That’s it I’m off the Trump train. He just said he’s going to set up tent camps for the invading hordes of illegals. What a fucking retard. It’s over.
That’s it I’m off the Trump train...
Other urls found in this thread:
Mexico needs to agree to set them up on their side of the border and use energetic material for the tents
On the other side of the wall
Current system:
> Illegals arrive
> Claim "asylum"
> We're forced to let them in due to bullshit laws from the 60s
> Can't keep them anywhere, so set a trial date
> Backlog is so huge trial dates are three years in the future
> Let them go while they wait
> Three years go by
> Trial date
> Whatafuckingsurprise.jpg no one shows up
> Illegals know that they can claim "asylum" and it's basically a free pass to enter the United States
Trump's new proposed system:
> Illegals arrive
> Claim "asylum"
> Are told that if they want to claim asylum they'll have to live in a shitty tent city for years while they wait for their trial date
> A large percentage of them decide to fuck off back to Mexico
> News spreads that you can't just claim asylum and get a free pass into the US anymore
> No more 5,000 strong migrant caravans
The wall that's never going to be built now. He just lost 2020 by trying to appeal to libfags who will never vote for him no matter what he does
>thinking they'll leave the tent city and go back to Mexico instead of sneaking into US cities
I really wish T_D users would stay there
>2 years later
>no wall
I've watched entire neighborhoods, massive buildings, highways get constructed since the election and we don't have 10 feet of wall in over 700 days. Inb4
>it's 6D chess!
Are you really dumb enough to think it won't be guarded? Holy shit.
Trump calls it a "tent city", it's literally going to be an INS outdoor jail.
Trumpfags are so delusional
>literally wall construction happening
The only people who say that the wall isn’t being built are JIDF/ShareBlue shills, of course he’s not putting it out there and attracting unnecessary attention