Why does nobody care?

Why do I feel like the only person who cares anymore? Why do I feel like the only person who wants to put up some resistance and organize?

Everyday, I have these visions and fantasies in my head, craft out these rough drafts of how I will play my role, literally all goddamn day. I live a normie life; I go to work, I go to school, I'm on that full self-improvement routine and go to the gym everyday, I flirt with girls and open to dating, no porn or fapping for almost a year now, eat healthy and avoid fluoridated water, but I am a COMPLETELY different person secretly. Nobody in my life, not even my closest friends, know this side of me. Not my parents or relatives. I live a complete double life and I have to pretend that my father's civilization collapsing before my eyes is totally nonchalant and normal. Today, I broke down for the first time about it, asking the heavens "Why me? Why am I the only one that feels this way?"

I'm just so fucking angry all the time. Anger is the fuel I have used to improve myself. Every time I lift or eat an unprocessed meal or turn down a hook-up with a degenerate whore, I feel that I have bested the Jew. I feel that I have made my ancestors proud. And yet nobody sees this part of me. Nobody knows this burning passion in my soul to do something, to enact a level of vengeance that has never been seen in this world for what has been taken from me and my brothers, my nation. And even you faggots who read this will scoff and say I'm irl LARPing. But it isn't a LARP. It is who I really am and it depresses me how alone I am in this feeling.

Is there anyone else out there?

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Other urls found in this thread:


bump of lonesomeness

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Nice blog faggot

You're not the only one. But who wants to organize when you know the deep state would have you killed before anyone even heard of you?

Let that anger out user, just don’t shoot up a fucking synagogue.

You want to be around for the public hangings.

I only recently started feeling this way until the last year or so. It's driving me insane. The whole philosophy of self-improvement keeps me going, as well, but it's not an easy existence day to day, emotionally. Work is full of NPCs. Nothing feels human. I still have things to work on, like not eating like shit so much. It's an every day battle for my life.


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What a poof.

You're not the only one who cares, desu. You're just one of the first ones to wake up. If you're smart, you'll be able to capitalize on this.

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You might need to find some deeper secrets in the system, OP.

Never let a bitch get used to you.

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one day, one day we'll finally rise against the jew

Thou I do have one red pilled friend in my uni thou
maybe you'll feel better if you find an IRL /pol user

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Build a family and teach them well. It's your only weapon against degeneracy. Make many children, and they shall build more families, forming a tribe. Making more families creates a community, and making more communities makes a state. This is the one way to propagate change. Now get the fuck out and make those righteous children to wrest control from the diseased.

OP isn't a shill you jew

You’re a man shithead. Especially if you’re white, you have the same brain and body that’s conquered for millennia, you’re brain is wondering what’s going on and why you’re not practicing your charisma to lead an army.

>Why do I feel like the only person who cares anymore? Why do I feel like the only person who wants to put up some resistance and organize?"
Because you're an autist. Hang in there brother....you fellow autist are with you in a not with you sort of way.

Have you asked anybody to care?
Why are you surprised that nobody cares about something they are ignorant about?
Why do you feel like you are special in any way for feeling some internal frustrations that are undervalued or only relieved by certain activities?
Maybe develop some connection to whatever nation or heritage you apparently think you are satisfying. If you are unable to do this then it is all imaginary delusions

Sounds like you need to talk to a redpilled person IRL also start reading /ouruncle's/ book

same here, but where do you find /pol autists in IRL

Probably at least one of your friends is thinking exactly the same thoughts. You just need to construct good probing questions. Keeping right wing opinions socially unacceptable is one of the best tricks anyone's ever pulled in American politics.

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Legit dude, are you me?
The only difference is my purpose is in the end times and it’s been confirmed by visions, dreams and a feeling I have had since I was like 5.
I literally feel like the only human player in my life. Everyone else is NPC tier ignorant to everything, just living a pre determined life with no sense of purpose or revelation.

Wait that's not the picture

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No they won’t kill you. They don’t want you to be a martyr. They will ruin your life with something sinister like child rape allegations. Something that would guarantee you loneliness and paranoia your whole life and then eventually you off yourself and people will call it “guilt” over something you never did.
They are much my sinister.

You could always join a group like Stormer book club or a pool party if you watch TRS. I haven't personally joined any group but I have a republican friend that is slowly being red pilled so venting comes easy

You and all the losers shooting up innocent people bc they are Jews instead of going after the actual criminals. Dumbfuck

You're not alone. What you are trying to figure out is "how do I freedom?" Freedom is actually a new concept for society, and even after 200 years in America, the average man does not know what to do about it. Its unprecedented. At the same time, technology has also boomed and populations leading to ultra fast world wide communication and highly dense mega cities. These 3 factors have been challenging the average mans interpretation of society and thrown law into disarray.
We are about to add race into the mix too, now that places that traditionally thought other races were "just like us" are now finding out that is false. This contradicts freedom in that if we assume everyone is the same, then everyone is equally free. Obviously, this is not the case and this is the fundamental argument behind SJW is that fact freedom is not equal, hence they do not care about freedom and demand equality at any cost.
The next 100 years are going to be one of the most important in human history as we attempt to integrate these ideas into our society at a fundamental level.

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>actually believes false flags
Gtfo of here plebbit faggot.

>shooting up innocent people bc they are Jews
they're not innocent you memeflag wearing kike

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The internetz is fuckin up your brain.

How about you actually learn some basic logic and critical thinking skills before you become so convicted. Can you write a proof? Name the fallacies? Can you argue for the other side? Have you considered the flaws in your arguments? You're just a semi-literate 16 year old who believes whatever he sees on the internet rather than doing any actual work himself. Your work is lazy and not thought through. You are Dunning-Kruger incarnate. Tell me the differences between the three people at the top of this board. Ironic considering I bet most of your ideas fall apart to even basic Socratic dialogue. Maybe if you spent more time reading actual books and philosophy rather than blindly accepting whatever is in an infographic or learning what the word historiography means you wouldn't be angry at the world because you won't accept that you have put in absolutely no effort to understand it.

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Let the hate flow through you. Plant the seeds of discontent in the minds of all you can, lead them like a horse to water to the spring of your hate and frustration, irrigate the fields of reform or revolt (whatever may be necessary) that I may reap its harvest. I feel the hate too, and I am going to destroy that which I hate. Join me in this effort

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no, you're not alone...but i try to tamp down the anger. a certain amount, if processed properly, is somewhat healthy.
i basically do all the rest -- need to get fit, tho.
anyway, i've this certain sense about the world's shifting sentiment. it's something that's always put me out of sync with the world, in that i anticipate what's coming on a meta/macro level instinctively.
and if my sense is still as keen as its always been, i'd say the cluster of resolve, anxiety, indignation, frustration and (legitamate) anger is not only common, it is become the dominate mode. whether or not it's the the most popular ideological dispostion, it's certianly the most potent mass-sentiment around.
it's about to coalesece into something definite; and when it truly does, it will spring to life with alacrity.
it's arrival is what the elite fear the most in that they understand its inevitability and it has within it an element of unpredictability. it's very hard to channel the spirit of resistance, and particularly in this age of instant communication.
i'd say you're in a camp that constitutes at least 30% of the population (to varying degrees), there is at present about 20% who're fiercely opposed to this us and another 50% or so who'll just go with the flow.
about half of the go-alongs have been swayed to be favorably disposed to us...and there are more to come.

the people who get shit done are now finding identity on our side -- The Doers are with us.
the elite are in a mess. they're so far out on a limb they can never climb back, they know it.
the cluster of emotions you're feeling will manifest, and soon and en masse.
Jow Forums continues to identify as a defender of traditionalism and traditional thinking while the elite, in order to sharpen the contrast and by the necessity of doubling down, continue to advocate the inversion of all accepted norms.
i sometimes can't tell if all this is by design or it's just a natural sequence in the oscillations of civilizations

Why do you talk like such a fuckin faggot?

>Anger is the fuel I have used to improve myself
You're doing it right.
There's not much time left, it appears to be starting.
Keep training with what time's left. It's already too late for many.

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this is correct.
they are runnin a program like this nowadays.
they are not only sinister, they are intrepid about it.
they will weedle away at every single aspect of your life. they will deliberately set up scenarios to lift your hopes only to successively crush them. it's a demoralization program. it's truly unbelivable in its scope.

You are NOT alone in having those thoughts. None of you are. It is frustration.

Please watch this video to bring you comfort. Despite the control of every institution by the Jude, this will calm you. I guarantee it.


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> t. twerp

it really does feel hopeless at times
but we'll make it

I unironically feel this way sometimes. Honestly, I get random unwarranted urges to fight in a battle, or just generally pursue conquest. every generation of my family has fought in a war except me, maybe it's some latent reptilian-brain warrior gene.

I love Varg, he may be a "murderer" to NPCs, but when with his family, his wholesomeness really shows. I don't know why Jow Forums likes to hate on him for being pagan. LARPing or not, he is raising his children right and therefore doing more to preserve good in the world than most fags on this board

You're a creepy anti-semite.

>he is raising his children right and therefore doing more to preserve good in the world than most fags on this board
This is what he advocates in his videos; to stop feeding the ZOG system and let it collapse naturally. Now, Christians (and Jude) will always pile on the hate for him because he denounces their religion and thinks that the European man could have had a different system without this desert religion. The reaction of Christians is understandable. Anger is the first step to acceptance.

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beats being a jew

Who gives a literal fuck?

>and it depresses me how alone I am in this feeling.

Just about anything beats being a Jew

I don't know about this user. Advice much needed.

I have a potential love interest. She comes from a traditional family, strong father figure and we are on the same page spiritually. Keep it brief, we have hit it off so damn well. I know where this is leading if I pursue it.
But something is holding me back.

In the words of Julius Evola, there is no greater impediment to a man's destiny than the snares of the feminine spirit. I have been wrecked by a woman before; this girl seems different, but there are traits of "absolute womanhood" that cannot be changed.

Is abandoning the prospects of a wife and family in order to fully dedicate your aim to making this world a better place for future families and generations the ULTIMATE act of sacrifice? I would be willing to do this. This is what I mean. And this is what has held me back from this amazing girl.

I really feel it in my spirit that I cannot let a woman sink her teeth into me or it will neuter me and my potential for life. But fuck this girl is amazing.

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Not much longer now.

Its reaching breaking point. Just hold steady anons, things are about to wildly entertaining.

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You are having problems wearing the pants in the family. I'm not bullshitting you and this isn't an argument, it's fact. You were programmed this way.

Talk to her father about this. This, in and of itself will be a test of your manhood.

He will drop subtle hints TO HER for her to change (to help you in your struggle) if you let him know about this. He will think you a better person for having the courage to come to him like a man about this. It's a product of our environment and the old-fags can see it.

You know I'm right.

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You sound like a faggot

I do this literally every single day. I have a massive folder where I play devil's advocate, where I try and tear my ideas down from every conceivable perspective. I know enough to know that you're making these baseless assumptions because you see parts of yourself in what I've written and are attacking said parts.

You are not alone and never were

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Nice try FBI

How do people make these pictures/videos and what are they called?

You sound like you could use a good killing spree!

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When I think of the 20th century and what Hitler tried to do, I see it as a reaction. A reaction of Europeans who realized what was really going on with the Jewish attempts to Bolshevize the world. This was before all of these new angles you just introduced. Realize that the current power structure has their hands on basically all of the things you just mentioned. We are even more outnumbered, more hopeless, than the National Socialists were. This is life or death now.
I am relieved to hear that I am not alone. Seriously. I'm just doing whatever I can at this point to follow the slipstream of synchronistic destiny, that is the only way I can describe it. Ridding myself of earthly addictions and degenerate habits, putting all of my priorities on self-improvement, all of these little things. I am young now and am trying to get these habits ingrained in me as early as possible to make me a more able-bodied foe to this disgusting, evil power structure. The fact that you too have had these visions confirms this even more. We may be scattered and disorganized at the moment, but I feel like something is going to pull all of us into a cohesive whole all around the globe. And this is (((their))) biggest fear.

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>it isn't a LARP

Shooting ranges, airsoft fields


I'm catholic and I love varg. Catholics and pagans united against the jews.
Motorcycle track days, on the waves surfing, at gamesworkshop, on the trails dirtbiking

If you want to change things act.
If you want change act.
If you desire change act.
Start groups in your city, motivate people to act and speak out.
Speak out.
Become someone with a name and a figure.
Don't grab an Uzi and shoot up whatever memes Dems are pushing.
Speak loudly.
And speak quickly.
We have plenty of people who agree with us and will listen but Democrats are trying to separate us.
Organize a group.
Organize a movement.

I say this constantly, in every thread like this.
Move and act. Sluggishness gets us nowhere. Sluggishness is what got us where we are today.

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Thank you so much for sharing.

grow up loser

Elaborate. I don't know how the hell I could approach her father about this. First off, I haven't even met the guy. There is a definite potential for us if I continue pursuing her, but like I said, this grandiose aim holds me back. And maybe you're right that it stems from this fear that you speak of, maybe that's a part of myself I haven't confronted yet, or just haven't even sharpened enough to be ready for a permanent lifelong relationship. But all I know is that I refuse to hook up with another random hoe. I have turned down plenty, I haven't looked at porn and feel that I am master of my domain. I feel more of a man than I've ever felt in my entire life. But there is no greater weakness than the energy of eros that is stimulated in a man in the face of a potential soul mate. And yes, it scares the hell out of me. I do not want to get divorce raped, I don't want to get cheated on, I don't want any of this.

But I have never heard the advice you just gave me. How would I ever approach a father about this? And what kind of hints do you think he'd drop?

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>but the democrats
Please leave. Everything you said was great until that. This is far bigger than Dems vs. Reps and if you're still stuck in that paradigm, then damn, good luck in your future red-pilling journey user.

I hope you’re as aware as we are that you reek of outsiderness with every post you make.
It’s rather obvious at this point that you’d like to steer away one of your biggest fears: the adaptation of america’s future of this ideology.
You should have let it slide. Now we all know who you are.

I think it's partly that natural oscillation, sure, but it seems to be reaching critical mass with all of the new angles introduced by In all honesty, I get a feeling that there will be a massive conflict or world war in our lifetime that will completely shift the fate of the world on a grander scale than all previous wars in known history. This is life or death now, boys. So now is the time to get on that /SIG/ train.

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So because I'm cautious regarding the snares of the feminine nature, I'm automatically an outsider? You do realize that this is an archetype found as early as the Epic of Gilgamesh when Gilgamesh refuses the love of Ishtar because he has seen what she has done to her former lovers? It is natural for me as a man to put up a relatively stable fortification between the greatest weakness of my manhood: the woman, that which is the antithesis of my nature and yet that which possess a magnetism greater than any known human undertaking. And I bet you're the same kind of poster that whines about how horrible modern women are. Am I missing some key reason why I'm supposedly an outsider or are you really this much of an insufferable whiteknighting faggot?

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Based as fuck my man. By the day I understand more and more that Mussolini was so close to being correct in saying that the common man has tired of liberty. It isn't quite that, it's that he's tired of not having EARNED his own liberty. Not going to lie, I'm looking for a physical, violent fight everyday with some commie. I know I shouldn't but it's just the fucked

You said she has a strong father figure. I assumed you have met him. The first step would be to go to a family dinner or some form of family activity. You shouldn't be making a decision of long-term relationship status without meeting her family. They are cues to who she will become; especially her mother. Watch how her mother interacts with her father - this is how she learned to behave with men.

Insofar as the 'divorce rape' is concerned, that's what a pre-nup agreement is for. Easily explained with a chart of divorce rates.

With going to her father about the dilemma mentioned I'd wait for at least a half-dozen visits and you get to know them well (obviously).. As for how to approach her father about this; simple: "I want to have the best relationship with your daughter and I know that the man wearing the pants in the family will produce the best children, but I need tips/advice on how to have the best mindset for this as I didn't have a good example (or whatever)." He will GLADLY assist you (and again, think more of you for having the courage to admit this) because he wants what's best for his child and his grandchildren. He'd likely talk to his wife and they'd formulate ideas on stimulating your g/f's mind with subtle hints of their own on how to direct her into being in the submissive role. You'll have to earn his respect first, however, and become a proper suitor (without asskissing) in his eyes for this to work obviously.

Time to man up like the rest of civilization has done for the past 10,000 years.

Also, don't forget to have many white babies. Demographics is destiny for the World and we're at 8% and falling.

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> it's that he's tired of not having EARNED his own liberty.
Just want you to know that this will stick with me, thank you for saying this. It's like we're just sitting around twiddling our thumbs wondering what to do now. Like all of human history has been this constant struggle and conflict, and now we actually have inherited the prosperity to be degenerate hedonists and suddenly realize it's so empty and meaningless compared to the honorable toil of our ancestors.

Not even damage control can save you. You’re a pink elephant. Everyone experienced here can see you for what you are.

Antifa poster - demoralization techniques apparent in your text.

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Autism is a hell of a drug

>put up some resistance and organize
Posting in a literal glownigger thread, hows the weather in Quantico ma’am? Did you get your job thanks to Affirmative Action?

Accept that women are animals that need to be led and be that leader. Thats literally it

Stop doubting yourself and realize YOU WERE BORN TO LEAD, SHE WAS BORN TO FOLLOW

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"organize" is glow in the dark cia/mossad faggotry

we are already "organized," this is a war of ideas and our original strategy is still the best one, tell the truth with humor and humility

do not get drawn into something foolish and useless, things might be proceeding poorly at any given moment but that is NEVER an excuse to make a strategic blunder

This is great advice, thank you. She's told me a lot about her dad and how he's been really good to her all her life. He's always been a strong conservative dad and hated California so much that he moved to where I'm at, big time red state. So that's how I know it's a good father. All up in the air at this point, but it's pretty damn obvious that I could go for this if I want, but like I said, that's holding me back. But I will remember this. If this goes long term/permanent, know that you have helped this random user advance the white race. I'm going in, wish me luck, thank you so much once again.

And with that, I'm cashing out for the night guys. Much love to all of you who showed me company tonight and reminded me that it's not just me.

Changing your IP doesn’t help your case. We can read you better than your studies might have you presume.

Get a job faggot.

here's a pope card to make you feel better. Hail Eris
print it and carry it with you everywhere.

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Sure, I would brother, but I am taking my sleep meds you must find me some other time, only by the betters can we change tomorrow.




Society has stripped men of everything that drives them. No virtues. No code. No war. No people. No God. No family.

It used to be you could die for something. Now everything about our being is looked down upon or unneeded. We used to take care of the family. Now the women work and feel they deserve what they will never achieve. There is no common virtues. Degeneracy has been promoted through Marxist shilling in universities and media for 50 plus years. I feel the left doesn’t even know what they are fighting for. They are lost and since if they don’t have virtues, that energy is being misguided.

I feel the same as you op. We are men without purpose. Every day is just pretending to fit into this fucked up sociefy. And it sucks

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hello agitator kike trash

you're the one who never leaves the internet

I patiently and lovingly redpill the shit out everyone I can, and that is only possible by being a rational, calm, humble person who doesn't lie or act presumptuously

based and checked

Everyone I talk to is hesitant to organize, you need to get a foundation first for people to join. People need a leader to follow, if you’re in the hypothetical phase no one will join, but the ones who do, you can trust.

I’m saving up my money to buy acres of land to turn into a camp for people who agree with my views to come and visit, there will be barbecues, campfires, and shooting events.

There is. Many of us have this double life. We hate what the world has become.
You prayed, now I bring God's answer.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. That's not some LARPing bullshit. He is the only way out that gets better. He gave His life for you on the cross. He wants to save you, but He will not force you.

You must choose.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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i am way ahead you.. take to any cause regarding hunting pedos and you will find kikes at all levels but mostly the upper crust.. this was my steemit i got robbed for 2 phones their has been 4 attempts on my life. you know you are getting places when they try to take your life...

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i did all this with a phone

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i been a baaad goy

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Lol redpill

Ian Rabb is a jewish pedophile who supplies meth not so much too make money but so he gets access to boys aged 13 to 25 to sexually exploit. he is the on behind tryiing to get me killed as he put money on my head.

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this guy Zack Davis stole my phone 2 days ago while i slept at the safe house... but pedo mafia cannot even internet..,

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not all these names are pedo mafia but ian rabb sure is.. i hear that he does intel work, tracking people and binning in their garbages. keeping former bonnycastle boys quiet . pedo mafia and ian rabb work with the some EVIL winnipeg police officers

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user, you have literally described my exact emotions to a T. I am right here with you , literally exactly 100% the same emotions and response. In case you are like me in other respects, when I broke down, I prayed for understanding and strength. At the gym I am angry, so angry it’s unbelievable, I can feel it coursing through my veins , I can’t stand thots, lefties, surrounded by televisions , even st the gym , bush brainwashing and brainwashing. In any event , if you are like me st all, praying for understanding I did actually find to be helpful. It came in a way that was meantinfuk to me , and meaningful enough to begin to take all of the whole God thing way more seriously. I now feel like anger is not something I need to get rid of , but something that I need to channel into productive directions ...
and then that type of thinking got me into some weird genres of music that apparently exist that are for the NONcucked version of christian that is a thing. Still thinking about it all what it all means, but I can say the following album was helpful. Put it on at the gym and think about your anger and your passion ...and then to me I also started thinking about Christianity and spirituality (not sure where I’m at with everything yet) in a slightly more esoteric and eastern sense of not necessarily killing and destroying the demons within you , but in converting them , and tapping into the massive amounts of power they have and using that and letting it give you the energy you need for all the rest of our life . Here’s some music recs:
As Cities Burn - Son I Loved You At Your Darkest
Destroy the Runner - Saints
Phinehas - Dark Flag
Destroy the Runner - I, Lucifer
Lantlos - Melting Sun - Melting Sun IV: Jade Fields

Also reminder OP I am responding directly to you here and this writing this message I am writing now I am writing from my brain directly from me to you because I related so hard to this thread you just made.
Put those albums on at the gym and just think about stuff is all , if you’re already there why not , and music i found to be useful to stop the constant bombardment of thoughts — ie, as opposed to say audio books , podcasts , etc. — gotta have time for mind to wonder a bit , and the reason I switched to those genres is because of the eastern type guy who led me through the nofsp stuff . Here is what I did kind of where I’m at somewhat:
read this
>Practice of Brahmacharya - Sri Swami Sivananda
that’s the guy that woke me up to importance of nofap. You mentioned you already do nofap so maybe you’ve already read him, but if it’s been a while he’s worth reading again he’s a wise man (also he’s written other books too, so if you did that one already read one of his others ). From that the big take away from me was about how the path to enlightenment doesn’t happen over night and isn’t about your willingness to do it, because you’ll keep failing , but it’s about , especially early on , about getting control of your thoughts and directing them in correct directions , and any little thing helps to improve that.
I took that seriously, and bought for instance that poster of the path to enlightenment (pic related) and hung it up in my room, so I see it every day, and then switched to classical music .

And then moved away from podcasts and audio books at the gym to work on gathering thoughts , and realized music was helpful . And most music is garbage , and i went to heavy metal music , which is less garbage , and as I moved sort of a little father away from the drunken raving / Satan worshipping aspects of it , I moved closer to just more like “total chaos” sound of it. and I realized actually a lot of Christian and other religion people are there too, and then from chaotic sound back out to sort of the weird Christian sub genre aspect of it. Metal music parallels Jow Forums in that respect , and you can go from chaos to lots of productive places i think.