Captain America just BTFO Drumpf

Captain America just BTFO Drumpf

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Ah yes, the Canadian shit obsessed faggot, thinking he's a tough guy again.

dogs have biceps?

One of the reasons why Iron Man is the white man's superhero, while Cap is a Jewish puppet.

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Imagine you work and dedicate your whole life just to be remembered as a Marvel power ranger

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pic related - it's OP

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Dog poo is good fertilizer for the grass. The grass will grow healthy and strong in that spot.

This lmao

>pro Trump
Pick one.


I'll never understand how the left has turned captain America into this turbo progressive. Hes from the greatest generation he would be an unapologetic bigot by today's standards

No its not dumbass.

>profile pic onions face
>captain america

its all so tiresome.jpg

but where is he wrong? Trump has done nothing to unify the country, regardless of the left

>Hes from the greatest generation he would be an unapologetic bigot by today's standards
His whole point as a character was that he was counterculture, always. Old comics had Gabe Jones fucking Peggy. Cap was dating a Jewess. Rogers was always intended to be a Liberal, from the start. In the Marvel canon anyhow.

It's Stark that was created as a Right Winger.

>pic related - it's OP


Really? cause I just put some of your opinions on my grass and it's doing fine.

So he is saying that Trump is accidentally fertilizing the soil so that the population grows well? I don't get his point.

It's the left's retardation that's causing the country not to unite.

Most celebrities cant handle the pressures of fame. Hes a prime example.

>Captain America just BTFO Drumpf

the grammar


What can he do at this point realistically?

Can Captain America ever be tried for treason?

He is battling the MSM which has been the ones dividing the country.

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Good. I don’t want to unify with these anti American commie faggots.

>Dog poo is good fertilizer for the grass

no it isn't

No but Chris Evans the Actor can be ridiculed for being a retard leftist shill.

Oh Nice Digits.

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>t. doesn't have a lawn or a dog

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>1 post by this ID
fuck off shill

He's done with MCU after the next avengers movie so he doesn't give a shit anymore. Hope he's forever typecast and never finds success afterwards.

>Implying fertilizing the lawn doesn't inhibit grass growth

is he actually retarded

The fuck does he think fertilizer is?

Captain Dumbass, more like.

This guy is such a loser
Imagine being that rich, that handsome, that popular, and still feel the need to throw zingers at people you dislike on twitter. What a total fag.
Would cum if trump responded with “You aren’t actually captain America”

>an actor sez


Why is this place completely swamped with twitter posts? Are we that desperate for something to talk about?

>not knowing dog shit fucks your lawn up

non-american faggot hippy cat-lover detected

this is for you too, dipshit:

Seriously sick of celebrity virtue signalling

>Trump has done nothing to unify the country
If Trump truly was bad the Left would have unified against him. Instead they continue to fracture into smaller groups that want more power through victimhood. If literally Hitler can't unify them then clearly he isn't the real problem.

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Captain America has always been a shill for New York jew politics, right from the day he was created to shill for a war with Germany.

To heal from a sickness you do not unite with the pathogen.

What are you trying to say, retarded faggot?

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>i'll never create an international icon like captain america, the post

stay salty, pussy

that you're an idiot that thinks dogshit is a viable fertilizer.

you some kind of purple-haired city 'boy'?

In the movies the only references to him being from the 40s is shit like "HAHA I don't understand this 80s movie reference XD". It's a shame.

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>Captain America just BTFO Drumpf

No, a 37-year old man who puts on makeup and clothes he does not own plays dress up for a living and fools are conned into believing a fictional performance as anything othan potential entertainment from what has historically been the lowest class of citizen - the artist class. He's not a real person.

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Captain America is literally a Jewish propaganda character meant to turn gullible goyim against le ebil nahtsees.

>the talented chad is the real loser

Come on user.

Captain Cuck'merica


technically it does tho

This faggot is obsessed with shit

Historically, you unite people by a common cause or goal. Making america could be a unifying message but elements of the left see the phrase as problematic. You can also unite by pointing to a common problem like illegal immigration that affects the whole country, but somehow in this has become racist and othering. Even rallying around unifying iconography or tradition has become politically divided (columbus day, national anthem, flags). Trump cannot unite the elements of the country who wish to see america and what it means to be american to be fundamentally changed. The best he can do is call out the those who wish to change america.

Its funny that the lefts message of diversity and multiculturalism is based on people who look different but all think the same.


is that a joke? i thought this guy was a TDS victim

you literally put animal shit on soil to heal it

>"No, the billionaire president is the real loser here."

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>Doesn't know that most superheroes were crated by Jews, and Jews practically defined the medium as it is today.

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Why have you done this to me
This laughter, it pains me so

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So how many "immigrants" has Mr. Evans housed, clothed, and fed?


Do I get a cookie?

Fuck all these hollywood niggers.

That's a pretty bad analogy. The spots my dog shits on grows greener and faster.

damn user....Kaboom

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Well said user