Cheeto in chief BTFO by United Nations

cheeto in chief BTFO by United Nations.

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with what army are they going to force them?

UN gonna get hard cheeto dick

We don't have to let the UN into America.

Trump should nuke the UN and do the world a favor

even if i was the liberalist liberal, this would stoke my pro american fire pretty fast
are these people thinking?
or is there a plan i'm not seeing here

I dont think even the left actually thinks the UN can do anything.

And what if we don't? Are you gonna send in the blue helmets?

You know what you should do UN? You should sanction me. Sanction me with your army. Oh wait - you don't have an army. I guess that means you need to shut the fuck up. - USA

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And tell me again why the fuck I should care what the UN says?

Nuke New York City?

Is the (((United Nations))) the new public enemy #1 of America?


Fuck the UN. Watch Trump BTFO of them by not even acknowledging what they think the US *must* do.

Fucking lol

We don't and we aren't pro mass immigration either.

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The UN needs to be DISMANTLED

Is the UN calling for the invasion of the US ?
They can kiss my red white and blue ass.
Why don’t the UN and their army of kike faggots step up and fix the country these shitskins are running from?

USA does not want them! Period.

Trump has already made the UN irrelevant. It no longer has any moral authority for anything. It is now merely a collection of anti-semitic blowhard nations.

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Whoa guys, watch out! Here comes the "moderate" commies!

okay, so when are we enacting eminent domain on the UN's new york headquarters to build a highway bypass express route?

back when chapelle was based

Don’t they have a refugee program where people are screened before being sent to countries for asylum? Weren’t those people offered entry into the program by mexico? Why would they order a member nation to ignore their own programs?

Google the UN Replacement Population agenda on their own website.

They blatantly admit they are going to replace the populations of USA, Europe, Russia, Japan and South Korea.

Fuck off with your foreign intervention .

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fucking kek
let the UN come here and try and get them some
boy, would they be in for a surprise

Who the fuck do these faggots think they are telling us how to run our country? The UN isn't sovereign over the US.

Tell that to 98% of the modern left in western countries, not me.

At least the UN talks massive amounts of shit against Israel, the one think I truly like about them.

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LOL. What the fuck are they gonna do? Seriously? Do they want us to tell them to fuck right off? If we get out, the UN is over.

That's doing us a favor.

oh hey UN, i checked and the treasury guy said he had mailed that gigantic check we give you every year. it would be a shame if something happened to it and your cash flow dried up

Lol oh shit. It's getting real in here. That explains why Nikki Haley stepped down. There wasn't going to be a job involving the UN soon anyway.

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>UN telling America to do literally anything

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one of my 2 dads served on the uss liberty.

On what grounds?


UN authority isn't recognized here



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mfw Trump cuts UN funding to the minimum required

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>Dear U.N....

Welcome to America muthafuckas!

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Top fucking kek. What is the UN gonna do?
>Literally worse than Hitler
The UN is in no position to make demands for the US to allow itself to be invaded.

Fuck the UN

Oh DAMN I'm sorry, did I just accidentally nuke all other UN "countries"?
I'll send a few carrier groups to finish the j.... err help

Shiggy diggy top keksimus maximus lol

Nah mate

cut it completely, the un is useless

Before I even scroll this thread. WTF? WTELFGDF?!?!?!

In the Trump ear the UN opinion matters about as much as Lady Gagas

The same UN that said Bush wasn't allowed to invade Iraq?

Or what?



The location would be a great place for the Trump Presidential Library.

or what?

Idc let them in I doubt they'll get as far north as I am anyway


UN also demands a lot of shit from Israel that never happens

Fuck that.

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Well trump will lose election n the liberals will let em in
Thats what u get for ripping ob Europe an calling em cucks

>United Nations
fuck that satanic cult

According to Jim Acosta were on the same side

I sure would love to see them try and enforce it

Please...PLEASE try to enforce UN edicts inside the sovereign US. We won't even use our military.


Meanwhile, in Mexico, the same people who rejected a wall in the north are defending their wall in the south while a caravan of peace composed of doctors and engineers arrives from Guatemala.

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Literally and unironically fuck the UN. These fuckwads allow Turkey to play chicken with Russia, just because it's an anti-Russian organization... literally willing to allow WWIII to begin, just because? And they also allow Maduro to fuck over Venezuella completely, and terrorize the citizens of the country? What moral standing does this organization even have? FUCK THE UN

LOL ... literally who?

.@POTUS on the migrant caravan: "We’re not letting them into this country."

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Yes. You heard the man.

"Whoah, cool it with the antisemitism..."

it doesn't even have to be all that complicated. i'd be okay with turning it into a bowling alley

None, the UN bullshit army would get annihilated by Billys from Tennessee

Welcome to Mexico, lol.

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What's this? Is our funding to the UN decreasing this year? :^)

>Plastic shiny blue helmets
>Has the same power as a security officer
>Most don't carry weapons
>The ones that do aren't authorized to use them
What are they gonna do? Ask us kindly to leave?

UN is a retarded paper tiger.
Trump should evict them from Jew York.
Send them to Lagos.

The Snowden leaks show that the NSA believes the UN to be completely controlled by America and they consider it an arm of the NSA. It's a jewish control organisation like every other organisation of it's kind. Trump is controlled by the same people so of course he is going to listen tho.

Holy shit, faggot, try using a filename under a bajillion characters.

Keep in mind that both sides in this peaceful encounter are latinos.

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Your Spanish overlords still haven't finished raping all your women, cuck?

Not happening

Aaaaand it’s fucking George Soros.

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USA must be the worlds portable toilet.

UN couldn’t do shit to the US military, even if they did there are millions of civilians with guns. Gueriilla warfare for eternity.


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Go back to /trash/.

Its time we cut our losses with the Globalist un -united nations cabal.

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Fuck off UN global nigger.

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UN just signed their fucking death warrant.


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Not on my watch

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The USA funds the faggot UN, they won't say shit.

>the NSA believes the UN to be completely controlled by America and they consider it an arm of the NSA

the un should be gassed for the globalists they are



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Fucking hell. Soros is so fucking bad even my old as fuck grandpa knows about and despises him, and ive never seen my grandpa hate someone before. Hes gotta be the kindest man i know and Soros gets under his skin.

I know this is pretty far away from America but I bet Orange Man is still responsible for it, somehow.

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We are living in World War Z.
Four billion subhumans need to die or get exterminated before what's left of human civilization is lost for 1,000 years minimum.

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