Can it get any crazier than this?

CNN is implying that FOX News has responsibility for inciting the Pittsburg shooter because they called the migrant caravan “invaders”.

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Other urls found in this thread:

now it gets interesting, MSM networks slinging shit at each other?
Free drama

>tv talking point

There are a lot of non crazies that think this too. It is an invasion.

What is the shooter's position on 2+2? I hope he doesn't say 4. If he does, we're going to be rewriting a lot of math books.

>FOX News has blood on their hands

He apparently wore Tucker Carlson ties every day too.

never forget goys

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babbys first time watching adult news

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Based home invaders. Based word policing mob and invasion. Based California modern face of liberals.

It’s a real shame how incompetent any of these right wing retards are when they shoot up this place but don’t actually ever successfully kill anyone

what do you know of the smith-mundt modernization act.
It's a rhetorical question because you have no fucking clue

If they go down this road they will also be blamed.

Gaggle of dumb cunts.

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oh hey there metzitzah b'peh internet defense force.
the syngoogle shooter was a jew and hated trump

a boomer finally steps up and starts gassing kikes and Jow Forums calls him a CIA nigger LOLK

more like Black Cube/Mossad

No they wont, you stupid shit. They will get off scot-free courtesy of double think and double standards in our brave new world.

Just more desperation

Uh huh, the moon landing was also a fake, 9/11 was an inside job done by bush and/or the Jews, nobody died at Sandy Hook, Obama is a Muslim nigger. One of these things is true, choose wisely
Now the shooter is a Jew? Fucking leaf, never change.

Boomers literally sit on their couches and consume fox news 24/7 every single day. I have an uncle that literally just sits in front of his tv (he's retired) and does NOTHING but watch fox news, and when he's not watching Fox, he's listening to talk radio, aka rush limbaugh or some other cuckservative brainwasher. Every single day he does this. I haven't talked to him in years and he likely still has the same habits, he's a vile and hateful person and most of our family wants nothing to do with him, but he wasn't always like that, but Fox and talk radio literally turned him into this asshole of a person that no one wants to be around because of how opinionated he is on literally everything.

Fox is a cancer, so is conservative talk radio. It has brainwashed millions of boomers into extreme partisan rhetoric, and we're seeing the exact same thing happen with people like Trump who like my uncle does nothing but spend hours of his day consuming fox news. Seriously, the president sets aside several hours every single day for "executive time" where he does nothing but watch Fox. Fox News is literally controlling the presidency and his policies with what they say on their network.


Good video. Tucker is one of the few sane people remaining.

>Uh huh, the moon landing was also a fake, 9/11 was an inside job done by bush and/or the Jews, nobody died at Sandy Hook, Obama is a Muslim nigger. One of these things is true, choose wisely
The moon landing IS fake

Israel used nukes in the basements on 9/11

Sandy hook was a hoax.

Obama is a JEW and NOT EVEN BLACK

Kill yourself you schizo freak, what the fuck is happening to this goddamn board jesus christ

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Are you projecting here pal, what the fuck are you on about? Also, not going anywhere, been here since before Jow Forums was a board. People like you are likely the redditor newfaggots from 2016 that stayed here and made this place a shithole.

Your uncle sounds like an alright dude. It must have been hard putting up with the morons and bed wetters in your family. Desu

Jeff Zucker....Is that you Jeff?

>Obama is a Jew
Holy shit user I spat out my mtn dew and knocked over my tendies from laughing

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That means we need to double down on calling them invaders.

> been here since before Jow Forums was a board.
You've been here for at least 7 years and you think watching Fox News makes someone "vile and hateful?"

>I was here for years
Yeah? Me too. Back in 2011 before it was known as politically incorrect. Just because you’re an old fag doesn’t mean you’re not a fucking delusional mental ward escapee

My uncle is a shitty person, and part of that is because of how he's changed after becoming ultra partisan (much like many of you here). No one wants to be around someone who's constantly whining about politics, or getting angry about shit that doesn't even matter because fox news told them to be outraged about some bullshit issue. My uncle is also addicted to pain pills,has plenty of mental issues and lives by himself and is in general a miserable person outside of his politics, so no, he's not an "alright dude."

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Just stop, you’re starting to sound like an indignant autist

How was a single thing I said controversial? Are you that offended that I insulted fox news? Oh I see, I upset the echo chamber because discussion about anything that criticizes anything remotely close to Trump is not allowed here, and you get super offended like the little snowflakes you are when anyone dares criticize your cuckservative safe space.

>liar lies about his lies
>media repeats his lies
Yeah you sure showed me

>No one wants to be around someone who's constantly whining about politics, or getting angry about shit that doesn't even matter because fox news told them to be outraged about some bullshit issue.
If this is really what you think, then you clearly haven't been here "since before Jow Forums was a board." Go spread your kikery elsewhere. There are no internet points to gather here.

what a shit drawing

I think you just made the point of why you are a pussy. You can't handle the bants. Your Uncle is correct you are a faggot.

They are gonna use him to attack everything trump. Luckily trump doesn’t give a fuck and neither do we.


Get a load of this boomer

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True, they underestimate the kek effect.

Unlike when you faggots shoot up a baseball game and get the bullets bunted back at you.

Oh no... the shooter connect the obvious dots and then did the thing that made sense.

Look, it's been 2 days. If after tomorrow one of those dead kikes comes back to life, all the kikes are going to be thanking him for finding their messiah and he'll be a hero.

your uncle sounds pretty based

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Absolutely because I've witnessed it first have. I live in Louisiana and I know plenty of people in my family who do nothing but consume Fox for all their propaganda purposes.

By the way, you are allowed to be critical of the MSM and include all networks. I'm in no way a fan of other MSM outlets and I really dislike how news is covered in general these days on all networks. They focus way too much on panels and having a conservative vs. liberal generic debate every 15 minutes on their segments. All news outlets do this shit, they rely completely on commentary instead of just presenting the news and allowing viewers to decide what to think. Instead we're in an era in which facts don't matter and our commentators will tell the viewers what to think and try to satisfy the conservatives and liberals with their perspective commentators.

Of all MSM news outlets however, Fox is by far the most partisan and the most destructive of them all, it's not even close.

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>thinks anyone cares about the kikes at Fox News
Yeah, just as I thought, you're no oldfag.

It sounds like you wet the bed.

hes unironically a jew loving muslim.

Bingo. They do nothing but tell you what to think.

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>Of all MSM news outlets however, Fox is by far the most partisan and the most destructive of them all, it's not even close.
Post your oldest meme, newfriend.

Translation: I'm a shit eating faggot who wants to support my wifes son, I hate politically inclined family members becuase FUCK DRUMFP, how dare they not be completely uninformed about everything like me? I'm basically Harry Potter.

Literally saying the same thing.

Only they sterilize ethiopians in israel.

Why the fuck does it even matter?

The race war is happening no matter if leftist talking heads want us to call the invaders "latinx" or not.

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Your Uncle is a cool dude. You're the problem ass licker. You think he's an asshole cause he's the only one injecting truth into you and your low energy family's lives.

"You have more than you know"

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most of my oldest Jow Forums pics are from 2007, so yes I've been here for over a decade.

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Btfo nigger


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There's nothing adult about the news for a long time now.

>Fox is by far the most partisan and the most destructive of them all, it's not even close
Fuck off shill. MSNBC, CNN and all the other Jew run networks would like a word with you. Fox actually reports the news, the others have panels of 8 talking heads interpreting the news and how it pertains to making Trump come off as Hitler

Fuck off Jordan

If you're looking to get informed about anything, Fox News is the last place you should ever go for an objective view. All Fox will do is appeal to the conservative echo chamber, just as a network like MSNBC will appeal to a more left leaning echo chamber.

CNN obviously leans more to the left but again they are appealing to a more "centrist" audience I guess, but at the same time they fail to present the news and instead devolve into needless panels every hour that never end, and when there's a breaking story they literally focus on it all day long instead of taking time to cover literally any other news going on in the world. That's the issue with all news cable stations too, they all focus on one thing at a time instead of just fucking giving viewers the news itself.

Years ago we used to just have news anchors present the news. There weren't constant opinion shows / panels / whatever, it was just a presentation of what happened that day / big events going on in the world of significance.

Fox was pretty much the only "fair and balanced" news source during the election, -t. Harvard.

one propaganda broadcaster attacking another propaganda broadcaster because they broadcast a different type of propaganda

off yourself if you like either of these (((news))) outlets

I can not wait for this guys trial. Hes going to redpill the entire country when he takes the stand in his own defense and denounces the international jew.

>Words words words

I don't watch Fox News so whatever you said isn't worth reading.
You could have at least shooped the creation date, Jordan...

Hey Zucker, wutcha doin?

>I've totally been here since the beginning guys.
>Oh, and by the way, my Uncle is a "vile" person because he watches fox news
user, come on... You should have just admitted you're a normie.

Isn't one of Obama's grandparents Jewish though?

He's half black, 1/4th white and 1/4th kike.

so if they say no evidence exists
where is the evidence
i am highly intrigued

You are so entirely full of shit to say that CNN appeals to centrists. That statement is beyond shit.
If you want centrist news, watch CBS. They have their liberal biases, all journos do, but they try very hard to be unbiased.
But CNN? Give me a fucking break.

>CNN obviously leans more to the left but again they are appealing to a more "centrist" audience

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Now would be a good time to troll the hell out of them on social media. If they're already worked up, push them further into a frenzy and watch them massively overplay their hand and do something dumb.

He also called them termites, the video of Louis Farrakhan saying so having been watched millions of times on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit without getting banned even one time prior to the shooting. Really makes your Brazil nuts nuke the LGBT.

Negative vs. positive coverage is not a good measure of how you say a network is balanced.

Trump does nothing but create controversy by the things he says on a daily basis, and then whines about the media talking and commentating on the stupid things he says / does, including many lies and falsehoods he continuously parrots daily that the media chooses to dissect, This is why so much coverage of Trump is negative, he has set the tone with how he treats the media, and how he bullies his political enemies, and his general tone and demeanor and lack of class.

It's like going into a sports stadium filled and shit talking all the opposing fans and then getting angry when they say negative things back at you, yet he does this literally every single day either by twitter or his rallies.

I mean are people seriously shocked about the amount of negative coverage? It's hard to not have it when there's literally another negative thing Trump says / does every single day, or a major scandal from his administration breaking, like that NYT op ed a few months ago, or the NYT story about Fred Trump and how Trump inherited wealth from his father. Trump deserves all the negative coverage he receives. Maybe he should tone down the rhetoric and act presidential for once, but no that wouldn't rile up his base of degenerates.

So I guess I just made up all the folders and everything too? Man I must be really dedicated to just make shit up for internet points.

*Jews termites

man I must be really dedicated to be an oldfag to have an old ass folder filled with shitty dead memes.

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>Trump does nothing but create controversy by the things he says on a daily basis, and then whines about the media talking and commentating on the stupid things he says / does, including many lies and falsehoods he continuously parrots daily that the media chooses to dissect,
Yes, you're lying. I've been posting here longer than I'm proud of. The fact that I've never seen someone with your posting style until today makes it impossible for you to have been here since the beginning. Maybe you've been on /b/ since 2007, maybe you're just making shit up, I really don't know or care. I do know that you haven't been on Jow Forums for more than a few days.

ancient memes

I haven't had cable tv for two decades....anytime I catch a glimpse at an airport or something it honest to god repulses me so profoundly it freaks me out. The commercials alone ...I don't know how anyone can handle it. Tv people are aliens to me.

Can I be an oldfag too?

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Does anyone besides boomers and also faggots trying to prove a point watch CNN?

It's just dog whistling to give Fox credibility among the half aware crowd. In reality Fox is just as Zio-Cucked as CNN.

lol, literally been here since before Jow Forums existed and on Jow Forums since day 1. I know it's shocking that not every single person here got indoctrinated into the trump cult. Not all of us lost the ability to think for ourselves instead of relying on a nearly senile boomer that tweets all day to tell you what to think.

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this is actually good. lefties have blood on their hands for allowing invaders in, and causing unrest in the country

The shooter drank Pepsi too. Pepsi is the drink of terrorists.

>I do know that that faggot hasn't been on Jow Forums for more than a few days
These fucking morons still have no clue as to why they can never blend in and how they stand out like their fucking heads are on fire

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>jews scream all over twitter before this happened to eliminate all whites
>even saying to kill all whites from the planet
>not a fucking peep from other jews on this
>this happens
holy fuck, can they get any more fucking violent?

t. radical centrist or synagogue shooter