Vegans are objectively better

>doesn't kill innocent animals
>stronger and healthier
>clean teeth
>don't have to worry about being fat or constipated
>meals always look delicious

Carnists are substandard in every regard

Attached: vegan vs carnist.jpg (2000x1000, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread: powerlifters

We have canine teeth for a reason. You are weak from no meat.

Eggs are i portant, why would vegans ot eat eggs? Especially from hens that have a good life?


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>doesnt worry about being fat.

False. Many vegans are on high carb diet which literally makes them fat.

>stronger and healthier
Thats why most powerlifters are vegan, right?

>[citations missing]

>fried chicken is keto
Fuck off, gook powerlifters

I'm American, retard

I dont consider livestock to be actual wildlife. Cows, chickens, pigs, farm raised salmon. The occasional turkey. Like get over yourself. Those animals better no such purpose outside captivity

A few vegan power lifters does not negate the fact that most are not vegan, nor the fact that the non vegan power lifters perform better than vegan ones.

>murdering countless innocent plants
>bigots who only think animal life is life worth protecting
>killing and eating the only things which can naturally save us from climate change
>develop a protein deficiency
You fucking vegan bigots.

>vitamin B12
>rice and beans barely cover all amino acids in good ratios
>algae oil and flax seed for omega-3 because lol no fish or seafood
>can't wear leather
>can't receive chimeric biologal drugs
>can't receive vaccines
Vegetarians? Sure, I can dig that.
Vegans? No, thanks.

Vegans don't buy eggs as a boycott from the farming industry. Unfertilized eggs aren't morally wrong if the hens are treated humanely.

plants aren't sentient or can feel pain because they don't have a brain or a nervous system.

Objectively, there's no moral or ethical reason to be a vegan. You could have been vegetarian with exactly the same moral "authority" & without as many health problems.

Why vegans buy vitamins pills?
Also plant has a life. It can grow.

>He cuts down forests and drives out animals from their pastures to plant basedbean there.
>doesn't kill innocent animals

Its not about their purpose. If we based who lived and who died on fucking purpose all of Jow Forums would be dead, including you. What the fuck purpose do you serve the world? None.

Its about the grotesque torture that these animals go through.

If we are meant to eat meat how come we have to cook it otherwise there's a risk of it making it sick? And how come we have to tender it and season/marinate it so that it even tastes good? I don't have to go that with my vegetables and fruits. Oh my bad, I forgot actual carnivores in the wild cook their food too. Oh wait

vegans are a minority of the population, so it would make sense that not every power lifter is a vegan.

>non vegan power lifters perform better than vegan ones.


Not when it comes time to fight. Enjoy your wheatgrass.

Vitamin b12 is a bacteria found in soil. The only reason is in meat is because the animals we eat eat the soil. Just dont wash your vetables and you will have enough b12 guaranteed.

Everything else in your post is retarded but I'm sure you knew that.

>plants aren't sentient or can feel pain
they are tho

>Vegans kill a larger number of animals
>Vegans are awesome

>>doesn't kill innocent animals
animals don't have morals, they can't be guilty or innocent. they're just animals.
>>stronger and healthier
>>clean teeth
vegans have bad dental health. which makes sense vegan because diet is high on sugar. if you eat an animal-based diet you will never have cavity, simple.
>>don't have to worry about being fat or constipated
it's impossible to gain fat on a ketogenic diet. vegans are either fat, skinnyfat or malnourished. fat and obese people in general are on plant-based diets. a lot of them also have digestive issues, because a vegan or a plant-based diet in general, is unnatural for humans.
>>meals always look delicious
no. a lot of the time they even try to make their meals taste and look like carnivore meals with shows how dumb and backwards the entire lifestyle is.

We literally dont buy vitamin pills. At least not the smart vegans.

Ok, its my turn. Why do meat eaters buy vitamin pills?

Have you heard of farming mang? We dont cut down forest and eat the trees, we eat stuff that was farmed cruelty free.

Vegans that call me a murderer for eating a steak can go into the trash

You can eat it raw retard it just it has parasites n shiet in it. Animals fucking die all the time from bacteria and parasites. And that because they don’t cook their meat retard.

>What chu say about me pussy meat eater?

Attached: vegandude.png (1770x743, 942K)

If vegans didnt farm their food themself how do they know the food was farmed cruelty free?

I'd love to hear your argument on how plants are conscious

Eating nothing but bunny food is unnatural and so is homo stuff.
Unnatural is unhealthy by default.

Meat tastes great without seasoning. Just don't over cook it. But you're just a faggot

youre going to become sick, frail, prone to ailment as your organs work overtime trying to keep you alive. Its not worth it

I dont have the enzymes to process proper vegetables because my family is descended from inuits. If i were to go vegan i would die

The plants have lived and lived for a hundred years if the dirty vegans had not ripped them off.

This is Hafþór's diet. He won worlds strongest man 2018. As you can see, its full of meat. You can look up previous years winners, Im not going to get 20 links together. There is a link between meat consumption and athletic performance, especially in sports like powerlifting. All the top performers consume meat for a reason. There has not been a vegan who ever won worlds strongest man.

>animals don't have morals, they can't be guilty or innocent. they're just animals.
Yes but we have morals. And we are guilty if we choose to murder and eat animals.
>vegans have bad dental health. which makes sense vegan because diet is high on sugar. if you eat an animal-based diet you will never have cavity, simple.
Is that why all the dentist offices are filled with meat eating scum? lel
>it's impossible to gain fat on a ketogenic diet
Enjoy dying at 55

Meat alone cooked tastes good but adding stuff makes it better and cooking it is more beneficial than eating it raw.

Vegans are responsible for plenty of dead animals but the farms will never tell you about all the dead animals they pull out of the industrial blades after a harvest lol it’s a bloody massacre. They just wash the blood off the products you with a hose lol so many of the vegans have no clue or they’re in denial.

But the meat consumed comes from a creature without a soul.

I'm glad you're here Thaibro

>Just dont wash your vetables

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Don't use a Korean proxy then, Kim.

American isn't a race fishhead thought you gooks were supposed to be smart.

Consuming sugar and refined carbohydrates which cause dental issues does not mean its the meat causing these problems. At least take a second to think before you write something so stupid.

And thinking you will die at 55 from a keto diet is absolutely retarded, you actually have to be trolling here.

Why should I be bothered about killing animals?

Humans should eat a diverse diet, going extreme either way is going to end up bad

I'm stationed at a US airbase in Korea

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I'm white with blue eyes and freckles.

Sometimes I like a nice salad.

>Vitamin b12 aka cyanocobalamin is a bacteria found in the soil
Did you mean to say that it is PRODUCED by bacteria? If so, yes, it is produced by bacteria.

>Everything else in your post is retarded but I'm sure you knew that.
Enlighten me, then. Why is rice fortified with lysine, tryptophan, and methionine? Those aren't as common in plants, but beans make a good combo with rice.
There are no omega-3 sources aside from plankton, algae and fish. And algae don't have fatty adipose tissue for you to easily absorb it, so you have to opt for algae oil. Flax seed is a notable exception with a bit more omega-3, tho.
And vegans, as in, "no animal products, ever", can't receive vaccines made using eggs or mice cells, chimeric drugs like Infliximab or wear leather. But I guess when you're dying from Crohn's disease, staying vegan means little and you just take that infliximab shot.


>stronger and healthier

Commencing mini dump of the delicious vegan food I eat on a regular basis. Some of it is home made like this, others is bought.

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The problem with meat no a days is it’s one of the most polluted forms if food you can buy, animals are so jacked up with hormones etc, its toxic as fuck. Organic is slightly better.

You can still be extremely healthy without any meat products, when you take this into consideration, BUYING meat becomes an ethical and moral issue. If one doesnt need it to survive and be healthy , then you are just killing a sentient animals because “it tastes good and makes you feel good, it’s pleasurable”. You just kill animals for pleasure because it tastes good to eat their flesh.

If you are served meat, and had no bearing on whether it was killed or not, didnt purchase the meat (like a scavenger in nature) then you are off the hook of the moral hit from purchasing and patronizing the killing for pleasure industry. Generally, non organic meat is a net loss on you biological system in terms of how much nutrition it provides compared to how much nutrition it needs to process , digest , and remove it from your body

Well for one, its the biggest cause of environmental pollution and also the meat industry receives heavy government subsidies just so that the meat can be affordable. Meat industry is literally a huge welfare queen. And we all hate welfare queens here on Jow Forums.

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You're on Jow Forums. You're de facto degenerate.

>takes pictures of food
>eats food for pleasure

You are a faggot. Plain and simple

All this for 22 bucks btw

>le vegan food is expensive!!!1!

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post the dump your boyfriend left up your ass

Eating lettuce is over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon.

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$22 for lettuce and refried beans, you're really sticking it to us omnivores pal!

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So, nothing then

>And we are guilty if we choose to murder and eat animals.

It's not a choice, it's the diet we're meant to eat. We need animal protein and fats to function normally and reproduce. Vegans can survive but most of them look malnourished and behave like mentally ill unstable people. You've been brainwashed, slaves eat grains.

>Is that why all the dentist offices are filled with meat eating scum? lel
most of the world doesn't exclude meat from their diet, but as a whole their diet is plant-based, carb-based. Look around in a supermarket.

Sugar causes cavities, dental issues appeared after the agricultural revolution. You can't get cavities on an animal-based diet, our hunter-gatherer ancestors had perfect teeth.

Actually it had vegan meat too which was delicious.

>>don't have to worry about being fat or constipated
Mostly because vegan food is so disgusting that constant gnawing hunger is preferable. Unless you stuff your desperate maw with vegan friendly chocolates at which point you might as well just live off piles of white sugar and vitamin pills.

>meals always look delicious
And taste like soap.

I guess that explains yourfaggotry, then

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You don't care where your tax money goes? Well you are from england. I guess its to be expected.

Tell me that burger doesn't look delicious

and these nachos too. YUM

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Because cooking our food is what makes us smarter than every other species on the planet

meat has certain fats that are required for a normal functioning body
also vegans lack iodine

Daily reminder that animal products are a huge source of estrogen and the "onions boy" meme should be replaced with "beef boy" and "milk drinker."

The real redpill diet is more about quality than restricting any food group.

Avoid pesticides, hormones, and additive garbage generally regardless whether you’re eating plant dairy eggs meat or fish.

That means organic that means free range that means either grown yourself (best) or essentially how smart rich people eat. People shit on so-called “basedboys” but you could honestly do worse than to buy everything at Whole Foods.

Hippies are actually more right than they are wrong, do what they do but indulge in some grass fed high quality beef or better yet hunt yourself and some eggs and milk from a trustworthy farm and you’re good.

All are short term vegans that do it for publicity/sponsorships and probably on roids. Imagine trusting anyone who wants to make a career out of their body's appearance.

why do vegans drink beer or eat bread? do those poor yeast not matter ?

The human brain actually evolved thanks to starches, and not meat fats like your Jewish history books say. Look it up famlam

Also this. Ever wonder why some of you have bitchtits? Lel. Enjoy your estrogen

Animals also don't wash their vegetables

Pretty much, they have no idea their imported onions from China is often mixed with dead rats and other rodents kek. Same goes for the normal plants or fruit farming cause accidents happen.
>b-but muh cruelty-free
says who lol?
Bring a vegan just means making your life less enjoyable for the sake of your image. Then again, I don't believe for a second most "vegans" don't eat meat every once in a while behind people's back c|:^)


You initiate that it is morally wrong to eat animals. Then when asked why, you talk about taxes and the environment as your default answer. You have no moral authority, you are not better than anyone by not eating meat

>hunt yourself
>Jow Forums

Lel. You realize that masculinity for these people involves going to a supermarket and buying their cut and packaged manly meat right?

Veganism is for wymen and faggots, both want to be thin, weak and pale. Heterosexual men need to be strong and look healthy, so need meat, eggs and potentially milk products.

veganism is a cult

Yum I want to eat fried chicken now! But it's 4:34am hmmm...

Also it’s not about perfectionism, it’s about making better choices.

You don’t need to be an autist who never goes out with acquaintances and friends for drinks or food, but when you’re at home try to do the best you can most of the time.

Two or even three slices of pizza with the game on Saturday with two cold beers? A little indulgence. Half a pizza and a large bottle of coke? You need to control yourself.

>doesn't kill innocent animals
Who cares? They're livestock.

>stronger and healthier
Debatable. It's not so much that meat leads to weaker people, so much as most vegans tend to also be health conscious, while the average person can be all over. Arguably, it's the over-consumption of sugar that's leading people to be fat, not meat.

>don't have to worry about being fat or constipated
Drink a soda every day. That's perfectly vegan. You'll end up fat as hell.

>meals always look delicious
No they don't. Look at this image. If the very sight of it doesn't make your mouth start to tingle with desire, you may have brain damage.

Attached: delish-cajun-butter-steak-still006-1528495387.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

>undressed lettuce
Looks great OP

>The human brain actually evolved thanks to starches
>Oh my bad, I forgot actual carnivores in the wild cook their food too. Oh wait

So what you're saying is that the human brain exploded in size because our ancestors sat around eating difficult to digest and starchy tubers which also somehow caused their intestinal mass to shrink, and not because they needed to chase down and outsmart energy-rich and easily digestible prey animals?

Is it not our moral obligation to take care of our planet? I mean its the only one we have after all. If it dies we die. That's why the notion of humans having free will is bullshit. We are all symbiotically connected to this planet and we must obey the rules of nature if we are to survive as a species. If something is hurting our environment in a big way, isn't it our moral responsibility to get rid of said harm, so as to secure the future of the white race?

>If we are meant to eat meat how come we have to cook it otherwise there's a risk of it making it sick?
due to the fact that humans have not been solely carnivores or big eaters of raw meat, we've lost a lot of the evolutionary characteristics necessary to survive on the low quality meats that are abundant. eating fresh meat is possible, if it is unpolluted. look up tartare and sashimi

>>don't have to worry about being fat or constipated
explain sumo wrestlers then? they gorge on greens exclusively, some eat over 10lbs of food a day