He's lying.
He's lying
I'm lying.
how much is that in american
Theres some instances where Imperial is better then metric. Height being one of those instance. Please refrain from using your shitty units of measurement next time.
about 1.8 miles
>under 6'
The ABSOLUTE STATE of manlets
No one cares gen Z. Go back to failing to find a decent job. Sage.
I met him he is 5'11.
>Logan Paul
Was he /ourguy/ all along?
>having a job
Boomer detected
Manlet is 5 foor 7 and below
Also pewdiepie is so fucking hot its ridiculous
He's only worth 1.8 million? God what a poorfag
This is important.
>t 5'10 manlet
Look at this dude, no no no HAHAHAHAAHA
>tfw people think I look like Pewdiepie
So he's 1.8 manatees tall?
Retardbim 5’9
>American education
Octavian is taller than all of 'em