This is actually SO true. FUCKING IMPEACH ALREADY

This is actually SO true. FUCKING IMPEACH ALREADY

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Literally everyone says this, not just dictators, dummy.

This is what so called "Liberals" do all the time.


I thought liberals loved communism though?


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Tankies that probably think Stalin didn't go far enough.

1 post by this ID!
yeah go back to 9gag fag!

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If you think someone with opposite views is not an enemy of the people then you really need to reconsider your position.

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I was tortured and experimented by jewish occultists who have a large network of this shit all over, so fuck off kike, you have less ethics than the local organized crime.

>three socialists and a not socialist
>meanwhile Hillary Clinton isn't demanding "incivility" on the "deplorables"

Fact is, almost everybody demonizes their opponents. OP should take politics 101 at his local liberal indoctrination center

He din't though.

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Quality meme, and saved in the NPC folder.

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Hillary said the same thing.
Bernie said the same thing.
Dubya said the same thing.
Every politician says this, ya big goof ball.

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He should have gone all the way to London and brought about a United Soviet Europe.

Reminds me of that retard that called her enemies Deplorables.That sure went well.

Is this loss?

Yeah, isn't this what Hillary said when she called Trump supporters deplorable?

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

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