Hey /pol. I grew up watching this cartoon, Sabrina the Teenaged Witch on channel 5, came before the Will Smith Fresh Prince in Belair show. Loved it as a child. Good feels. It taught morality. It taught values. It promoted doing well in school. It provided a pretty blonde. A non cucked white male boyfriend. all that good shit. Well look what 2018 has to offer us on Netflix. Netflix truly is going the way of the Devil. What, the, fuck, happened. My sister/ mom are watching this shit while I bring up all the symbolism and they call me crazy.
It’s a shitty teen drama made in the same style and quality as other CW shows. You are not the target audience.
Dominic Torres
Most popular people in non rural america have a diverse set of friends, it's just basic demographics you stormnigger
Michael Sanders
there is a level of SATANISM not present in the older shows. That is my point with this. Satanism is on full display.
Julian Hall
I grew up watching porno.
Liam Jones
Because nobody has ever used the occult before... The witches and Satan are all evil and the antagonists. I don’t see the issue.
Aaron Gutierrez
I just don't understand why they had to use an established IP. Does anything about this need to be Sabrina? Could they have this same show without shitting on the source material? Same thing happened with Riverdale. It could easily have been another teen drama without one of the characters being named Archie. I mean, I get why they do it, it brings in more viewers because of nostalgia. What I don't get is why people let this happen to their favorite characters.
Samuel Gray
It’s not based on the original Sabrina comics and instead on the 2014 Sabrina comics.
t. Never around teenage girls who were into smoking weed, Wicca pentagram bullshit, and sapphic relationships
Zachary Cooper
>shitting on the source material it isn't though. what bothered me most about it was the whole mary sue social justice aspect. the satanism was fine if a little bit campy with how they referred to things.
they literally have some tranny cunt in there who is constantly being supported and validated and still has scenes where she acts like an oppressed brat. the negro is a retarded feminist stronk woman dyke and the main villain in the first few episodes is a straight white male principal who won't just believe women, start a witchhunt or let them do what they want at the expense of other students and so sabrina decides to get even with her perceived oppression by using magic.
the whole show is basically harry potter specifically aimed at social justice warriors and feminazis and it is cringe.
Benjamin Brooks
I’ll be honest, what the fuck did you think witchcraft was about? That earlier shit was still degenerate. It just eased it’s way in your brain. That’s the power of predictive programming. Similar to how kids who watch their dad abuse their mom are far more likely to abuse their own spouse
Asher Evans
Social media made you and everyone else retarded.
Your 1,000 Facebook friends do not count.
Joseph Williams
Nice twos I just don't get why this had to be Sabrina. Why not make it something totally new? Because no one would watch the garbage if it didn't have a well known name attached. It's riding the coattails of better men to make a quick buck. If I actually cared about Sabrina, I'd be pissed right now.
Asher Davis
i know its degenerate all i'm saying is Netflix is a threat. The jews are using this bullshit to brainwash our children into this bull shit. Remember the "13 ways to die" or whatever suicide show? this is the same shit.
the satanists are preparing to normalize their degeneracy and they are counting on females to let it happen. WITCHES ARE REAL
Gavin Ortiz
t. you're a faggot. i said as a CHILD. and no i didn't hang out with degenerate witch bitches. glad you did jew
Easton Wilson
because sabrina is an archie ip and the riverdale series was popular, the darker tone of the show is in line with the source material (the sabrina comics).
Logan Johnson
When they change something already existing it's far more "magical" in effect. Star Wars is a perfect example. The world convulsed in horror at the release of The Phantom Menace and then they nearly died of spasms at The Last Jedi. You couldn't have that kind of effect with a new property.
Jack Perry
I started watching the first episode. Turned it off after the tranny/bully stuff. Get off the soapbox and just make a show. Fuck.
Justin Martinez
Its based on different aource material, thats why. The original series and cartoon, based on Sabrina the Teenage Witch was the fun, teenage themed comics and was much more camp and fun.
The Netflix series is based on "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" comic books which are a much darker adaptation aimed at the 16-25 year old "American Horror Story" Tumblr audience, and is more focused on horror and adult themes than the original.
Aiden Fisher
are there really redpilled jamaican blacks on Jow Forums? thats great
Christian Myers
>I grew up watching this cartoon, Sabrina the Teenaged Witch on channel 5
You're obviously a fag to waste your time watching this.
Julian Rivera
I really don’t like the camera work, there was literally a scene where it was shot reverse shot back and forth for a solid 2 minutes between two characters in a room. Also the lens they’re using where it blurs out the sides is annoying. i want to see the goddamn set assholes. Also, why is Jow Forums even talking about this show? It literally has every single thing Jow Forums hates. Eye rolling SJW shit, empowered sassy black female with afro the size of a minivan, dumb cuck white boyfriend, transdyke, lots of satanism, race mixing, young sassy pansexual black man. The only thing good about the show is the teacher/villian and playing audio clips of Salem from the sitcom while watching the netflix series.
Easton Clark
the upside down cross was a symbol of humility when saint peter wanted to be crucified upside down because he felt like he didn't deserved to be crucified the same way that Jesus did; right side up. Somehow that symbol of humility turned into some sort of weird satanic symbol.
Jace Green
Maybe stop letting jews run your country and everything within it?
Cooper Rogers
The new source material is still shitting on a long standing character. Why couldn't it be about Sabrina's cousin or something? There's such a lack of creativity today, it's astounding. I think I need to stop. My autism is getting worked up over a character I don't even care about. I need to save this anger for when King of the Hill comes back.
Brandon Foster
Well, the chilling series comic has Harvey interrupting Sabrina’s dark baptism, he’s killed, and Sabrina’s dad comes back in Harvey’s body and proceeds to eat his parents. Also thoughts of incest. The comic is writing itself into a corner.
Adrian Nelson
Everything exists to be inverted. Ghostbusters was a symbol of male humor and camaraderie turned into a feminist bastardization where the actor who played one of the original Ghostbusters died needlessly (though symbolically, very meaningfully).
Dylan Martin
there is no such thing as Satan, that's Jewish nonsense. most of what is thought of as Satanism is actually the native European religions.
All the CW shows have a hard SJW agenda behind them. Literally everyone in the DC comic shows is a homosexual. Supergirl is gay, White Canary is gay, Mr. Terrific is gay, Captain Cold is gay, Green Arrows son is gay, and more I can't even think of. They even had a whole crossover episode about fighting nazis from another universe, and they could help but talk about punching nazis. Unironically Nazi Supergirl was 100x cooler than regular Supergirl and had a husband and kids. Makes you wonder.
Only faggots watch that shit. Wanna watch something good? Then watch the first season of prison break
Dylan Hughes
They know their audience. Teenagers and faggots watch CW.
Brayden Rogers
The fuck? Never saw it, never will. I get that there's nothing new under the sun (except for maybe what the first guy I replied to said), but that doesn't mean you have to take something people love and turn it on its head. You couldn't have 4 women working together doing anything other than catching ghosts? It's the safe play, it prints money but after a while, people just start tuning out. That's where I am now.
seen all the prison break great series. Got gay after the first season. but they at least kept the story together
Dominic Nguyen
That's no excuse.
At 7 years old I was watching Conan The Barbarian with my brother (he was 10) who rewound the tape (it was on VHS) every time the Conan cut Thulsa Doom's head.
Jackson King
The star of David is a six point star, not a five point star and the inverted cross (cross of St. Peter) is a Christian symbol of humility before Christ.
Blake Perry
I think you meant Supergirl's sister is gay. Or is there an episode where Supergirl gets with a chick?
Without the inversion, it's missing an entire element, as the inversion itself sends a profound message. It's like how celebrities such as Miley start out with a relatively innocent image and then they continue to change till they may seem unrecognizable.
Kevin Jackson
You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS look up the directors of TV shows and movies. This Sabrina show is a perfect example. Go on guess what people made this show? Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa - Gay Greg Berlanti - Gay Sarah Schechter - Jew (not to be confused with Female Rabbi in WIKI) Jon Goldwater - Jew
dude you are telling me shit i already know. This is more of a thread for newbies to realize the satanic nature of netflix if they haven't already
Blake Gutierrez
The first 2 seasons of Arrow are great, but in 2014 when Flash came out they went full fucking libtard and started forcing in all these diversity hires. My gf watches all these shows still but I can't stand it anymore.
Didn't one of the older episodes have a plot where she swaps race with a black girl? If the show was corrupted by marxism it happened a long long time ago. You're only noticing it now that you've grown up and gotten into politics.
ok cool guy. got it cool guy. You are so cool, cool guy.
Levi Morgan
>not being old enough to know a good fap to Melissa Joan Hart playing Sabrina on Nickelodeon in 1997 even though you were in your mid 20s by then and felt a little creepy about it Why even live?
Quit it with the "satanic nature" bullshit. you sound like a shill. the show is about witchcraft and they chose an edgy route. The problem comes with all the forced SJW politics and anti-white hysteria. nobody cares about "satanism". not even satanists.
Luke Wood
I can't tell if you're serious or not. WTF HAPPENED TO THIS PLACE
What's the message they're trying to convey? Why can't they start something new then invert it? For movies I can understand because of time constraints but this is a tv show, you have plenty of time to tell a story. Also, would the world have really felt more empty without the women Ghostbusters? It didn't need to happen. Tell me how the story would have suffered if they were firemen instead.
Jonathan Johnson
Even the devil probably pissed at these fuckers by now
The devil appreciates originality, albeit with old world charm.
Blake Jones
i could really care less what a Brit thinks .Thanks though faggot.
Jace James
Wait a minute are you telling me a degenerate TV show was made by Jews and their gay lapdogs?
Joseph Thompson
You forgot starfire who looks like a hooker. I wonder why they do that; do they just hate gingers or is there something else at work ?
Owen Sanchez
Stop being such a faggot, honestly. It's a TV show for entertainment and people like edgy shit nowadays. That's just how it is. You aren't going to sell a supernatural show to right-wing, wholesome families in 2018. You are going to sell it to edgy teens who tend to lean to the left.
Parker Ross
Hahahaha. I live in a major city on the East coast and whites stay with whites
Juan Smith
As if there's a target audience not affected by this rampant, degenerate, multi-culti pushing shit.
Good exists in evil, evil exists in good, the whore in the virgin, the virgin in the whore, the male in the female, the female in the male, and so forth.
Another example would be Maleficent. They took a villain and made her into the hero to make people think that things aren't so fixed, so definite, that they're capable of change in either direction.
Only edgy larpers go around like this show depicts. There's some very successful Satanists and you'd never ever know it, which is how they like it because it helps with performing successful Lesser Magic.
Asher Foster
Just another atempt at associating traditional values with nazism. They know traditional values themselves are not scary; so they have to associate them with other scarier things to make npcs keep in line (Things line rape, the holocaust, "hate crimes", "right wing terrorism" and slavery).
Yeah, it mostly young innocent-looking blondes who get paired up with blacks (be it in porn or in media); i have yet to see a ugly fat thot in a tv interacial couple. Also the black male is mostly tuggish and manly; not many dorky/sweet black characters with white gfs.
Isaac Roberts
There are better ways to do it than taking something you didn't create and reversing it. It'd be like Jurassic Park's main antagonist being Barney, or the detective in se7en being the guy from blue's clues. Some things just don't need to be.
Brayden Young
*Things like.
Xavier Davis
The strong athletic black male, paired with a white female (often blonde) is definitely high on their agenda. It serves to demoralize, and emasculate white males, while socially conditioning white females to accept race mixing. These are evil bastards at work.
thank you m8. it bothered me that's why i made this post. i could care less that they are ruining "sabrina" for new age kids, its the blatant Satanism on display that bothers me.
Ryder Gonzalez
This is how the elites see themselves, as those waking up the masses.
>Those blindfolds that look like halos. >People fall and stop floating when they are "fred" So liberation is basically making them godless and farther from heaven ?
Thomas Phillips
I think you may be confused, why would the elites want to wake the masses to their evil agenda? Elites are code for deep state right? Or you mean this is the time we need to make that spiritual moral choice before some biblical shit happenings rain down?
I think he meant that being indoctrinated in to their evil agenda IS waking up for them.
Daniel Brooks
The guy is probably pretty close to being on the money. Moral ambiguity, highly detailed rituals, deep, rich colours, photorealism, moments of tension and sexualised motion, and a female protagonist with ‘drama’ - this is absolutely the kind of thing that masses of young, single women in western countries will lap up and then try to emulate/idolize because the feeling is pre-programmed by the sensory assault. Too bad the only people who speak about this openly come across as conspiracy nuts to those already hooked on ‘higher living standards’.
Fresh Prince came before Sabrina the Teenage Witch, you fucking retard.
Charles Nguyen
I was gone about 10 mins in when they unironically wanted to create a school group to combat the white patriarchy. I’m not even putting words in their mouth. They said white patriarchy.
Brayden Fisher
Yeah. We should just expect this shit anymore.. It’s just gonna get worse too..
lmfao dude i told my sister/ mom this was meant for the Harry Potter crowd and they called me stupid. It even brings up WICCAN shit. They literally are trying to turn our females into leftist witches and our men into trannies
Sebastian Jones
That’s a pretty demonic reboot too.. Focusing on the satanic nature of witches.. No more good witches?