Trumps wall will cost approximately $80 Billion

Well I can build it for less than $40 Billion.


Easy... quit thinking like a nigger and start thinking like a winner.

Instead of a 35' physical wall, build a "wall" of Land Phalanx Weapon System or LPWS.

The border between the US and Mexico is 1933 miles.

Position these babies every 1320 feet (1/4 mile).

7732 units would be needed, at 3.8 million a unit this comes out to ~ $29.3 Billion

Use the remaining funds for maintenance and operation jobs for the next 30 years


Attached: BorderPatrol.jpg (425x400, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying you need a permanent installation

Just shoot the first few r-strategists and the rest will stop coming.

Wtf I love memeflags now.
Seriously though, that would be fucking nuts.

Make it so. You'd have to use it maybe once, and the crossings will stop.

You need personnel and facilities to maintain and operate them.

Perhaps several trebuchets? You guys seem to love them so much

I like where your head is at, but it's a little unrealistic as far as the logistics of boarder crossings go.

A wall will do fine, if it's complimented by patrols with firearms/night vision/4wd trucks/maybe some reconnaissance drones or cameras.

The CIWS would also require a hell of a lot more maintenance to maintain operational status than a wall.

But primarily, the CIWS is speced for antimissile/anti fighter jet operations, and would be a hilarious amount of overkill for people on foot.

So, basically what i'm saying is, maybe pick something with a lower calibre, and a less sophisticated tracking system/radar array, and it will cost less and be easier to maintinance.

But vehicular patrols with armed personnel would be sufficient to supplement the wall.

>and would be a hilarious amount of overkill for people on foot
sounds perfectly american to me

Build two parallel walls a few hundred yards apart. Place mines. Get popcorn and soda and watch the fun on closed-circuit tv.

nah its anti semitic to not send all of that money to israel
>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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No, use Metal Storm system mounted on turrets, suppression fire as needed all electronically controlled - anything bigger than a rabbit gets in the kill zone. fire a few rounds.

Attached: metal storm.jpg (1136x628, 61K)

Who shoots them?
Because if it is automatic i mean...
What about all the poor animals that would get hurt?

So like 10 years of aid to Israel

No welfare at all, and just start fining anyone, business or private citizen, who hires an illegal worker a million dollars per and who needs a wall?

OP, stop thinking like a winner and start thinking like a jew

Surely using one of those is a bit overkill. A normal sized machine gun will do the same thing way cheaper
You then set up a service where anyone can take control of a turret remotely so they can finally fufill their fanatasy of legally killing a foreigner. You can also control the turret through a free app available on all good app stores.
The ad revenue alone will pay for the whole system and the border will still be secure

Send the remaining 80 billion to israel

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You got my vote OP!! .. Now where do i sign?

Fuck animals. Keeping America free of welfare leeches is the top priority. All welfare rightfully belongs to us niggers.

What the fuck is this "saving" mickey mouse shit?!

I want a 45' wall WITH the CIWS network ON TOP!

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Im a phalanx tech and would maintain and reload that platform for free, all i want in exchange is make it a block 1B or higher system with a joystick and a trigger.

That's racist.

>No, use Metal Storm
Never use metal storm it's fucking retarded.

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"The Wall" could be constructed in part through the use of particularily noxious flora.

We could have paid for half the wall already if Trump didn't give our money to Pissrael.

Attached: trump zionism 61.jpg (741x742, 99K)

Why not just litter the border with mines? Do that and have cameras every and air highlight reels on 60mins. Sounds like a win to me.


Enjoy your several meters of renovated fence

That's a tried and true method. Some people call it a death strip.


I love it. Theres a permaculture solution to every problem.

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The libshits would never allow it and the first D or Moderate they got elected would dismantle it, landmines would be far better, more so if you don't mark them. There are still landmines from both World Wars found every day in Europe even now.

Roman gladiatorial fights shall be held on the border. Last man standing shall get a wooden revolver, and a job application to McDonald’s.

>1shot = 30$
>1min Shooting = 135000$
>when every gun in this array only shots 1min = 1.04billion $

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there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the right tool for the job.

While a full on A-10 strafing run would look great and strike supernatural fear into their hearts...

smaller caliber bullets work just as well, and are cheaper and more plentiful.

>and would be a hilarious amount of overkill for people on foot.

Attached: eyyyyy.jpg (496x604, 37K)

I can do it for a billion. Simple drone weapon platforms patrol the border with heat sensitive cameras. Operators review possible threats detected by the drones and shoot them with non lethal or lethal ammo. For the luxury package where every heat signature on the planet is intelligently tracked and labelled so you can at any time kill everything in an area except you and your dog is now 50% off for a limited time at $100 billion. Registered citizens would be able to walk freely across the border but illegals would be shot by a tiny dot in the sky.

Spend 100B. Well worth it.

2 walls, 2 scoops, 2 genders, 2 terms.

Kek has willed it. So it will be.

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all these suggestions are dogshit.
all weapon systems can be defunded.
once a meaningful wall is in place, it is in place.
Great Chink Wall is still visible from space.
I want the Great Wall of Trump to be visible from the goddamn moon.

Attached: WallOfShame.jpg (3888x4500, 3.7M)

Money well spent.

We do it right we only ever have to shoot it once. Small price to pay.

I'm rusty but can those even track things not made of metal less than 20 ft off the deck going sub mach 1?

do what the Spartans did and build a wall with the corpses of your enemies

You don't need something that is meant to shoot down missiles.
Just put the same tracking/rotating equipment on some m240s and you're good.

That's a 20mm, right?

They fire incendiary high explosive rounds so they're perfect for firing onto a group.

ive fucking had it with trump. i hate to admit but i supported him until today. now im voting straight D. join me borthers lets spite the jew cock smoker trumpy by voting opposite

You need these big guns to stop trucks or armored vehicles too.

We already have them, the people to deploy them are already paid, and it would scare the piss out of anybody that tries to cross.

You know an even EASIER way to do it? Stop thinking like a nigger or a Jew or a winner, and start thinking like a philosopher.
The only reason these fucks are coming in is because they can get gibsmedats from the government. End welfare, and they will turn around and go home. No costs, all rewards.

all right, I guess that's a fair point.

Few would be willing to risk their fate against the angry sky dragon.

You would only need one ever 2-3 miles

>I'm rusty but can those even track things not made of metal less than 20 ft off the deck going sub mach 1?

probably some sort of manual turret control would be fine.

I mean, how fast can humans really go?

>Easy... quit thinking like a nigger and start thinking like a winner

No, you stupid bitch. Cutting foreign aid to 1 country builds the wall. Trump won't do that. As a lifelong republican, this is the reason I voted straight ticket democrats in a swing state

Attached: AWyattMannIllegals.jpg (500x598, 186K)

Use migrants as mortar to save on materials

>Why not just litter the border with mines? Do that and have cameras every and air highlight reels on 60mins.
Since we're buddies with DPRK now, why don't we just transfer their mines over here?
Build a DMZ and have North Korea pay for it.

Fuck it, i'm sold on the plan.

lets make a wall, OF BULLETS!!!

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Daily reminder you can build a space elevator for 15 bil and simply launch people into space if you want.

It will be a type of wall that needs to be maintained and patrolled anyway to work but you're right, it should be a huge, high quality stone wall that people will admire in 10.000 years.
skip to 2minutes
doesn't necessary need to hit them

theradar system has nothing to do with the weapon system, the system can be targeted using other radar systems, even manually operated from remote locations.
OP (who is a faggot) is retarded, since the turrets will need a structure to mount them, an ammunition magazine, regular maintenance, a power supply, a targeting system, and of course something to prevent niggers and beaners from stealing them. a Phallanx weapon system to cover the whole border would be grand, but would cost more than the wall by a huge margin.

Oh so you're a scientist? Or did you just hear this online?

>Feelanx Ingetrated Weapon System


At the very least they could lay down a wall of razor wire and have hidden motion detectors placed along the border.

15 billion ? The cables alone would be pretty expensive up to 400km up.

You're on the right track OP, but why
waste money? The Phalanx has a max range of 2.2 miles. Place them a
half-mile apart. Fill each gap with 50
Dillon Aero all-terrain SUVs mounted
with GE 7.62mm miniguns. Problem

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Its 15-25b, not 80b.

Some asshats are holding it all up...

We pay 116billiion a year on illegals.

i always thought the solar wall was a great idea, but if you mount them with LPWS then i think we have something pretty rad

Attached: solar wall.jpg (721x420, 26K)

>metal storm
No, it’s fucking retarded. Just post M134’s on top of the wall.

Why not use landmines instead. Bury a few deep so when they dig a hole too shallow they trip the mine. Also make some wooden mines so they can't detect them.


Yes you're a faggot and probably eight to come up with something this fucking stupid.

same with a wall you stupid leaf

>complex machinery
>lots of sand
What could go wrong?

This is awesome lol

Problem. Panels would have to be on the south side and would definitely be vandalised

Israel, is that you?


where's the 'like' button?

>EU flag
>i used to support him, b-but now i don't! u shouldn't either fellow white!
fuck off kike, back to the chamber you go

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What is image classification. Know all those neural nets that can tell a trash can from a paper shredder? Well ...

Nigger you took this straight from TF2 Meet the Heavy

> cost of a beaner, $588K

Attached: lifetime-impact-of-whites-hispanics-and-blacks-shrunken.jpg (1023x766, 192K)

Fence, 50 ft Killzone, The Wall w/ solar panels and mounted patrols. problem solved.
mexicants are kept on their side of the border, cheap renewable energy for the hippies, horses get exercise which will make PETA either extremely happy or incandescent with rage (possibly both...) and the military gets cheap and plentiful target practice for defensive emplacement crews.
you could mix it up, adding artillery in some spots, infantry riflery ranges in others, and bombing ranges for aircraft in others.
some parts could be opened up to the public like a carnival midway shooting gallery.
25 cents a bullet and you just might walk home with a bloody sombrero, or a mexicant pelt as a trophy.


> how fast can humans really go?
when a mexican is running, swimming, climbing or jumping for the border, his speed is only limited by the number of ninos trailing behind, and his extremely gravid squaw, ready to drop that anchor as soon as it waddles into "el norte"
an unaccompanied male mexicant can move at alarming speed, using his natural camouflage to blend into the scenery, while still covering ground at a terrifying rate.

Better idea; use the border as a test-bed for laser tech.

>shorter range, better for small targets
>can be supplied via remote power instead of on-site ammunition
>can work as both non-lethal deterant and lethal weapon, depending on power and wavelength used
>utterly silent; nearby beaners just burst into flame if lethal, or start screaming as their skin is cooked from the inside if microwave
>trucks and wooden shelter are no reprieve, will cook all the same if high powered visible lasers
>mirrors high quality enough, and large enough, to provide suitable defense are immensely obvious to any border patrol

Do it with the coming Laser Variants and I'm game.

You're thinking too small. We should either

A) Invade Mexico. Deport their population to the Yucatan Peninsula. And build a series of walls at their narrowest point of the continent.

B) Nuke everything South of us, thus creating a radioactive wasteland that no one would ever dare cross.

I think option B would be cheaper.

> $15-25 billion...
me and my esse's can do that for less jeffe'....
ten dollars? 8 dollars?

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I don't know, I think making border-crossers imitate popcorn is a pretty neat solution. It's only $1 per target, too.

> invade mexico...
im with you
> ...deport their population...
right right, that stands to reason.
> to the yucatan peninsula...
wait. wut?
do you even geography?
> build walls at narrowest point
so now we have to invade belize, guatamala, honduras, nicaragua, and panama?
why not just burn them all the way down top the canal, retake our property (fuck you jimmy carter) and set up the perimeter at the southern canal zone?
of course we oould have to remove all the mexicants from the US all the way down to the canal, and drop them someplace in hue hue monkey land, but thats doable.
perhaps if we re-classify niggers as mexicants we can get rid of that problem too.

Idiots like you should not reproduce.

Fucking BRILLIANT. Nothing says "Get off my lawn!" like 9000 rounds per min.

This. Push south to Panama

Seems stupid but the idea of a wall of steel and lead is funny to me, you’d have a problem with all the dead people though. Humans are irrational and will blame you for killing mi familia no matter what

>quit thinking like a nigger and start thinking like a winner.
tell that to trump.
"I will build a great wall—and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me—and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Attached: Dn_S4ZPXgAAc78.jpg (526x159, 12K)

The cost is irrelevant.

Trumps wall will never happen, because Trump is a Zionist shill.

Attached: TrumpJewishCabal.jpg (1104x9958, 2.96M)

that's actually very feasible. you're stilla flag fag though.

Lets just bomb Mexico and end them all. No wall or turrets needed.