Thoughts on Tim Pool?

Thoughts on Tim Pool?

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Fuck off Tim go back to facebook

((They)) broke him

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Tim Pool is one of us. Put him on your list.


In what way?

He's okay. Kind of slow to catch on to the Democrats becoming authoritarians and not being liberals anymore though

I like Tim, A little on the left leaning but slowly being red pilled.

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I think he is trying so hard to stay progressive while keeping his sanity It's really sad to see he doesn't yet realize that in the end these people will shit on him He's a good guy I just think it's his downfall He is only redpilled for now

I unironically love his content. Watching a leftist become blackpilled about his own philosophy is the greatest source of schadenfreude I could ever hope for.

I'm still not convinced he will ever actually manage to figure things out and break out of his liberal delusion, but watching him stumble about in a blind confusion as everything he once believed in falls apart and destroys itself always puts a smile on my face.

Also I give him begrudging respect for his front-line reporting. When it comes to that he does manage to be a neutral observer in most respects.

Not a SJdub; one of us therefore

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Yea tell him to take off the god damn beanies and shave his head instead of being a fucking faggot

Based. He is a liberal but a normie, and sees how loopy and wrong the left has become. Most people like him have either become trump supporters or at the very least, distanced themselves from the left, it is quite natural these days.

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Tim and Duerst have booth been pushed More to the right by Insane Leftist

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He's a great commentator but sometimes he derails his own videos by going prog. Kind of annoying and makes his videos difficult to watch from that point on.


The flak he catches from leftists just for going on-site is insane. Putting up with the cyberbullying of his social media accounts from wannabe antifa must be hard for him.

fence sitter.

His heart is in the right place, but his insistence on remaining in the center despite his position NO LONGER being considered a center position, it borders on denial-based autism.

Balding, plain and simple

He's a great bridge for the left to the right by pointing out how insane the left has become. Let him do his thing.

Uncle Freddy?

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Thoughts on Tim Pool?
One of us. Gooble gobble, one of us.

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>balding skateboarder

>and shave his head

Fuck that boomer shit. Just go bald and keep your horseshoe hair.

He finds stories that I would never hear about, so that has me checking his channel almost daily. Don't agree with everything he says, but I don't want to live in an echo chamber like we are always accused of. He seems to be desperately clinging to a liberal ideology that hasn't existed for a longtime now. I'm not sure why either. The left hates him now.

He created LOSS


he's a fake bitch ignore him.

Who's that?

I like him. Except when I’m stoned, then he sounds like a bitch who won’t stop reminding me he’s in the center and not taking sides.

he's obviously a far-right nazi pretending to be a leftist. baka

Not nearly as awesome as Christopher Poole.

Underrated post

faggot hasnt changed since the 2012 shit, not one fucking bit. occasionally he does something useful, but hes like room temperature piss.

>reads the news
>the left is out of control
>"I'm a rational center leftist"
>virtue signal
>Remind everyone he's center left again
>outro music

So ducking boring. Never encountered a more boring specimen.

I like his song theme

he's got a faggoty undercurrent in his vocal tone

Tim Jow Forums is the living embodiment of the randical centrists around here, aka they hate the left but are in denial about their own positions. His videos are whatever, very rambly and repetitive but definitely more palatable red pills for normies. His livestreams when he does them are good though because he get's in shit, just gotta mute his ass.

Hey Tim stop making these threads


He's alright, he's going to have to eventually open his eyes. He acts surprised at constant lefty retardation every time. Meanwhile for the rest of the audience it's groundhog day.

I like him, been watching his videos since Berkeley

I started watching him for the Din Du Ferguson riots. If I see an interesting topic, I'll put it one of his videos on for background noise. I loved that not even 2 years ago, he had this "ah, the right's just over-exaggerating what's happening" to "this is insane what's happening today".

I like him, he is honest.
Ofc, he is retarded by saying "oh, welfare would be good!!", but i think it's cause he doesn't see that the welfare is the USA is the last stage of the West before it falls.
Cause we ve already seen that shit, at the end of Rome.
Hyper regulation of the rich/company owners, and "panem et circensem", AKA Welfare and Entertainment.
We already got Entertainment thanks to cable and youtube, the last step is Welfare.

PS: after the fall of the west internet will be used as a monitoring tool, more efficent than cable/religion, thanks to the real time monitoring.

His politics are still retarded, but he is slowly changing. At first he tried to point fingers both ways and now he almost exclusively criticises the left. Hated him at the start but he does good analysis for kekfags.

based and redpilled but sensible enough to not call himself conservative or right wing. I like him, and I like what he used to do at VICE before it went to shit.

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That's what he has but he can't lose the beanie.

You forgot his Korean heritage.

He's bald.

I think he might be a mixed-race centrist.

I'd let him have a go without a rubber.

whiny faggot but not the punchable kind

Best possible leftist there is. Would welcome him in the ethnostate.

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he is still retarded. he still believes liberals can be changed.

I'm not as pessimistic as you; we will win this, but it is true that you all were subject to these exact trends1500 years ago

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>I unironically love his content. Watching a leftist become blackpilled about his own philosophy is the greatest source of schadenfreude I could ever hope for.
Very good way of putting it. The only thing that annoys me is that he is still very apologetic to progressivism, so I wonder if this will change over the next year

pretty much this

Doesn't bother me that much. A tolerable individual.

>Thoughts on Tim Pool?

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Not /ourguy/ A CivLib until he gets (((Gabbed))), After that it's 50/50.
>"Don't take my hat! It preserves my anonymity!

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Who was the "coal-burning camwhore" he collaborated with?

He should get some plugs but from where?

He is resisting so hard still. He doesn't want to admit some stuff. It looks like deep inside he know he wants to take the red pill but still doesn't

Plugs always look fake. Wearing a hat is his "thing", just like this cool guy.
>Fuck optics, just be bald.

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His name is Betsy

Vince is a better Shine-head

If he wasn't mixed he would be 1488 by now. These people can't look beyond their own feelings to give an objective view of what the "best" solutions are. If he would had kids, they'd be white passing mutts. It's in his best interest to fight for the cause.

mainly this but he still believes in some progressive ideals. it's funny when he gets frustrated at his own kind when they act like retards.

he bald

Hes good. He is an okey dokey. Doesn't mean that everything he says is correct. Just like no one person has it all sorted out.

He's not a complete faggot and retard, but he goes there occasionally.
It's fun watching him choke as the redpill goes down his throat.

this guyis the epitome of the beta-cuck dopamine addicted attention whore. He literally emanates neediness and a desire to please, so weak, so pathetic, an odds on certainty for future suicide.

No spoon.

Tim is cool. He seems like a cool dude 10/10 would chill

I like him.

I wish he were more honest. He loves to say how leftist he is, reminds his audience constantly... but his videos don't reflect that. He overwhelmingly creates video content that caters to people on the right if you ask me.

Keep waiting for him to just break and start shilling for conservatism. It’s obvious now he’s a man without a party but I bet the right cucked GOP platform would sway him.

I could knock him out with a single punch. Possibly kill him if he hit his head on the concrete

So you believe he is right wing, but pretending to be/lying about being left wing?

Probably because if he wants to make a living he has to make content for that group. Normie leftists get their fill from normal sources and don’t have to seek out fringe Youtubers to find someone who will say things they like.

His whole reluctant leftism is like a cocktease girl playing hard to get.

The hat is literally destroying his life

>Can't go to humid locations which severely limits his reporting scope - gets so sweaty under there
>Can't go to rowdy hotspots anymore (someone might take his hat off)
>Can't do journalism in places where the hat looks too awkward

Tim can basically only do journalism in Canada and Nordic states. He's fucked.

He is a centrist attention whore.
He is just telling you what you already know. You just feel good because your world-view is validated.
He does not take risks, he does not even attempt to tackle real questions. He is a gatekeeping flavor of the month shill.

You will just just to the next e-whore in a couple of month, just like you did with Milo, PJW, molymeme, peterstein, tradthots, et cetera.

What temp piss do you prefer?

Whatever shall he do

Steaming hot piss of course.

Came here to post this.

He can't take the redpill because he is a mutt

He is a Democrat voter tjhat wants to try turn people on the right back to the left, he doesn't try to hide this..

Having said that I still like his videos.

Hes okay but lose the beanie and go full bald

His thought is, the only way to bring back people who moved to the right is via friendship.

bald prick

Nobody wants to be friends with a fence sitter

People shouldn't race mix

He's alright but since he's a literal chantard, I'll give him a pass on some of his cucked beliefs.

Is he a nigger kike?

Does he still have a verified user ID?
I still remember that thread where he dropped in and got verified.

He's a cuck. He let Cenk of the Young Turks talk shit to him in public & he just took it like a pussy. I used to think there were two types of people, those who fight or those who choose flight. Tim Pool is the type of dumbass who's too stupid to even run away. He instead just stands there and tries to reason with retards who hate him. I guess his type are those who get on their knees begging for reason to exist right before they get their heads lopped off by the Crazy Cenk types.

No he wouldn't. He has no back bone at all. He's a weak ass pussy.

Before that vid, I thought Pool was just an optics cuck who claims to be Center Left, no he really is a fucking wuss.

Yeah this. That's exactly what he is. He makes decent journalism vids since he actually tries to state nothing but the facts, but his beta-faggy nature is really annoying.

Tim is just a poor person pandering to whoever will give him the most shekels for the least effort.