Are we going to defeat this commie? The state isnt ACTUALLY going to elect this corrupt, race baiting lunatic, are we?
Are we going to defeat this commie? The state isnt ACTUALLY going to elect this corrupt, race baiting lunatic, are we?
Na, only liberals care about him.
I've unironically only seen my far left friends posting anything about him and agreeing with him.
If he gets any votes it's because of his "racists think you're a racists" comment, which is just the buzzwords they need to think he's a good candidate.
To be honest, if he goes up against Rick Scott, No police man will win in a landslide.
>Fl fag
Maybe, Im worried. A lot of retards, people wanting gibs, and younger muh weed stupids.
Desantis's campaign is run by a bunch of inept boob. Its possible we lose this. that being side more republicans have voted as of now then dems while this time in 2014/2016 i forgot which, we were down and won when election day came. Hopefully the independents dont fuck it up.
Does anyone have how the independents voted in 2014/2016? What was the split?
Desantis can only get my vote now if he comes out and says that traps are not gay, otherwise I'll shill'em for Gillum
I hope you’re right, as the only people I’ve been posting about him or lefty friends as well. However, do not under estimate the states ability to make stupid decisions if this piece of garbage can mobilize black people to vote for him on the basis that he’s black
He HAS to be defeated. This state will go to hell if he’s elected
There's good reason to worry I notice drudge been pushing this negro out there to.
No doubt for future revenue.
Actually, the margin is much lower than 2014, Independents split evenly in 2014, they are now overwhelmingly D per polling.
FL is going blue bootlickers. Our party has made sure to swing Texas and Florida
Drudge is a jew who's voting D to punish the GOP, see how freaked out he was on twitter today, FL jews are going to swing the election to Ds.
Florida is going blue.
can you fuck off
Yeah thank god polls are right and we have President Hillary
Here’s your (You)
Comey sent late deciders to Trump.
In contrast, these shootings are going to have the opposite effect, especially on Jews like Drudge who are now shilling for the Ds.
yes we are, no matter how much that fucking kike scumbag drudge shills for him and gives him free press
Nah, Trump was the better candidate.
I'm not im FL, but I've also noticed Drudge Report looking like it leans a little more left recently. What's the deal with that?
Doesn't matter, she outplayed him with Access Hollywood.
It's like the way Mccain got wrecked after the economy dived.
And 2016?
dual loyalty.
In 2016,people who voted pre-Comey voted for Hillary, after Comey, they voted Trump.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Nah, I don't think it really even had much of an effect, 2016 was so polarizing that most people already had their minds made up by the time Comey did that
Tampa checking in. Let's not "monkey this up" boys.
I'm not even from Florida and I'm praying this idiot doesn't win. This country really is going to hell quickly.
imagine being this fucking stupid and actually thinking people hadn't made up their minds about trusting or not trusting hillary months before the election
Look at the actual voting pattern, early votes went Hillary, late deciders went Trump.
Because Democrats outnumbered Republicans in early voting you fucking idiot.
Imagine being this stupid and thinking people don't vote over retarded issues like Obola and Bindergate, the average person isn't that sophisticated.
Are you a faggot as well as a retard?
Yeah but that's how most recent elections have been, Dems usually win early voting. Voting on election day doesn't automatically make someonde a "late decider"
That's not how you get votes you worthless brain dead nigger
Lmao, you Hillsborough County cuck. You're already dominated by Libs and minorities.
I would prefer he wasn't the Democratic nominee but I'll be voting for him anyway.
Pray tell.
im gonna write my name in because both candidates suck
GOP won early voting at a much greater margin in 2014, yet they barely won on election (and this was when independents polled 50-50), now independents are polling overwhelming dem and the margin is smaller.
I voted red everything. My 2 boomer bosses are fired up but only vote on Election Day.
Gillum is a SJW Commie who will shit-up Florida faster than you can say "Monkey this up". Is that what you want?
Gillum is essentially openly hostile to individual freedom, our Constitution, borders, the family, self-determination, etc. There is literally nothing on the SJW / Commie wishlist that he's not shilling for.
Nice bait.
For what it's worth, I took a trip to Tallahassee this wknd and actually met someone that was "polled". He's voting GOP 100% but said he was voting blue for the fuck of it. He can't be the only one who's done that.
But he doesn't support Israel, that's a HUGE plus for him to get elected.
>cuck who voted for rubio
Why would an "independent" vote for a far leftist?
It makes no sense
The brett kavanaugh bullshit motivated repubs more than this corrupt retard who is guilty of bribery and will be shutdown by the fbi regardless if he wins. I early voted, like 20 other repubs i know just to make sure dems get cock blocked in November
Why did they vote for Obama?
Enjoy your third term of Obama, florida man. Hehe.
You won't be able to do shit about his commie BS because that would be racist.
I voted for Gillum and Nelson because I'm an accelerationist, and I feel that we're going to need to get past electoral political altogether to make real progress. The only way to do that is to "deplatform" the GOP as a mainstream opposition party/relief valve for political dissatisfaction. But my reasoning is pretty abstruse, and I doubt there are many others like me, so Desantis will probably win by 2-3%. Don't worry about it.
>supports open borders
>supports gibmedats
>supports taking away your guns
>"at least he doesn't support the kikes"
Patrick Little fags are an embarrassment
I hope you're baiting. If not, fuck you "accelerationists." I hope an illegal rapes your ass
DeSantis is closing the gap.
He should pound Gillum on his caravan quote + any ties to anti-Israel groups.
Even CNN is reporting that "Gillum up by 9" shit poll they had last week.
Literally didn't vote Rubio. I am not voting for my (R) state senator and I'm not voting for Rick Scott. They both cucked out on the 2nd Amendment, passing a unconstitutional "law". I don't vote for faggots just because they have an (R) next to their name.
Because he was a status quo neoliberal now answer my question
Why hasn't the GOP built the wall if they care so much about illegals?
Floridanon here. My dad IRL trolled a poll taker on the phone a few weeks ago. My mom said he told them he was voitng for Rick Nelson the Republlicrat. I can't wait to see how far off the polls are this time around.
LOL, this is the dumbest thing I ever heard, a Synagogue was shot up by someone claiming to be a Neo-Nazi, and you think High-IQ FL Jews are going to think Farrakhan motivated the shooter. LOL
>Desantis's campaign is run by a bunch of inept boob. Its possible we lose this.
This. Desantis is a fucking idiot with no gameplan and his only hope for victory is that conservatives can rally around the fear of losing the state to the libs. I'm blanking governor on ballot.
Yes, I am independent and a transplant.
He ran as a far-leftist, they voted for him anyway.
Because the GOP WANTS illegals. They don't want anything Trump wants, but Trump is dragging them up to his level.
I don't understand that logic, you're upset beause the R's were "cucked" on the 2nd Amendment, so as a result you're going to vote for the party who wants to take away even MORE of those 2nd Amendment rights?
Polling has been consistently wrong since I can remember. It's essentially Leftist propaganda to demoralize their opposition (id est, Americans). Standard propaganda.
Lol he really didnt
His track record as a senator was a status quo neoliberal
>and you think High-IQ FL Jews are going to think Farrakhan motivated the shooter.
When did I say that, faggot?
But even before the shooting there was a lot of press about candidates being buddy buddy with Farrakhan.
By your logic:
>neo Nazi = bad
>Farakkan = ok
Don't be a moron user. Just because he is one. Fucking vote for Desantis fuck taxes.
Most politicians think they don't have to listen to people like me, but Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson will
He did, he was attacked for supporting single-payer, anti-wall street, etc. the works.
Because of some cucked Senators and the fact that they only have 51 senate seats. The solution is to get more R senators and replace the cucked ones, not say "lol a race war will fix everything" and give up
Not all (R) are cucked. It only passed because a small amount of (R)s were cucks. Not all of them. I only vote for the ones that are reasonably worthy of a vote and don't actively undermine my future or my children's future.
I seriously question your mental stability
Anti wall street isnt a far left position, I see those feelings on pol all the time
And all he did with Obamacare was copy something Republicans wrote
No, I'm saying they're going to implicitly fear White Supremacy more than Black Supremacy, if a "we wuz Wakanda and shieeet" nigger shot up a synagogue, obviously the dynamic would be different.
Yeah, Scott is a piece of shit. I'm actually just going to vote against him for the lolz, because I hate him so much. He will do a terrible job of representing Florida and we all know his interests are not with the republic.
>and don't actively undermine my future or my children's future.
That's what I'm saying, if the Dems win that's exactly what's going to happen, so how exactly are you helping your cause by not voting?
Do you have any idea that amount of taxes Gillum and his commie ilk are going to raise? Do you know how quickly a state like Florida can turn into a shithole? It would be great if we didn't have to find out.
Thats one more vote for Trumps next supreme court pic you dunce. Plus Scotts hand was tied lets be honest here. Florida is a swing state and sometimes you have to give a little.
Vote not for scott but for the next supreme court justice once RPJ dies.
Read above fucking morons. Scott has done great for florida on other things.
You’re an actual retard. If you honestly believe people change their opinion on an entire party because of one lunatic, you are retarded. Or a shill, considering how much effort you’re putting into this thread to control the conversation
It's called logical consistency, you promoted the polls when Trump led them during the primary, correct?
I voted for him. So glad I did too you cunt.
>guy who doesn't remember Osama's video before the 2004 election
No, I never cited polls because they’re faux intellectualism bullshit. The only poll that matters is Election Day. I have been through too many elections to know that polling is always wrong, and always favors Democrats no matter what is happening in the country
Look, I don't know if you are retarded or not, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and take 5 seconds to explain once again: I'm not going to vote for specific "Republicans" who have cucked and voted to actively undermine our Constitution and my future as well as my children's future. The ones that crossed that red line lost my vote. The Republicans who didn't cuck will have my vote. Was that simple enough?
user remember, this state was mostly Bernie. In the 2016 election I personally ran into a whopping TWO Hillary supporters the entire race. Everyone else was bernie or any republican over a Democrat.
And remember Hillary was promoted heavily as the winner and Florida was Red in the end. Our silent Majority hates democrats and will not vote for them on principal, even if they agree completely with them.
An anti Jewish incident took place.
That puts all anti-Jewish activities in the spotlight.
I voted early for DeSantis. He's not a great candidate, but Gillum is a trainwreck.
Come on, you would be screaming about how it was disastrous for the Dems had a "we wuz wakanda" shot up a Synagogue, admit it.
Don't get angry, I'm just trying to help you understand that your whole "I'm not voting republican because I'm very special and unique" temper tantrum is going to result in the same policies you're angry about, except much, much worse. It makes absolutely no sense but whatever
Scott signed an unconstitutional, illegal "law" that explicitly infringes on the 2nd Amendment. Some of us have standards. If we allow from incremental destruction of the Republic, we get in the mess we are in now.
But yeah, vote for Rick Scott and chop just the tip of your dick off because you will still keep the rest of it. Right?
>traps are not gay
But they are, user.
He's telling republicans, if you want my vote, pander to me, otherwise, in the future, republicans won't pander to you and will just run cucks like rubio telling you to suck it up.
Independents have never ever been overwhelmingly D. Republican party is significantly smaller than the Dems and they win via closeted independent republicans. What poll has indies as overwhelmingly D? They split heavily R in 2016.
It's horrific either way.
And you're talking like the shooter was a pro Trump nut (like the bomber was)
See my above response, it applied to you too.
>that flase equivalency
And Nelson would be better for gun rights? How about, what is truly important? The Supreme court. Stop being so idealistic it sucks but hey, We need all the Rs in the Senate right now