Let them in

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But they are trouble. It is known.

Into Israel?



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Fuck you.

Machine gun all of them.

they are even uglier than us lol

I’m jewish and this xenophobia and racism is the reason my grand parents were starved to death in concentration camps.

Fucking have a heart you white pieces of shit.

Your not getting any extra voters you fucking democrat

we're fuckin full. fuck off

t. AZ fag

There’s a reason why they’re called Squatemalans and Goblinas. Little smelly, squat, stinky jungle goblins who nobody wants. We don’t want them, non retarded Mexicans don’t want them, hell even their own country doesn’t really want them.


I'm Christian and this Jewish propaganda is the reason why your grand parents were staved to death in a concentration camp.

Better luck next time.

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I would rape that mom.

Go to hell!

we dont want them either desu

They are welcomed to come in, but once in there is only one way out.

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Make them leave in Mexico.

no lol

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Why let in those scumbags? They couldn’t make their own country work, so they’ll mess this all up.

Glad that they were. We need that to happen again

Let in only single women

If they give birth within 9 months then send them back

You have to go back.
You were offered asylum in Mehiko, and turned it down.
Now you are legally invaders.

Okay, but they have to live at your house. Surely you have room, right? You're not some kind of racist are you?

Ah...no....don't let them in.

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Come on in!

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Fuck off, we're full.

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Lol I just went to go piss and while I was looking in the mirror before I washed my hands, I started slapping my dick against my balls because I'm having a good hang day, you know? Anyway, it sounded like sex lol.

Also, fuck off.

funny way of saying systematicaly removed


Sure, if we can abolish the welfare state first

no they''re not