Couple who fell 3...

>Couple who fell 3,000 feet to their deaths from Yosemite National Park's Taft Point identified as married Indian travel bloggers pooing off the ledge
>Officials identified the couple as Vishnu Viswanath and Meenakshi Moorthy
>The couple fell from a height of 3,000 feet above the Yosemite Valley floor
>They fell from the same spot a photographer captured a proposal photo that went viral a week before they were found
>The couple wrote the travel blog, Holidays and Happily Ever Afters
>They also had a popular Instagram account, last updated on October 17
>Their bodies were first spotted by a tourist who reported them on October 24
>It's unknown when they actually fell to their deaths or from where on Taft Point
>Taft Point has limited railings, allowing visitors to poo off the edge of the ledge

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Other urls found in this thread:

>poo off the edge

excuse me

People lost their lives and you make jokes about it? Take some time and reflect on what a shitty person you are and ask yourself why you do it.

cry more

return to gab


Lol I get it

>what a shitty person
too soon preachy user

We need some thread theme music:

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Show bitch lasagna

we didn't kill him the mountain did!

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no MANS got a clip of the plummet?????

Two less immigrants to worry about. Based Yellowstone.

maybe they shouldn't have fallen off the ledge

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Nah, they weren’t even found for a week. I wonder how bad the curry and poo smell was after that long fermenting in the bloody puddle they made.

Is he ok?

Altruism is a false god.

Is he ok?

POO IN THE LOOOOLOOOooLOOoooLOooooLooooolooooo

not much you can do but laugh sometimes. laughter is good for you anyway.

>retard post
>meme flag
checks out

They died doing what they loved - pooing in public.

How'd they simultaneously fall off?
I bet one pulled the other down with them.

> hits the ground with a *brap*

They are mallus. 100% households have toilets. Which is more than USA

Did he do all the poojas before jumping?

That's pretty sad. At least it's a beautiful place for your last day

I want to be inside you

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>Pink hair

Absolutely nothing of value was lost, infact it was a net positive on the world by removing a negative.

I rarely see Indians do this, she might have actually been trying to assimilate.

What if they guy proposed to the girl, she refused, then in a spat of virgin rage, he tackled her off the ledge


Yeah something like that is likely, both of them falling on accident is an extremely unlikely possibility so one of them probably pulled the other down

I love you. You show me bob bby? Vagene?

bummer big fall like that needs a video!!!!

Yeah he’s fine

>Be pajeet
>dye by pooing in public

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gr8 b8 m8

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The turmeric and cumin preserved the body in a miasma of odour

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What a crappy response, you stink

Has SJWsoyboy-ism reached India or what did she mean by that hair?

Me on the left

What else falls and makes a dull splat when it hits the ground.

They became the poo

Yes. No.

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>lover's leap suicide pact
too obvious

>poo terrorists
Imagine being at the bottom taking a nice stroll when suddenly an Indian shit falls from the sky and lands on your head.

t. deranged virgin

Nothing of value was lost

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I'm surprised that I can still be surprised. I need to process the utter stupidity of it all, over a nice cuppa.
I love you

wait wait were they actually pooing off the ledge?

>open bob for me

>No, Ranjid, I told you, we are just friend

>show milk

>Ranjid please, you're scaring me

>show bageene or I'll throw us both of the cliff

well according to the URL they were also terrorists. so probably. also it's, a popular internet tabloid commonly cited on Jow Forums, and literally fake news half the time


Indians are still being house trained

Now this is some good bait!


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The cunt probably fell off trying to take a selfie and he threw himself off in despair.

fucking retard, I guess just walking carrying the bike was too difficult. Even in a lake Pajeets can't swim so now he's beyond fucked.

wonder if they had time to wipe their shitty bum bums,if not how embarrasing

It’s possible that one slipped and the other fell trying to pull him/her back up

This is so fucking nuts

100% dead. you don't survive such strong current. You either drown or get hit by flotsam.

Also very funny and creative post, nigel. 8/10 I would say. Cant even begin to imagine the quality gain of your contributions after your brain is fully developed in nine years. Keep it up m80!

All journalism is fake news

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wonder if they had time to wipe their shitty bum bums,if not how embarrasing

Gee thanks mohammed. Here’s a picture of a camels dick to cheer you up and remind you of home.

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well at least their parents don't have to talk about how rocks are bringing in diversity to the geological system...

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Why is her arm so long?



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This guy actually survived. Dont have the link but he was relatively ok, he was thrown clear and not sucked under.
Indians and chinks are legendarily retarded when it comes to selfie decisions.

Take off your meme flag and say that Jew.

nothing lost.

If your count is over 11 you win; jew.

Uh, you're also a collector of fine arts already. I pull my hat!

And once again nothing of value was lost


i suppose it is. real reporting on fabricated/contrived events or people is still fake news.

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Did he died?

I don't come here to make jokes im here for the mock outrage like yours fgt

Why are they so fatalistic? He didn't even struggle.

HAHAHAAAA thanks for the laugh

slow reflexes

these people vandalized one of the most beautiful places on earth, they can succ a fart outta Satan's asshole

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They LIVED more in their short, beautiful lives than any of you basement dwellers will EVER experience.

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you need to ask yourself who is the real shitty person. it ain't 'mericans

they were childless and now they're dead. meanwhile, i'm still among the living, at least for the time being.


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Poo off cliff
Become a stiff

People want to "live the life" and live exotic adventures.
They forget (or never learned) that adventures are dangerous and you can meet and horrible end.


Bitch you don't know me. Nigga I'll fuck you up.