Trident Juncture 2018

While NATO is having a exercise in Norway, Russia is test shooting misiles in the Norwegian sea.

Who would win the war of Norway?

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NATO is like 6 times stronger than Russia.

If its anything like the Iceland War, we'll prevail.

For you.

I'll bet they will "accidentally" fire a missile at one of our oil rigs and start a war. Vodka niggers

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Yea no im cälling SÄPO on your ass right now kid you beter check your windows

Doesnt mätter kids gonna be V& in 15 mins
Screencap this

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Alfa-forces have already been spotted in Norway, attempting to test security, sabotaging radio-towers to see how they could bring down the net to delay any attempted warning of an incoming invasion, they constantly try to spy on nato & un meetings.

Bare gi dere. Norge har alltid hatt et godt forhold til Russland. Eneste grunnen for at Russland har noe i mot Norge er at vi er medlem i organisasjoner som NATO og EOS

That's not why they sabotage surveillance equipment, and broadcast-towers.

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[Heimel vantar]

>Get invaded and replaced by sandniggers
>governament litteraly sells you and your entire cultural heritage
"Fucking russians are the real thrat. Will invade anymoment now..."

Funny thing is swedes and finns say the same shit.

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Samme hvem som vinner, vi taper uansett

Even if it's already pretty high, legal firearms ownership needs to go up. Far more Norwegians should get both handguns and hunting rifles&shotguns. Any Russian operative from alfa will kill if caught in the act, and not just observed, and their standard practice is to dump bodies in the ocean or start house-fires. Worth keeping an eye out in media for suspicious deaths like it.

>While NATO is having a exercise in Norway, Russia is test shooting *missiles in the Norwegian sea.
>Russia shoots a live one
>WW3 instantly develops

Northen Norway is fucked either way. Thats why the f35 is stationed in central Norway.

Russia looks at Norway the same way Hitler did.

>t. Soring

There's F-35 far further north. Large quantities of QRF F-35's & F-16's are posted on the largest island of Norway with live warheads equipped at all times.

>Implying Murrica actually gives a shit about us.

We are only a strategic spot for missiles and shit.

Death to America
Death to Israel
A curse upon the jews
Fuckin hail hitler

NATO is the union of death.
Cursed be our invaders, soldiers of zion.
Link to the abomination.
Idk if it works world wide.
Try a Norwegian proxy.


Such is the fate of being amerikike satellite. NATO "countries" are the ultimate cuck countries.

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How's it feel being a slave and cannon fodder to amerikikes? How's it feel dying on the battlefield to Ivan's missiles while your puppet government lets shitskins rape and breed your women back home? All for the glory of NATO of course.

Anyone have a few webms og that faggot gay Norwegian soldier guy, who screams naked in the shower with an hk416

the anti-russia narrative has been shilled like crazy in norwegian media the last couple of years

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Those are the people who kills shiites in name of Israel.

If the war breaks out, i'll join team vlad

Live feed of the DV stuff was great. Some nice shots of ospreys in action.

Anyone else watched it?

I was kinda hoping the rotors would hit something.

I have a feeling you arent Norwegian. Are you here because of our sympathy?

Jeg er norsk som faen.
Jeg bare hater å invadere Shia muslimer sammen med al Qaida på vegne av Israel.

Håper du er klar over at norske soldater jobber tett sammen med og trener med al-Qaida

Misliker du denne slags forsvarsovelse også?
Eller er det kun utenlandsarbeidet vårt du misliker?

Misliker NATO generelt

Vet godt om vår stotte til sunni grupper i midtosten.

"Moderate" opprorere er nyttige idioter, imorgen slipper vi noen kongsberg produkter på de igjen.
>mtp israel stotte har vi gjort mye "værre" ting

People are dying man.
Also ckecked.

Vi var med på grunnleggelsen av nato. Hvis du misliker de pga vår tendens til å drepe muslimer bor du tenke deg litt om. Artikel 4 ble tatt i bruk etter 9\11.

Alt vi gjor i midtosten er hevn. En ganske sadistisk hevn, men hevn er det. Snart vil saudi familien også forsvinne, så snart vi har tomt olje felta for godt.

Er en opinions skifte om disse folka underveis, men deres rolle i iraq\syria\afgh er seriost overvurdert på Jow Forums.

>When a nation with a fraction of NATOs budgets is a threat to it
haha what

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Redpill me on the Alfa.

Elite FSB units. Not sure what is referring to. Would love to see some sources on the sabotage.

Wouldn't be surprised if hes right.

>feiler å se det store geopolitiske bildet
fuck Bush!

Russia should flatten Sweden.

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What a beautiful language. Wonder how the chiken dance song sounds in norwegian