Change my mind
There's nothing wrong with planting trees
Trees are awesome.
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If you are a hippie libtard.
Are real red blooded alfa chad has a chainsaw in one hand and a torch in the other. A real master of nature. Thants why you vote trump or else you are a cuk. Maga
trees are the jews of the plant world
they suck out all of the water and nutrients from the earth and they have ever-growing tentacle branches that spread out to steal everyones sunlight for themselves
Just remove sheep. And hunt deer. Big reveal is trees plant themselves
if you plant too many there won't be any space for graveyards
>8 billion humans
>each requires 3 square meters of land area to bury
>every generation we consume a land area the size of New Jersey just to bury everyone
Forest burials
obviously the perfect solution is to stop burying people in coffins, and just let their bodies decompose underground and have the natural forests above them feed on the nutrients from their bodies
>plants eucalyptus trees in California
>causes the entire state to burst into flames
Trees are our friends and there is objectively nothing conveivably wrong with their propagation.
Plant more trees, line city streets with them, live in them.
Who would claim otherwise? Maybe when it comes to foreign species, but in general? Is that a position anyone actually takes?
actually most people get burned to ash
>Just remove sheep.
fuck off
okay then numb nuts go plant some Erythroxylaceae trees and see what happens to you
The trees are strong my lord. Their roots go deep
It's a position Jews take.
Agreed. Australia - eucalyptus is national tree so let's plant everywhere. Portugal - eucalyptus is great for paper making so let's plant everywhere. California - eucalyptus is great for shade and drought so let's plant everywhere. UK - cherry laurel is great for hedges and cover so let's plant everywhere. Indonesia - palm oil is great for trade so let's plant everywhere . Scotland - sitka spruce is great for timber so let's plant everywhere. Tree planting is greenwashing, plant too many of any one species and you have a hotbed for disease fire failure and pollution of soil
>trees are the jews of the plant world
Wrong, the tree stands strong on it's own and will exact the water and nutrients himself, he is the Aryan of the plant world. The climbing plant pulls itself up by the tree and can only accomplish anything if the Aryan tree guides him and pulls him up, it's the nigger of the plant world. Like the Jew is not a human, bark beetle is not a plant, but he is the Jew of the plant world because his entire existence consists of destroying it.
And after you kill them you can make many useful things from their corpses!
Learn2biology. The natural world is a constant fight for supremecy. Without the beetle the tree would not grow thick bark and immune systems. The ivy does not harm a strong vibrant tree but drags down the aged and failing. If you do not respect the beetle and the ivy you see nothing at all.
Depends on the tree and where you plant it.
Willows, for example, will ass-fuck your water table - so dont plant them in areas which have issues with water scarcity.
Other examples:
Australian acacias - burn really really well, so dont plant them in areas that have seasonal burning patters. The branches also naturally shed, so dont plant them near houses - they will break roofs/cars/people
Pine - shedding of needles will ass-fuck any growth on the forest floor, so if you want to establish a double layer of growth (tree-top and ground level) dont plant them.
>You need us, Goy
>We make you stronger
Fuck off, Shlomo.
>hates trees
>lives in a desert
The real parasites are those brought in by peogle from other areas. Worse still are those like sheep - bred to eradicate all green things. If your going to start bitching about some native ivy you sound like a massive faggot
>let's all go live in the forest and permaculture...just like those technologically advanced amazonian pygmy tribes.
Idiot. The British empire was built on the wool trade. We are the reason Australia is covered in the little wooly fuckers.
Australia's covered in sheep because it was a useless penal colony. Wool stopped being relevant when industry moved to cotton. The only things it helped to build was cathedrals 300 years ago when it was worth something
You planted something, I planted a fir tree and wanted to form a hedge. but missed the moment and they grew to giant size. And they have to be protected from snowy blacks who want to cut it and make a Christmas tree.
live oaks are such awesome trees. My aunt has a huge one in her front yard in rural Georgia. Her 2 out door cats hunt grey squirrels in it
>Wool stopped being relevant when industry moved to cotton
Wool is the reason we were even able to live this far north, dumbass.
But you go live in Glasgow with your cotton T shirts and tell me I'm wrong.
Wool didn't even slow down from being super relevant until we had the tech to make made made thermofibres, and it's still one of the most important fibre crops in the world.
>The only things it helped to build was cathedrals 300 years ago
read a fucking book.