How come there aren't any methodical serial killers anymore and there's just massive shooter spergs?

How come there aren't any methodical serial killers anymore and there's just massive shooter spergs?

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surveillance technology

no respect for the craft anymore

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CIA nigger thread
probably cause the internet has dulled down everyones attitude about everything

Snuff porn for the whole family....

The Clinton Foundation is still active.

In the 90s and 00s German late TV there were always documentaries about American serial killers. Spooky as fuck to watch them as a kid. Just look at that fucked up intro

Everyone is walking around with a recording device that’s tracking your location 24/7 and there are cameras everywhere able see who came and who went, both public and private.

You would have to be an absolute god to get away with that shit now days

There are. The classical ones are around. But you need to think in bigger terms now.

Nice meme flag faggot

why do people keep making the same fucking thread topics over and over is this really the CIA?


It's totally treatable, yo.

Not true.

I go at late night walks by the park and see joggers all by themselves all the time. I always imagined how easy it would be for someone to stab them in the gut as they were jogging towards them and leave without a trace

That or you're just paranoid, either who cares faggot and stop pressuring people into not having fun

ha ha that guy has the same last name as me.

Because trump is triggering the shit out of mossad and making them do dumb shit.

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>no one mentions trump

Literally rent free

How would you attest to understand or know?

They haven't been caught yet.

Public transport, low profile, cash only, and places you'd never frequent. It's still easy the only hard part is your fear and morals.

no it's fbi. cia is international espionage and intrigue, meeting sexy spies in fancy bars in europe. fbi is sitting in a basement computer lab in virginia, shitpoasting on Jow Forums breathing recycled fart air.

Truckers still do it. There's a pretty big case developing and the FBI is using their big data caches to track some of those guys down.

Who says there aren't? Most mass shooters are low IQ morons, or mentally ill, or brainwashed Muslim terrorists.

Seriously, look at the mass shooters we have had in the past few years...they all fit in those categories.

Serial killers often are a lot more intelligent and cagey, and do things on the sly, and don't want to get caught like some stupid mass shooter.

that did not deserve an fpbp, faggot



it's not this at all, it's another facet of cultural decay, same reason there's no longer great art or industrial endeavors

>You would have to be an absolute god
or mossad


CIA is long nights sucking Mossad dick.

FBI is long nights sucking Shin Bet dick.


>How come there aren't any methodical serial killers anymore
because we realized you need to make it look like a disappearance instead of a murder.

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The serial killers of the 70s were caused by the lead in gasoline. Once they switched to unleaded in the 80s the lead in the emissions stopped making ppl psycho. Feel free to google it and read some articles.

I think the FBI estimates like 10-20 active ones in the US at any one time. It just takes a long time to get caught.

They are around they just dont make the national news because they are 100% on political stories these days

How do you know there aren't great serial killers in action as we speak, they just haven't been caught for you to know they exist?

pretty much this, indiscriminate murders are really easy to get away with but most murderers have motive so they eventually get caught because they're always tied to the victim in one way or another

Love that artist.

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Wear a mask
The real reason is would-be killers are too lazy to get Jow Forums. If you never lift how do you expect to lift all those bodies.

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>Thinking gut wounds are instantly fatal
>Not realizing they could linger for days and ID you

Stick to taking your homicidal fantasies out on your waifu pillow, user.

Poor, poor waifu pillow to have been stuck with you.

Serial killers were more expensive for the CIA

A large deep cut to the gut is more fatal than a gunshot

Gunshots can also linger for days. This ain't rocket surgery, user.

>missing person cases piling up
How do you know there aren't serial killers? You only know when they're caught, but now the clearance rates for crimes has gone so low that the odds of a serial killer being caught are probably not very good anymore.

Because good serial killers' victims body's don't show up, they're called "missing persons"

A whole lot of serial killers are known to exist for years before they are caught, if they are ever caught. The see a pattern in some killings and surmise a serial killer is responsible.

I blame it on the crippling obesity crisis. Would be killers are fatter than ever, and so are the victims.

now this is edgy

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The good ones can go undetected for a years..

23 and Me fuks their shit up quick

Guess what race is statistically overrepresented by more than 300%. Now reflect on why it goes unreported.

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Serial Killers used to justify mass surveillence
Mass shooters used to justify guns grab
Men murders used to justify mandatory estrogen supplements
>coming soon!

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They are the ones using the mentally ill shooters

Okay, it's true. Ever since Manhunt came out for the PS2, serial killers have gotten too good to catch. That shit was training. For real.

There are just as many as ever.

MSM stopped reporting on them.

If you were a methodical serial killer, would anyone even know? Like, if you're really good at it, we wouldn't find out until they uncover several mass graves fifty years later, right?

Vidya allows you to live out power fantasies now.

that pic!


Thats just how anatomy works bro

A shot leaves a small tunnel through the body, ta slice to the stomach with like a machete would cut through major veins and artieries and completely destroy organs. The person would lose blood and blood pressure so quickly they would pass out and die within minutes

Of course not. Look at the missing people's list some time. 99% of those people are dead but no body was found.

knives make it much more personal and special

Even notice how jason would stash the bodies strategically so they fall out of trees and shit at the perfect time on the final girl

They still out there, easier than ever to access information on police methodology, they ain’t leaving prints, DNA, connection to victim , clear MO anymore.

There are they just kill hookers and aren't as much of a media bogey man as the spergs. Just this year they caught a guy killing fags in Toronto and Pickton was somewhat recent

Yeah, what I mean is, there probably are a lot of methodical serial killers, they just don't get caught. The ones who do get caught are the ones who fuck up.

Also plz note that hitmen and gangbangers are not considered serial killers.

get skilled with makeup
target homeless/low rent hookers
only on the outskirts of town/downtown
actually targetting low iq junky/hookers would be pretty easy. you'd need to move around a lot though. and never leave a body, that's how you get caught.

Technically, a hitman IS a serial killer.

LISK is still out there.

but there are user. hiding in plain sight for all the world too see.

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We elected them all. Nigger.

There was a black on black serial killer earlier this year. He had at least 5 victims and it was major news. It was memory holed though because it didnt fit the narrative

Estimates put thr current number of actives st 2,000 although majority of those are low body count atm. Here's a highlight reel of the most prominent ones still at large.

serial killers were just a psyop to cover up domestic CIA assassination programs

you realize the US hasn't built any infrastructure in 50 years? jobs have been getting shipped out for 50 years? wages are stagnant for 50 years? you need two people to scrape by a 1 child family instead of one to provide for 5 or 6 kids?

you have a hostile occupying power in charge. they have to clean up resistance.

if you can't see this shit for yourself, you're fucking retarded and need to spend less time on whatever bread and circus bullshit is distracting you until you figure the world out

Is there an oustanding/ongoing case of a serial killer that the combined autism of Jow Forums could solve? Its been pretty dead around here lately and maybe its time to become productive rather than destructive. Any suggestions or info appreciated.

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There are, they are however, mostly black. Giving media attention to serial killers would destroy the narrative of ebul hu-white men.

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There's always the Zodiac Killer. Ted Cruz is right there, but his crimes were never proven.

>you realize the US hasn't built any infrastructure in 50 years? jobs have been getting shipped out for 50 years? wages are stagnant for 50 years? you need two people to scrape by a 1 child family instead of one to provide for 5 or 6 kids?
What's the reason for this? Why is this the way it is? To create goyim cattle or why do this to your own people?

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There is a highway being built 3 miles from my house right now you fucking retard.

Due to the Canadian recession, serial killer starting kits have become prohibitively expensive in recent years

mass shootings proved to be far better of a public control mechanism and media narrative vehicle

Wouldn't it be funny if you got gutted by some Doomer fag and you lay there bleeding out with this knowledge

Long Island one would be fun to take a crack at. Not many leads though and they think it might be a dirty cop.

because being a serial killer is an almost aesthetic pursuit. Not to glorify it in any way whatsoever, but the methodical planning, the reveling in the public fear, the signatures so that the killer knows it was him being reported on. It all takes a high degree of intellectualism and patience. These are elements of society sorely lacking in all areas, so why should bloodlust be an exception?

People just want a quick hit today. They feel frustration more than any other emotion, and they use a multitude of mechanisms to escape this frustration. A serial killer must operate well beyond the scope of frustration, or at least have clear mental systems and processes to deal with such frustration.

Again, serial killers arent special, and i wish they would have used their intellectualism and patience to create, instead of destroy. But in modern society there are so few aesthetes of any kind. Its a sad period, desu.

Because the definition is skewed. A gang banger who kills a dealer for coke, uses all the coke in a few months, then goes out and kills another dealer for more coke is by definition a serial killer. There are literally thousands of active serial killers in the United states alone.

I was kind of thinking about one that was recent or ongoing. Maybe even some pattern of missing persons or disappearances that might point in to a killer being active.

Not familar with that one. I'm going to have a read up on it now.

>What's the reason for this? Why is this the way it is?
They realized it's much easier to rule over a semi-functional pile of brown human detritus than risk an overthrow by one of the most literate, organized, and technologically advanced populations on earth.
>To create goyim cattle or why do this to your own people?
yes. we aren't their people. why would they give a shit what the peasants' conditions are? as long as they keep their praetorian caste happy they're set forever.

There are currently an estimated 50 active serial killers. I am currently tracking 3 in one area

Oh my God, you're that guy from Mindhunter, aren't you?

Today they can sit in their basements all day and lurk the interwebs. Twenty years back you had to actually go outside to beat boredom

If your looking into patterns of missing people check out the ”Missing 411” series of books. Clusters in the national parks, and some cities, of missing people. Same patterns keep popping over and over and over. No real clue why and weird shit like young kids skeletons being found years later 3 ridge lines over after disappearing from their parents sides.

Very few serial killers are "performance artists" Most are just mentally ill lowlifes who get away with it for a time because they only kill homeless people, junkies, prostitutes, i.e. other lowlifes.

That one they never got in MI was taking kids, washed the bodies and put them in clean clothes to be found.

ahhhh yes.
Because adults never do or think about bad things.Thinking about and expressing dark thoughts are things that only adolescents do,so anyone doing so should be mocked and called edgy.

I have an idea who is.
Lives in area.
Frequents prostitutes.
Had a landscaping biz that bought supplies from garden center where owner was a prime suspect because of the canvas bags bodies were wrapped in, owner "killed self" after being suspected.
Bought a boat around time bodies stopped being burried.
Frequently takes boat into area where body was found washed up.
Bought an 80 acre farm when bodies showed up.
Owns a backhoe.
Weird dude.

I actually had heard of that one. I watched a documentary about it a few months ago. Thats the kind of one that would be interesting and challenging to try and crack. I'll check out those Missing 411 books, they sound interesting

Sounds like a winner. Just have to wait for him to get that itch again.

Well if there are missing hoes in Berkshires area, I have an idea where they might be burried.

That's the thing with trying to catch one of these guys. Not like you are going to talk anons Into staking out a weirdo for a few years. And if the cops ever saw half of us near one of the scenes we’d probably make it to the top of the ”person of interest” list fairly quickly.

But talking an user into taping a lit road flare to a drone and remaking the Hindenburg with that stupid baby Trump balloon the PNCs are do proud that I could see happening.

Dog is that you? Post beth tits

None of this is true. Not a single serial killer in history matches this description. They are universally fucked up people with zero control of their lives. They live like losers and kill to express their anger at their own failed lives.