MAGAbomber in photo with Democrat Izzy Hernandez

"The fake bomber suspect is pictured here with Izzy Hernandez just last year. He doesn't appear to be destitute. Why would an alleged @realDonaldTrump enthusiast attend a banquet and take pictures in a photo OP with a known Democrat? Facebook has been taking this picture down."

Attached: Capture.jpg (582x523, 61K)

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>(((Israel))) Hernandez
What did (((they))) mean by this?

He's just the kind of guy who wants to take photos with everyone. Being homeless doesn't prevent you from wearing suits.

Well well well.

kek smiles on you child

Attached: Praise kek.gif (590x633, 3.04M)

the cunt tattoo'd 'hair" on his head, theres no point trying to pretend he had regular human thought processes.


They both played on the same soccer team together in college, this proves he’s a secret democrat after all!!!
>What’s the image of, really? Two guys who attended college together for a short time. The suspect, Cesar Sayoc, is pictured here with high school soccer coach Izzy Hernandez. Both attended Brevard College in the early 1980s.
>In 2009 Hernandez was inducted into the South Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame. As his bio for the ceremony notes, “Izzy spent his first two college years (1980-82) at Brevard College, in Brevard, NC.” During this same time Sayoc was on the soccer team at Brevard (from 1980-81). So, this seems to be nothing more than two people who knew each other for a time in college taking a picture together years later. No evidence that Hernandez is some secret big-donor Democrat.

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his face disgusts me
there's something odd about it

For the same reason Bess Kalb has a pic with GWB - because he's famous.

>the cunt tattoo'd 'hair" on his head,

Non existent upper lip and a very small set of teeth.

>spamming "fact check" within 10 seconds of each other

Attached: 1496593322344.png (517x602, 11K)

could be that he literally looks like every MS-13 gang member rolled into one fucking guy

only fake niggers will tell you he was living in a van and destitute

Attached: Johnny Luciano.png (850x846, 1.1M)

His hair looks like it was drawn with a sharpie.

it prob hair plugs or some shit

Attached: 1540595210696.jpg (1152x2048, 309K)

no, he just plastered the hair from the back of his head towards the front

I think he still has his baby teeth.


THANK MOLOCH WE HAVE "fact checkers" employed at places such as weeklystandard and snopes. otherwise i would constantly get duped by 4chin hackers

You can tell he is a complete fucking scum bag by just looking at him. He will burn in hell.

he looks like he's doing pretty well, assuming those photos are recent. i can't tell because the feds scrubbed his social media by now.

but last time i checked, homeless guys don't wear suits, and hot girls don't take photos with homeless guys.

uh-oh #DemocratBomber

>>(((Israel))) Hernandez
>What did (((they))) mean by this?

You're an >>>asshole

Let's make a list of everyone Trump has taken a photo with

Are you a retard,I support LA state senator John Milkovich and I'm also on the trump train what's your point?

>and again it's the same terrible fitted polyester suite with a not ironed collard shirt and a abysmal knotted cheap tie.
How do you get into those kind of events with a $50 outfit?

this x 1,000

What he wears is H&M tier shit. That is $50 outfit.

If you want some actual evidence:

>Fautz, who said he hadn’t seen Sayoc in at least six years, said that Sayoc was very opinionated, but that his political views had apparently shifted over the last decade. “I would have called him like a Democrat, if I had to pick him,” Fautz said. “He was pretty liberal.”

this post glows in the dark

>a billionaire in NYC with global contacts
>a homeless spic living in a van pictured in flashy suits poppin champagne like a high roller

WELL WELL WELL look at these numbers. Thread is blessed.

wow, it's almost like the globalist oligarchs had some patsies lined up and ready to tap right ahead of elections...

>comparing weekly standard to snopes

I smell cryptojew

>he looks like he's doing pretty well, assuming those photos are recent
The picture is from 2009

I've never heard of a Mexican they exist?I wound think nachos aren't kosher

Here is my theory:
I think the Dems go out and find mentally unstable people and get them hooked on opposition candidates so that they can later manipulate them into doing violent acts or be used as patsies.

whatever feeds your delusions, loony

Michael Moore just happened to get a close up video of the guy at a rally

Forgot link

Mother Fucking 5 Retards

Those fucking glow in the darks are are shoving it in our face

they just elected one lmao

ms 13 about to get alot stronger

That "hair," just why? Nobody likes insecurity, not even the insecure. Just go bald ffs. That shit looks terrible.

>being homeless doesn't prevent you from wearing suits
Yes it does, actually.