980x551, 80K)

Robert David Steele is dope.

Look into OSEE

>Remember how we saw "Paddock" dead, bloodied on the hotel room floor within HOURS of that shooting?
And not a single dead body from the worst mass shooting of jews on US soil!

Lol it was sooooooooooo terrible goyim that we can’t show you the pictures

He literally turned them into lampshade and soap


Attached: 1538106976854.jpg (909x987, 360K)

Wait, so you mean to tell me Jews would just make up a massacre for political gain?

nah they had to get the attention off the Maga van fiasco


Attached: sandy hook homeland security.png (1277x708, 660K)

bump, need more sources and proof


Attached: DaysWithoutJewishTricks.jpg (439x290, 21K)

Wait there arent any pics or vids of the bodies?

forget the bodies for 2 seconds.

Attached: robert bowers in chalk.png (481x642, 424K)

This. Where's the photos, or "pics" if you will?

this is what it prob looked like behind the scenes

Attached: sandy hook mail.jpg (2568x2704, 1.66M)

no bodies. as per robert steele.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-29 Public Intelligence Blog(1).png (412x226, 23K)

i guess jews do this so often there is no interest.


figures, the fake 13 not bombs was collapsing in a heap of doubt from all corners so they had to spin up another fake gorillion