Japan has 0.13bilion people

>Japan has 0.13bilion people
>Sweden has only 0.01billion people
>Sweden is still better country than Japan

1. Japanese is totally inferior to swede
2.diversity is their strength.
3.Feminism make nation stronger

Which is true story?

Attached: Japanese-flag.png (500x333, 6K)

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White people make better societies than asians. Asians make robotic hellscapes.

Birth Rate in Asia

India > 2.0 > China > Japan > Singapore > 1.0 > Korea

we japanese

Attached: 13385249.png (927x884, 452K)

that only became true of japan after we nuked them and made them into a vassal

Japs were running around naked swinging swords around before that.

japan makes anime. what the heck does sweden make besides shitty furniture and mud babies named mohammed?

The true story is that you should fuck off.


The truth hurts you?

Sweden is one of best country. you know meanwhile, Japan is shit.