Twatter still melting down

The Goyim must pay for their sins.

Attached: mega Jew.png (660x367, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody died.

The whole thing is a hoax

Bower is a mossad agent who is now going to get the death penalty.

So.. he thinks all jews are like Soros? That sounds antisemitic

Oh my God you people haha

I condemn Rosenberg Jews

Attached: Leftist Jews.png (1301x725, 687K)

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Fuck you friedman, with "soros" i mean "soros". The globalist who is financing all sorts of NGO's to spread liberal and globalist ideology. The dude who sets up all sorts of organizations to create parallel processes within society to basically undermine the normal democratic voting processes.

Why do these faggots always want to put words in my mouth?

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I was tortured and experimented by jewish occultists who have a large network of this shit all over, so fuck off kike, you have less ethics than the local organized crime.

The arrogance of Jews is fucking spectacular.

They have done this before. Oddly enough Soros is touted as an atheist on people who avoid the JQ.

Attached: Trumpocaust.png (592x816, 99K)

Fidel Castro is shorthand for "the latinos" and anyone who has ever said anything about Castro has blood on their hands.


Release me!

Let my people go!

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That echo chamber is probably burning hot. There isn't a single person to tell them to cool it. They just keep reverberating and growing louder with the same failed rhetoric. I've lost absolutely all respect for these people. They're incompetent and filled with hubris.

no justice no peace

I guess that joke about a gift shop in the Holocaust museum is true.

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this is factually true and I endorse this opinion wholeheartedly

Switch "Soros" with "The Koch Brothers" and you have every liberal of the last 10 years equal of the same crime.

stop exposing the truth, it's anti-semitic

As a Jew, I agree. I pray for the extermination of my race. I think it is coming soon.

kikes make great (((crisis))) actors. They literally infested Hollywood

Attached: gsoros emperor europe.jpg (364x374, 30K)

>implying we don't want blood on our hands

They've inverted slander. Say X about our meme benefactor and you're guilty of therefore it is impossible to criticize meme benefactor mwahahaha checkmate goyim were so smart because we are the chosen ones!!!

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Please tell me this joke



Jews will defend someone they've never met who is objectively evil just to shit all over the goyim

"You're such a jew that you'd put a gift shop in a holocaust museum."
They're practically doing the same thing by using a synagogue being shot up to pussywhip anyone that's ever said anything bad about any jew ever.

Sorry Schlomo but I’m not going to stop criticizing billionaire capitalist financers that are meddling in governments all around the globe because he’s Jewish.

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(((Friedman))) haha fucking butthurt kike

but Soros was an actual nazi
FFS clown world is beyond ridiculous
you can't criticise and actual nazi because it's anti semitic!!!
fuck this gay world

By what gymnastic do they explain this?
Real jews are scared shitless those crazed left wing globalists are going to bring a shoah on them.

Attached: explainthiskike.jpg (920x919, 138K)

They also did it to McCarthy as well, cause it turned out most of the commies he named were Jews.

>call out evil people for evil shit
>but they're also jewish



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>anyone who has ever said anything about Soros has blood on their hands
>Soros ratted out other kikes to survive the holohoax

Is he wrong though?

>OY VEY!!!!!!!! YOU ARE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, GOYIM................................................................................... HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!

those poor 6 billion jew that trump criticized.
Where is anti-def league when you need them?

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What about all the Jews proudly using ((()))?

Sounds like it's fully justified to get rid of all the jews.
I had some doubts and alternative plans like madagascar but now I'm fully convinced.
What would we do without the jews? If it wasn't for their degeneratevily superior mind I wouldn't never come up with all those brutal ways to get rid of them.

ayy lmao

Like anyone is free from sin.

Attached: Juiwes_.jpg (551x297, 35K)

during anti-left arguments I often refer to him as a nazi sympathizer (as if that's a bad thing) in order to make my point.

rosenberg you say

Attached: rosenberg.png (1176x1544, 497K)

Nietzsche attributed the resentful slave morality seen in the Jews of his day to their lack of land or identity giving them a culture of victimhood.

It's therefore understandable that once the Jews reacquired a state to defend and build with their own hands, the weakest and most resentful characters among them turned that contempt against the Jewish state just as they do against any other.

The fuck is his problem? Doesn't this asshole know how much we all donate to the starving Jewish survivors of the Holocaust living in Israel every year? We should cancel the annual pol bake sale this year.

Juden Peterstein, the mythical gatekeeper.

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I think this guy is racist.
orange drumph bad.

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If by "death penalty" you mean "disappeared to a private island retirement", yes.

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>(as if that's a bad thing)
KEK You little devil, you.

look at this fucking kike projecting hard as fuck, holy shit

>all they do is LIE! HISSSS

wow, that sounds familiar

Trump has made them so insane that Jew is naming himself... i fucking love that man


Donald Trump is shorthand for Christians. Anyone who has ever said anything about Donald Trump has blood on their hands.

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This looks hastily put together in 2 minutes on an IDF computer in tel Aviv

so absurd. Soros means fucking Soros.

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We arent afraid of you anymore.
Your demoralization campaigns were too effective.

Hahaha Jews protect Soros even though he admits to ratting out Jews hiding from the Nazis during WW2

You're glowing, faggot.

I've seen this parroted by a few kikes now, are they really trying to turn Soros into a naughty word so he can't be criticized anymore?

I unironically don't know who is jewing who at this point.

This is so awesome. Their hysterical jew squawking is going to bring hundreds of thousands of new people to the "alt right". I thought these people were meant to be smart.

If you're new here, stick around. The Jews want white Anglo Saxon/Celtic people gone forever and we can prove it to you

There it is. Got to love how International Elites use their tribal peons to protect the elites, all in the name of the tribe. Keep forcing that dialectic. "Don't criticize Soros or else you're a Nazi, goyim." and see where it pushes smart people.

Attached: jews white genocide hate twitter.png (2000x2000, 2.86M)

Wow, if one Jew is a criminal that means all Jews are? How did he get so much power that he represents all Jews?

If you don't like Al Capone that means you hate Italians

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well to be fair the holocaust never happened so it's not like they should really care

Glow on you crazy Alphabet man

jews are starting to get scared
the goyim know

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Yeah and theyre too late. Reading YouTube comments about Soros unironically redpilled me and this was years ago.

Is this real? What the fuck?

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>i used the word holocaust

I don't think they realize that while not everyone hates them, no one likes them either. Shilling shit so hard just makes people curious, only people with the liberal sickness would ever be dictated to by them. Maybe the retarded ass group of Israel loving Christians we have in America too.

Holy shit the projection

Roastie becoming pulled pork.

Just remember Jow Forums Jews helped America to be born.. its not really reasonable to claim to use Americanism to drive them out for without them we might be a Brit Colony still.

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(((destroyers of nations*)))

* except their own

people dislike Jews because they are absolute hypocrites.

pathetic. they're really going all in with this one

None of those NPCs liking his rant can find the irony that he claims they ever even attempted to understand the right's point of view when they deplatform the right from nearly ever major social platform. Specially twitter, probably the biggest offender of them all.

>projecting this hard
That’s the only skill they have. It’s obvious they are so deluded they can’t even conceive that their enemy isn’t doing the same thing they are. Jewish intelligence is a meme.

It's good that the kikes are so informative about who is Jewish.

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>be jew
>need new land to spread jewstry poison
>use white lives to search new land
>make another country and make that whites believe in that without jews they will be anglo colony
>drink whites penis blood

Attached: ....png (680x917, 341K)

The kikes are getting scared because they know what they are and what they have done. They are making mistakes now. Thank god, the kikes are going to burn (figuratively writing, literally.)

oh, then it must be wrong, because I didn't use Adobe?

using twatter in 2016

X is shorthand for X and anyone who has ever said anything about X has blood on their hands.

Stupid cunt

I am , frankly disappoint this is the only response to my sincere contribution..

that's fairly dismal assessment of the matter and leave little room for suggestion.

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ill hand it to the jews they really know how to circle the wagons even at the slightest hint of a possible insult

I want to cover her forehead in something else if you know what I mean

Do they now?

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I love that they keep blurring the lines between the generic 'right-wing' and 'Nazis' for us.

She's so repulsive; and in so many ways.