America is better than rest of the world
America is 52% "mutt" country
Is this coinsidence?
America is better than rest of the world
America is 52% "mutt" country
Is this coinsidence?
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For all the blacks and mexicans it has you'd think they'd be a lot better in the world cup, wouldn't you?
>Is this coinsidence?
No. America is best country because of white people. The more non-whites proliferate, the shittier America will become because non-whites don't understand the values that make a country and society great. They are unenlightened and lack reason.
Also, I'm not racist.
Think of how much better we'd be if it was 0%
it is the best country in the world DESPITE the niggers and other minorities.
We appreciate the mention, honorary Aryan, and I believe so. Pure bred dogs are often less healthy than the mutts.
Not at all.
i dont get the mutt thing. i dont see any spics or niggers ever
>America is best country because of white people
America was already founded and it's culture fully formed before any mass non white immigration was allowed.
Non whites haven't added anything to America except joys of diversity, they don't understand or care about our cultute of liberalism or our foundation
Selective race mixing has created a globally appealing culture. United states culture dominates Asian, Hispanic, African, and European culture.
We sell a cheaper and shinier version of everything the world has to offer.
Diversity is our strategy for world dominance.
Wonder why the Jews are the most racial and ideological diverse and they do so well in business and culture?