How many black characters would be in the Goonies if they decided to recreate it? Would it ruin your childhood?

How many black characters would be in the Goonies if they decided to recreate it? Would it ruin your childhood?

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>The Goonies
all of them op

lol, reallly though

fuck you man, dont you dare touch it, LEAVE THIS MOVIE THE FUCK ALONE

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I definitely feel you, man. Favorite movie of all time. It just seems (((they))) have to recreate every good movie ever made to keep up with today's standards. Goonies seems like it'd be a perfect target(i pray isn't the case)

All of them. And nobody would have watched it because all the nigs would think this plot is gay and stupid.

ok being a little serious, i will hate them with fervor if they touch this movie, but they probably wont, they even consider puting corey on the mic, they give him a stage to air all the pizagate shit he knows

The Coonies

It’s good enough for me....Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!....

It wouldn't ruin my childhood as other things already did that.

Already own a copy of the original. Now, if for some strange reason all copies of the original had to be confiscated and I'm required to purchase the new one with a legally enforced gag order to never speak of the original... yeah, that'd be a problem.

Chunk, and Danny.

This movie was trash anyway why should I care?
I'd rather watch Good Burger over this shit

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It would be several races and one (((White Male))).

>This movie was trash anyway
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

Goonies is ok, but I'm more of a Niggerending Story kind of guy

The original was Jewish as fuck anyway. Your cherished childhood memories were created by a filthy Jew.

There are rat faced subhumans in these threads just waiting to further destroy society. Dont give them ideas.

all the boys will be black except chunk, who will remain a fat jew but now a cuck as well. All the girls will be huuuwhite and black owned

half of the goonies were raped, one an hero because of it. the rest were left pretty fucked up. it wont ruin my childhood, but you will ruin the casts for sure.

Mouth would be a nig, but no one else. Maybe Chunk could be a pajeet?

Hollywood is so creatively bankrupt, I'm certain you'll have the answer to your question within 5 years.

And no, I haven't seen it again, neither have I seen again Gremlins or other crap that I'm sure aged like milk.

Based and Schneiderpilled

>chad lead male
>lead girl
Still white of course
>comedic fat child
>obvious nerd
White and a cuck
>bad guy
Still white with hints of racism
And then another black kid or gook idk

Honestly OP, being set in Astoria OR, this cast is a representative sample of the W OR demographic. Big question though, can anyone redpill me on what happened to these child actors?

Eveyone except for the girl of course

Man, I just finished watching Three O'Clock High and it really made me feel bad

>high school is almost entirely white
>99% of the students are well dressed
>crowd at the end features only one camera, and it gets destroyed
>dude who gets his ass kicked just accepts it, doesn't seek revenge

I don't even want to think about what a remake would look like.

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Blacks going into a cave,
that aint happening in RL!

It would become 'The Coonies'

unironically kys figgit

lel, i just watched "As Above So Below" and the black dude did not want ANYTHING to do with going into the Paris Catacombs. 15mins. in when the cult is singing, he's like "hell nah". He died, of course, after many attempts from Satan to kill him lol

Still my favorite movie to this day and I'm now 23. I first watched it when i was like 5

>yo I aint going on any adventure fuck that shit we staying here playing some basketball 2k19

Fuck off, Kenan. Or are you Kel?

Will One-Eyed Willie be a Somali pirate?

Everyone but Gizmo and the fat kid would be black for sure, no fucking doubt. Oh, and the bad guys would stay white, of course. They'd also be much, much more stupid.


>the quadroonies

Well, first all the boys would be girls and trans, and non white. Only character the same sex and race, would be Andy. Who would be a Jewish lesbian, uninterest in any of the pirates, crooks, or other patriarchy business going on. She'd just be out to show how sexist history was, and how One Eyed Willie was actually a woman, and shitloard pirates wrote her out of HERstory.

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Leaf bringing the bantz.

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Holy shit lol

I don't fucking get it.

>Goonies 2020
>all black cast, crew, director and producer. The most diverse ever.
>set in Atlanta with their section 8 housing about to be torn down instead of their house.
>go on adventure to "find" the hidden treasure located conveniently in the local jewelry store.
>Chubs is kidnapped by neo nazi's now and that one fucked up guy is giganigga
>after successfully robbing the store the cops show up
>they all get arrested but get turned free because they didn't do nuffin they were just trying to save the projects
>news reporters bring attention to these downtrodden children
>credits roll with a mid credit scene showing the reporters cinder blocks and giganigga running off with the wheels

lurk moar, faggot.

You can actually see her panties in a frame or two.

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My first *real* board was /lit/, then Jow Forums. Always browsed /b/, but don't consider it a real board. I am fairly new to Jow Forums, but Jow Forums is newer than I am. "quadroonies" makes me think someone got quads, but no one did. So, idk. Tell me?

>i'm from Jow Forums but don't know how to use the googles
sounds about right

quadroon is someone who is 1/4th nigger. Basically second generation mutt if it breeds white after getting blacked.

what a stupid thread

I know how to use jewgle better than 90% of the population. The redhat manual taught me well.
thank you very much, user.

I fapped myself silly to Andy flying off that water slide... Thank you DVD remaster and 'Into Them Young' Spielberg.

it's IBM now you stupid nigger.

No, it will always be the redhat manual, you stupid fuck, as that's what it was published under.

>redhat field manual, that is

it's the red team field manual you absolute brainlet. i'm an IT director btw, you're never going to make it.

Lol, my bad. I've already made it, anyway, so you're hypothesis is wrong.

I just don't fucking care anymore. The only thing I have to look forward to is the Alf remake. I know it's going to be awful, but if they black Alf up I'm going to kill myself.

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I mean isn’t it kind of diverse already? There’s a retard with physical impairments. There’s also a fatty, there’s you plus-sized plug

They would all be transvestite niggers who hate DRUMPF!