What will you do in 30 years when the progressive left has finally succeeded in abolishing the age of consent?

What will you do in 30 years when the progressive left has finally succeeded in abolishing the age of consent?

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Be pissed because I'll be 58 and too old to enjoy young poon

I’ll be able to have sex with more women, I guess

Fuck your mother. Matures know what they're doing.

Sage this memeflag shill thread


friendly reminder that children are rarely harmed by sex

>the typical assumption that child sexual abuse results in intense and pervasive harm is not accurate
>Child sexual abuse does not necessarily lead to long-term harm.
>family environment is a more important predictor of psychological symptoms than child sexual abuse.


>>Child sexual abuse does not necessarily lead to long-term harm.
Yes it does, the wrong assumption here is that every relation with a child is an abuse.

Your post doesn't actually make any sense; read it back to yourself and then reformulate your thoughts.

Fuck little girls with my 66 year old cock

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Worst case scenario we disentangle the two and arrive at the conclusion that sex for an undeveloped mind is a minor setback at worse. Failing that there is no connection between children having sex and mental trauma.
Well he is correct. We are using a definition of child sexual abuse that is so broad it also encompasses (((statutory rape))) as defined by the feminist jews.

>all traditional civilizations in human history never had any laws of age of consent
>age of consent laws were started by feminist groups
>hurr da leftists rr pedo!!

another classic Jow Forumstard gem

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Since when was Milo Yiannopoulos part of the progressive left

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Ohhhh, sorry, I get it now, thanks.
Fuck, who ever thought a memeflag would end up being able to convey a good point.

Please just go back to buzzfeed, or the F.B.I. or wherever the fuck you came from...

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Leftists hate hebephiles and ephebophiles but defend pedophiles.
They'd set the age of consent at 0-12 and then 25+ if they could. There's nothing feminists hate more than competition and given most of them are blue haired dykes it's no surprise they stoop to these desperate measures.

>Leftists hate hebephiles and ephebophiles but defend pedophiles.
based and redpilled

Do what I've been wanting to do for years.

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On the money here.

Every girl I know that was sexually molested as a child has been deeply hurt by it and damaged. Most lived in fear of it while it was happening. It definitely hurts kids.


Have consensual sex with as many teenagers as possible

make me

no rly pls i don’t know how

The age of consent was one of the first victories of feminists a century ago.

Ideally, women would be married off in their teens to a providing husband before society fucks them up. Sexual liberation, the divorce industry, the roast beef epidemic, it all dovetails together and has led to the social atomization, degeneracy, and alienation we all feel today. All because the Boomers worshiped the almighty orgasm before everything else.


not gonna happen...
unless they abolish Consent itself first

That's what we were saying with the whole "too broad a definition" thing. Researchers are forced to treat any age of consent violation as child sexual abuse which, naturally, dilutes the measurable effects of actual child rape to the point no harm can be scientifically demonstrated.

Celebrate because AoC is a slut factory. Jow Forums supports the teenage cock carousel. What would be better is allowing them to get married after puberty, to men that can support them and will naturally be their leader due to age. Setting up the propper male-led relationship dynamic and preventing the already sexual teen from learning that it's fine to separate sex from commitment. Keep girls from having sex as a hobby in their teens. We should beat them to it but require marriage, because they won't.


It's not even the physical act that causes harm, it's being told one is tainted for life and had the worst thing imaginable done to them. It's the years of embarrassing court proceedings. This makes it a huge part of their childhood. I was abused when I was about 8 and my family took care of it, but they didn't even do much DESU. I forget it even happened unless the subject is brought up...and that's a boy abused by a teen boy which should be more impactful than something more natural like a teen girl and a 20yo. There is this pretending that all sexual contact is the same, but an 8yo with a 40yo is different than a 14yo and a 20yo.
