Bolsonaro closing Palestinian embassy

Muslims and leftists on suicide watch

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Hopefully Trump follows suit

welcome to the zog, brazilbros. don't forget to turn in your foreskins.

>jews play both sides
>refuse to play

based Israel first!

Is he already President or do they have the same kind of cool down period for the last guy?

>For me, it's Israel.
>It reminds me of my punctured colon.

Why just to give Israel more legitimacy?

>Israeli Jew likes Bolsonaro
>Entirely different person, some American Jew, dislikes him

Maybe Jewish people actually aren't a monolith and the fact that different Jewish people have divergent views isn't some massive conspiracy

>"You do not negotiate with terrorists"

>jews dont play the Palestinian side
We are way past that shlomo

January 1

>Entirely different Jew
yeah, except that they are at least third degree cousins or so.

I love this guy already

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He also was never stabbed. Mossad plant. Have fun with your ZOG, favela monkeys.

holy FUCK

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The seething jealousy never ends does it

Why did Brazil ever give a single fuck about what goes on in Palestine, and in turn why would Palestine ever give a fuck about what goes on in Brazil?

Are you mad because your country is turning into Turkey while Brazil just elected a man who is going to make being a faggot illegal?

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When did you realize half of Jow Forums was mostly Iranian/Turk/paki Islamic shills?

Bolsonaro sucks CIA dick 24/7 and desperately wants Brazil to be like the US, so expect him to copy everything Trump does. He's also delusional about how powerful Brazil is, so expect him to try to attack Syria or some shit like Trump did and get BTFO

Marxist jews subverted the jewish identity first before they started subverting every other institution in society. Perhaps ordinary jews can become redpilled to the fact that their identity and their organisations have been subverted by marxist jews.


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another puppet of the jews - because that's good for Brazilians.

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trigger the libs, own the libs

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He's an army captain and his vice president is a general, I'm sure they know the army better than anyone here.


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Top fuckin kek

Supporting Jews is what the Libs want you to do.

Don't fucking tell me Bolsonaro is in the pocket of kikes as well

nice try shlomo

might not be in the pocket but theyre definitely on speed dial

Memo to all the stormfags ITT: Just because they're against Israel doesn't mean they're the good guys.

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They're handing out redpills instead of abortion pills

How long before we get a guy that recognizes that both palestine and israel are fucking shit

like how hard is it to recognize that both are equally bad?

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There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>perhaps ordinary Jews can become redpilled

Upvoted for reddit post of the day. God this place is barely even a shell of its former self. Do you even know what redpilled use to mean you stupid fucking goy?

Christ killer faggot, devil worshiper

this is based

fuck having any embassy in the middle earth

Why does every country hate Palestine? The only countries I can think of that don't is Iran and Qatar


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>equally bad

If a rat spreads a disease which is worse ? The rat or the disease?

The answer is easy retard

Why are some stormfags obsessed with palestine?
>muh freedom fighter moslems

They are pathetic. National Socialists and International Socialists are the cancer of mankind. The only difference between the two is the national-socialists love to larp as pagans and muh roman empire

A real roman emperor would laugh and destroy any socialist movement today

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Are you sure this man isn't a Mexican?

Dear God he is basically a Mexican in their hate for Islam and fags and I love it.

This. Let's just glass the entire middle east and call it a day

Shut up nigger

If we can have nationalism, why can’t the Jews too as long as they mind their own business?

Nationalists worldwide should unite against the third world menace. Israel can have a border and so should we.

this..let him wipe out the commies then hang him

do mexicans hate pakis? I've never heard as much from them - good if so.

is it possible that he will get redpilled on Israel and stop doing all this kike shit?
I seriously believe that he is not a zionist, he is just uninformed

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Too bad he's a kike lover.

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It's always a burger with his obsession over Palestine
Every single time.
If burgers and yuroshits spent 10% of their time talking about the communist scum instead of worrying about moslems we would have a better world

I think both europeans and north americans are eternally destined to worship arab cock

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Jews can be shoved in airtight room and have Zyklon B dumped on them

Fuck Jews and fuck you

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OR...or...we could install the Christian State of Jerusalem and Cana

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Impossible to say if this is just a usual magapede faggot posting or kikeposting.

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What's the big deal? It's not even a trade partner, let alone a country.

Every single time.

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when have Jews ever minded their own business dumb fuck? they have set up parasite colonies in almost every country on earth

you guys are the new trump mutts

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He's a Evangelical, I don't know if we banned them outright yet, but you'd have a hard time prancing around with such heretic beliefs in an Orthodox or a European Catholic nation (even France).

what does that make you leaf?

If jews didn't exist muslims would still be living in their ownm countries without bordering others.
You are stupid for blaming the muslims instead of blaming the politicians and the rich people that are bringing the, and let me tell you, they are all jews
Your tribe is the one causing chaos in the world. I's rather swipe you out than swipe the muslims out

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I’m not Jewish, and I’m just trying to be impartial, fair, and find common ground. Nationalism for everyone, Brits, Americans, Irish, Israelis, Japs, what’s wrong with that?

Do you want to find a winning message and philosophy or not?

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someone who knows my politician's are crooked fucks unlike you retards

>why can’t the Jews too as long as they mind their own business?
you literally just answered your own question. kikes are genetically incapable of minding their own business since they are parasites. israel is not a nation-state in any real sense since it is entirely reliant on America to exist.



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Cut them off from all aid, and if they can fare for themselves, fine. I have no bias. I just believe every people and ethnic group has a right to self-determination.

>we literally cannot stop winning
Feels good bros. Notice how the stormfags have all left this board in shame now that we run this shit?

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He took the ZOG pill

I don't support Bolsonaro.

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when did you eve get on this fucking board? muh fucking donald faggot infected here, pushing kike-loving ideas and based niggers. then when people mention it;
>you are paid by qatar
(cant use saudi anymore as trump is their bitch)
>hehe you hate jews? you must be iranian/turkey/pakis
Have it ever occured to your feeble intellect that europeans fucking hate these filthy kikes because of their generations of abuse in all the jewish forms of our people.
if you need to scapegoat by using filthy mudslimes because you cant accept the rational and natural European view on these infecting roaches, then maybe you are so genetically inferior and mutted out you only deserve a chinese nuke in the head

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>he doesn't know kikes always play both sides
LMAO what a retard.

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>totally not a heeb go- I mean fellow white man
How about you chug some drain-o you kike

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Sorry about them, we have many uneducated drumpftards in this country. It really is a shame.

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>siding with israelis over palestinians
magapede-tier retard

>Cut them off from all aid, and if they can fare for themselves, fine.
this is a perfectly acceptable stance. this should be the bare-minimum stance for any politician who wishes to be considered conservative or right-wing. Trump and this huemonkey Bolsonaro fail this test spectacularly. Even leftists have more balls on this issue.

you know its called anti-semitism right? and jews are like 5% of that population group.
Let there be no mistake; they all fucking deserve to die. wipe them out and we might see some damn peace for once.

that being said; kikes are far more of a danger to us; kikes infect, rot from the inside and let their muslim cousins come in. the kike infection is 100x more dangerous than the mudslimes.

hopefully we end up in a war between dick mutilated degenerates and whole-dicked men.

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Why naive do we you think we are?
>nationalism is for everyone
Until it's no longer convenient for you or you can get something out of undermining other's.

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>Nationalism for everyone
Not kikes.

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>imagine being as delusional as a liberal

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kikes will burn in hell

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Holy shit it can't be??

genetic impossibility for kikes to not subvert
your generations of jew indoctrination have caused you massive braindamage. They even take money from you to mutilate your baby penis; and you pay it gladly!

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Latin america had a decade long socialist populist fever that supported palestine, iran and russia, our economies got btfod and now we are bouncing right because of it

Cuck for jewz


every time

Israel fought hard for her clay. If we can shake hands, no more wars, no more aid, and go our separate ways, I see no problem. But go ahead and keep calling me a Jew. I’m only finding mutually agreeable terms to fix this timeline, and with Israel at least we have somewhere to ship all of our kikes off to.

If Israel gets wiped out by Iran or whomever, I don’t care. Might makes right. If they can keep to their own shit, and we ours, I have no problem with the existence of Israel. I wouldn’t have a problem with a second inquisition either, forced conversion or repatriation of all Jews in the West.

In my heart, I just can’t say “nationalism for me and not for thee.” Jews can have their bit of clay as long as they fare for themselves and stay out of our affairs.

Brazilians are deluded

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