What explains his unprecedentedly rapid fall from grace?
Has anyone else gone from #1 to totally irrelevant in such a short period of time?
What explains his unprecedentedly rapid fall from grace?
Has anyone else gone from #1 to totally irrelevant in such a short period of time?
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>I can't do it
he wants a tv show, so they assinged a handler to him, which caused him to go full sjw, even his npc followers could stomach that
he stops at the first layer beneath the surface
now this is lore i can get behind
He thought he convinced people to believe what he was saying, instead they already believed it. All he did was confirm already held positions. When he argued a point that was not widely accepted he fell.
hes unironically controlled opposition
he staked out redpilled positions on censorship and feminism to make his shilling for international jewry that much more subversive
a legitimate dissapointment, but in the end he is a canadian with lupus so my fault for ever believing he could not be a faggot