"I'm hot". Why did she chimp out while the black lady was respectful.
Come get your white women
the only way to deal with wh*Te dogs is by breeding them out of existence, the Jews faced this long before. Now, they've succeeded. We should be thankful to our Jewish brothers.
I want to suck the brap machine empty and live off of the exhaust by breathing in and out of a bag, recycling the brap gas until I fucking pass out and die.
Flat fish face with a tofu ass
You're probably ugly as fuck too. I'd shut the fuck up if I were you.
asians are insectoid vermin and ugly as fuck
Butthurt Chink detected, me and my family were just making fun of your kind last night at the dinner table funny enough.
Old white roasties are just mad.
absolutely S E E T H I N G
Calm down, Chang.
I’m a 21 year old white man, but yes white women are more ugly than certain Asian nationalities (bot Chinese) on average (in the new world, not in Europe).
Is there anything more rare than a pretty Asian girl with a big ass?
>the black lady
An Asian girl that won't eat your dog.
Your Jewish brothers have been feeding you to the Muslims for centuries lol. They only plan on using your kind for cheap construction labor during the NWO.
Have you seen any in Japan?
Only one. It was a magical experience.
Pajeet my son
shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.