Why is Israel in the middle of nowhere?

If they are so powerful, why didn't they chose another place? Like India?

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There's only one god, Father.

Attached: quote-our-race-is-the-master-race-we-are-divine-gods-on-this-planet-we-are-as-different-from-menache (850x400, 99K)

But why the desert? Why there?

what did he mean by this?

Because they're batshit crazy and believe in fairy tales.

They don't believe in Jesus, so obviously they will think everyone else is still a nobody loser.


Because it’s where they killed Jesus and where the 3rd temple is prophesied to be built. When they build the third temple they will be able to perform their blood sacrifices again and their saviour rise to power, ruling the entire world from his dark throne in Israel. These people are sick demons and they used to kidnap Christian children, torture them, drain their blood and drink it. Do some research in to the many thousands of Jewish ritual murders throughout history and maybe you won’t find this such a laughing matter...
(Embed wouldn’t work for this vid but it’s a much watch)

>Deus Volt

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So wait they claimed the whole territory already?

>They don't believe in Jesus, so obviously they will think everyone else is still a nobody loser.
Jews are NPCs and Judaism is a doctrine for war. That is not the issue. The question is why did they choose, of all places, Palestine? They could have chosen the U.S., they could have chosen Australia, but why Palestine?

What are you implying?

>Because they're batshit crazy and believe in fairy tales.
Either they're powerful enough to rule the world and they chose Palestine, or they're batshit crazy. Which is it?

I'm pretty sure the location of the third temple needs to be in Jerusalem.

Sounds like they decided to go to Palestine because of a LARP. Makes sense for ordinary Jews, but not the Jews in power.


before israel they tried to take patagonia
and from a strategic perspective madagascar was the best of choises

pride, added to the idea that israel is their promised land

the powerful jews empower the insane jews

>I'm pretty sure the location of the third temple needs to be in Jerusalem.
But why did the elites choose Palestine? they could have chosen Australia, or India. They could have gotten the Rabbis to spin the tale to suite the new location. Why Palestine?

Because muh ancestral ties

What are you talking about? The rabbis aren't in charge of where the third temple needs to be. You know Jerusalem is where the first and second temples were erected right?

>and from a strategic perspective madagascar was the best of choises
What do you mean?
>pride, added to the idea that israel is their promised land
No, this was a LARP for the normie Jews. Why did the elites choose Palestine for Israel's location?

>I'm pretty sure the location of the third temple needs to be in Jerusalem.
The third temple in Jerusalem already exists and its religion is the holocaust religion. Their adherents build holocaust museum on every street corner to commemorate it and you aren't allowed to question it.

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You can be batshit crazy and powerful. Take Genghis Khan for example. The guy ruled the entire world, was powerful, and also liked to turn cities into mountains of skulls so I think he qualifies as crazy.

>the powerful jews empower the insane jews
To what end? Building a kingdom in the desert? Where there's no water? Where they're surrounded by enemies on all sides?

a bad decision indeed. with an increasing temperature israel just like the rest of the middle east will become uninhabitable by 2100 or something

Jews in power live in Switzerland, New Zealand, Colorado, Alaska, Ural Mountains Russia, etc in bunkers in the mountains

why is usa in the middle of nowhere ?
If they are so powerful, why didn't they chose another place? Like India?

>The rabbis aren't in charge of where the third temple needs to be.
No, but they're the generals whom the normies follow into battle. What the Rabbis say goes.

>Take Genghis Khan for example.
He wasn't batshit crazy. He was methodical, cold and calculating.

Better question, why did that sand nigger Mohammed decide to ascend to heaven on a horse right on top of the Jews holiest site leaving nothing but problems for the world centuries later?

nobody gives a damn to isreal

stop attention whoring

>Jews in power live in Switzerland, New Zealand, Colorado, Alaska, Ural Mountains Russia, etc in bunkers in the mountains
Yes, and why did they decide to send the normie Jews to the desert? Less competition for themselves?

And the rabbis want to bring about their messiah. How do they do that? By building the third temple and all that shit. Come on, it's not that difficult.

user he would have ripped your intestines out through your anus and fed them to you for fun.

The quote is fake, just looked it up

>why is usa in the middle of nowhere ?
My people weren't brought here on boats and cars en masse after a Shoah you fagget.
>If they are so powerful, why didn't they chose another place? Like India?
Either contribute, or fuck off. I know you're a brainwashed soldier who fights for his rabbis. Either say something useful or go back to monitoring threads.

>nobody gives a damn to isreal
But they should. Because the location of Israel, I don't think, is an accident. And the reason is not some Hollywood exodus level promised land shit. It's more sinister.

>a better place
>a land at the intersection of trade between europe, the middle east/asia and africa
>a land that is the location to the holiest sites for all 3 Abrahamic religions
>a land surrounded on all sides with vast oil fields they can seize of they ever make greater israel a real thing (they have already seized some)

Gee I dont know why they would want it

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Because we correctly realized that self-hating white Christians would throw their wallets at us and volunteer to die for the great Israel project if we planted our flag exactly where we did. Hate the game, not the player, goy.

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That is Hollywood Genghis Khan

>They dont believe in Jesus

you're believing a dead kike on a stick. the fuck is wrong with you? its like all those stupid goyim are trying to be predictable as much as possible. of course you're a loser, you're worse than fucking sandniggers believing in a pedophile.

>And the rabbis want to bring about their messiah
Stop acting like meme flag you dumb cock. The rabbis do what they want. They listen to their masters. They don't give a fuck about their people. If they did, they wouldn't repeatedly put them in the cross hairs.
>Come on, it's not that difficult.
It is. Jesus qualifies as their messiah, but they chose to reject him. They do what they want. Stop with you 2nd grade meme flag reasoning and think harder.

>user he would have ripped your intestines out through your anus and fed them to you for fun.
And? Pyscological warfare was illegal then? Is that what you're saying?

>socialist midget
>nazbolshevik terrorist
>never said this

>Gee I dont know why they would want it
Good job fagget. That's right, you're on the money. Israel is in the middle east as a stronghold for a non-Islamic state. Israel was the supposed to be the center of middle eastern conflict that could then be used to destabilize the region and obtain oil.

That is why Trump asked Netanyahu if he was ever really interested in peace. Israel's purpose is not peace. Israelis are meat shields and foot soldiers for the elite who want Islamic oil.

Good job you cunt.

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>A kike telling me I'm stupid for believing in Jesus
Wow, really makes me wonder..
>Jesus was a kike
So Jesus would hate Christians? Because that's what comes with the label kike, a hate for Jesus.
The top forces worship Satan. That's why the seal of solomon is on Israels flag. They want to build the temple, and have the anti-christ come in. Because that's what Satan wants.

Most those jews are actual jews, i.e. semitic Jews. Frankist Jews live in comfy conditions, where grown men they can sodomize and innocent children they can literally consume are nearby and plentiful

>you're believing a dead kike on a stick.
Isn't Jesus a descendant of David? Why do you people disqualify him from being a messiah?


History repeats itself my dear goy

EVERY leader you choose will turn out to be a jew supporter soon or less. Just look at the US president.

>Most those jews are actual jews, i.e. semitic Jews.
Yes, the blood enemies of the children of Ishmael. Who better to send to the middle east than the Jews whose natural enemies are the children of Ishmael?

Jesus has not, and will not support the kike behavior that I am opposed to.

>The top forces worship Satan. That's why the seal of solomon is on Israels flag. They want to build the temple, and have the anti-christ come in. Because that's what Satan wants.
Yeah yeah, I know all that. But I doubt they would create a nation in the middle of nowhere for the sake of a LARP.

Genghis Khan was an unpredictable, rage filled, spastic paranoid sperglord- dealing with tribal politics. Kublai Khan was some decadent fat fuck who had him remade as something he wasn't

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Yeah well

just keep praying to that piece of wood on your wall, goy. i'm sure one day something will happen that will please your erection for some ancient book

Because it's not a larp. They believe in Satan 100%, they're not pretending to worship him. They're really trying to fulfill biblical prophecy to bring the end of days.
You're absolutely right. In fact, if your Moloch-worshiping masters plans work, we have less than a decade before serious shit starts going down. I hope you live to see it kike.

>EVERY leader you choose will turn out to be a jew supporter soon or less. Just look at the US president.
Did you never wonder why your people were sent to the desert? Did you not wonder why after the Shoah when you could have gone to the U.S., Canada, Australia, or India, you were sent to the middle east? You were sent to Palestine?

I thought you Jews were good middlemen. If I wanted all the oil in the middle east, and the oil was controlled by muslims, whom would I send to destabilize the region without being overt about it?

Would I send U.S. troops? No, then the enemy is clear. They will be fought against. Besides, my army would be demoralized after a while if they knew they were there for the oil.

Whom would I send to the middle east to fight the muslims without having to motivate them all the time?

Do you see? Do you realize that you're being played just as much as us?


>They believe in Satan 100%, they're not pretending to worship him.
No doubt. But no one creates a nation for his/her practices at private parties. That cannot be the only reason. There should be economically sustainable reasons to create a new state in the middle of the desert.
>They're really trying to fulfill biblical prophecy to bring the end of days.
That is what we think, because we don't have all the information and thus we exaggerate. I doubt they operate in the same way.

biblically, Ishmael is at war with ALL his brothers.
historically, he absorbed Pelegs bro, eber's other son, Joktan and has been at war with everyone since then.

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No I'm saying that you have an issue where you think that smart people can't be crazy. He was incredibly talented at warfare. He was also fucking insane.

Mate the fact that you consider this whole country to be a desert just proves to me how much of a brainless tool you are. I dont give two shits about some "bigger picture" bullshit explained to me by some dumb hick on an indonesian rock juggling board.

All i want is to send filthy sandniggers to their 72 virgins and settle down with a nice jewish woman.

Look up how Israel looks before you try to change my mind about how this whole place is a desert, goy.

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Nope. The jews pray and pray that the third temple can be built. They pray that missles will destroy the dome of the rock. They orchestrated the birth of a red heifer, and it was born in August. Satan is in charge, not the jews. The money, power, that all comes from Satan. They're his bitches, and they do what he wants them to before all else. Of course to believe this you must also be someone who believes in Satan.

>you have an issue where you think that smart people can't be crazy.
Crazy by your definition. I just think of them as sociopaths, or worse, psychopaths.
>He was also fucking insane.
By your standard. Not by his, or his followers' standards. They did follow him into battle after all.

It's a perfect strategic location for Zionists to exert influence throughout the:
>Middle East
>Northern Africa

>I just think of them as sociopaths, or worse, psychopaths.
Yeah those are in the DSM chief, which means they're mentally ill aka crazy.

>By your standard. Not by his, or his followers' standards. They did follow him into battle after all.
It was safer to follow him into battle than to oppose him.

>Mate the fact that you consider this whole country to be a desert just proves to me how much of a brainless tool you are.
It was mostly a desert when your grandparents went there. Israeli agricultarists pioneered the use of drop by drop irrigation - which was either unheard of, or practically never used before. So as much as you're a jackass for not knowing this, your ancestors did fight off the desert to reclaim lot of the land.
>All i want is to send filthy sandniggers to their 72 virgins and settle down with a nice jewish woman.
That's fine. I'm not against you people procreating. You're soldiers anyway. It doesn't matter how many of you are there.

By the way, did you ever wonder, why 72 virgins. Anyone who wants to fuck a virgin 72 times, is not right in the head. IMO though.

>The jews pray and pray that the third temple can be built.
The normies do, yes.
>They pray that missles will destroy the dome of the rock.
Yes, they're normies.
>The money, power, that all comes from Satan.
Also known as oil.
>Of course to believe this you must also be someone who believes in Satan.
I believe in the power of oil.

there are sane rational christians that still give money to churches that end up supporting insane retarded christians

>It was safer to follow him into battle than to oppose him.
This he said vs she said. You say that he's insane, I say that is subjective. You know what, I'll just agree with you. He was insane. What was your original point again?

>there are sane rational christians that still give money to churches that end up supporting insane retarded christians
But the practice of giving money to the Church is old and stems from the Church taking care of society. So giving money to Church is not entirely irrational because the Church did have a long history of helping Christians with that money. After Pedos took over, things changed of course, but it was fine before that.

good job on opening wikipedia for once you inbred hick. but you didnt mention how half of the land was and still is grasslands and forests?

god damnit what is it with you dumb fucking americans with your low IQ? you think opening a page with some info on it makes you a fucking genius? no wonder your country is filled with filthy mongrels and rat-faced ""people""

Jews are both powerful and crazy. You probably are one though so it's understandable why you don't want that to be the case.

>good job on opening wikipedia for once you inbred hick.
I don't use Wikipedia. I'm a botanist.
>but you didnt mention how half of the land was and still is grasslands and forests?
Not the ones that was given to you.
>god damnit what is it with you dumb fucking americans with your low IQ?
Why are you trying to push your point so hard? Why does it matter so much to you? Even if we did admit your assumption of half the land was covered in grass and forests, the question still remains as to why you weren't sent to Australia, India or the U.S.?
>no wonder your country is filled with filthy mongrels and rat-faced ""people""
Is this how you rationalize your family not going to the U.S.? And instead ending up in Israel?

Pity. You're just as much a pawn in this game as the rest of us.

>Jews are both powerful and crazy.
Can't be powerful for long if you're crazy. You make irrational decisions and are replaced by more rational people. In fact, people in power are so rational that they have no empathy.

Sorry, but your premise is weak.
>You probably are one
No. I'm not. I'm just a goy.

>before israel they tried to take patagonia
>and from a strategic perspective madagascar was the best of choises
Man I wish I could watch an alternate timeline where the jews settled in either of those places. History would be quite different

You can absolutely remain powerful by being crazy so long as you have a sufficient number of crazy people following you. It's the same thing with Muslims, they're just not intelligent. It doesn't change the fact that say the Saudis are very powerful but they still fill people full of gasoline and light them on fire for fun, which is pretty crazy.

>It doesn't change the fact that say the Saudis are very powerful but they still fill people full of gasoline and light them on fire for fun
I think you're just confusing fear tactics with crazy.

Because cows and feces aren't sacred in the Jewish religion.


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Gee I dunno because Indians already live there?

>They don't believe in Jesus, so obviously they will think everyone else is still a nobody loser.
Jesus could not be the messiah.
1. The genealogy is wrong. So much so that Christians had to command followers to ignore genealogy in the following: 1 Timothy 1:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. AND Titus 3:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

2. Jesus was a false prophet claiming to be the messiah. Zechariah - Chapter 13 5And he shall say, "I am not a prophet! I am a tiller of the soil, for a man entrusted me with his cattle from my youth." 6And one will say to him, "What are these wounds between your hands?" And he shall say, "That I was smitten in the house of my friends."
הוְאָמַ֕ר לֹ֥א נָבִ֖יא אָנֹ֑כִי אִ֣ישׁ־עֹבֵ֚ד אֲדָמָה֙ אָנֹ֔כִי כִּֽי־אָדָ֖ם הִקְנַ֥נִי מִנְּעוּרָֽי:
ווְאָמַ֣ר אֵלָ֔יו מָ֧ה הַמַּכּ֛וֹת הָאֵ֖לֶּה בֵּ֣ין יָדֶ֑יךָ וְאָמַ֕ר אֲשֶׁ֥ר הֻכֵּ֖יתִי בֵּ֥ית מְאַֽהֲבָֽי:

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>Isn't Jesus a descendant of David? Why do you people disqualify him from being a messiah?

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Lulz. Obviously.

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